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An in-depth look at: Force Powers- Pyrokinesis


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Sorry it's been so long since my last thread. I've been really busy with The BattleZone, my fan-fic, and the dailies in game. But I am back with a requested subject. This time, we examine Pyrokinesis.


"The Bothans called her 'Fire Eater'..."- Obi-Wan Kenobi, in regards to Knol Ven'nari.


Pyrokinesis is the Jedi art of manipulating or creating fire. Through the manipulation of molecules, a Jedi can create fire, or manipulate an already open flame.


A Jedi can create fire by manipulate the molecules of combustible objects to create fire. Through this, a Jedi can create fire to serve several purposes be it offensive or defensive in nature. Jedi Master Yarael Poof was masterful in this area, and his capabilities were infamous amongst members of the Jedi Order.


Typically, a Jedi would simply manipulate an existing flame. Through the Force, a Jedi could turn the smallest flame into a raging inferno. This was seen when Darth Sidious killed Pax Teem by coaxing a small flame to set fire to the latter's room to kill him. Manipulation of flame could be taken so far as to redirect explosions. This was shown when Knol Ven'nari protected her allies from several explosions by drawing the flame to her. This, unfortunately killed her.


There is a broad range of applications for this ability. A Jedi can create fire for offense, or even use it to survive in the wild by creating a small fire. It should, however, be noted that a Jedi should be wary of the flame created. Raging inferno's could spread, endangering innocent lives.


There is an ability that can be used to have the opposite effect of Pyrokinesis. The ability is known as Cryokinesis, and is used to draw the heat out of an object or person. When used on a person, it would draw the heat out of them to subdue them. However, it is unlikely that this could be used on the self.


It should be noted that there are other abilities that can be used to create fire. A practitioner of Alter Environment can manipulate molecules to raise temperatures to the point that objects could spontaneously combust. Though this would most likely endanger the user as well.


Pyrokinesis has its uses, but has the potential to cause more harm than good. However, despite the drawbacks, Pyrokinesis remains a powerful tool.


Requested by Killikaa and Bionamaster

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Another great thread!


Ive always been interested in this, never knew if it existed, or was possible before...

Thanks for the great read, well constructed and insightful as always ;)


It's not exactly well known. There have been like only four or five uses in all of canon that I know of. It's very rare, indeed.


Thanks for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

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It's interesting that you're slowly compiling these overview threads, but it does concern me that some "Force Powers" which were introduced as individual gimmicks for a certain character or group of Force Sensitives may slowly end up applied across the whole spectrum of Force Users.


As you said, pyrokinesis is pretty rare, and not really a stock power. Just like Force Walking is almost a unique ability for the Kalligs, there are certain abilities which are tied more to particular characters than Force Sensitives in general.


One thing which has annoyed me tremendously was the Battle Meditation splurge. Initially, Bastila Shan was a really valuable character to the Republic because of her ability to use Battle Meditation. She turned the tide of entire engagements simply through the Force. Since then, more and more people have remarkably developed Battle Meditation, and numerous characters were ret-conned into having it. At this point, it's pretty much par for the course that a powerful commander or Sith Lord must have Battle Meditation.


Originally, it wasn't a "learned skill" but rather an innate power which could only be refined, not taught. I feel that pyrokinesis is similar in this respect.

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It's interesting that you're slowly compiling these overview threads, but it does concern me that some "Force Powers" which were introduced as individual gimmicks for a certain character or group of Force Sensitives may slowly end up applied across the whole spectrum of Force Users.


As you said, pyrokinesis is pretty rare, and not really a stock power. Just like Force Walking is almost a unique ability for the Kalligs, there are certain abilities which are tied more to particular characters than Force Sensitives in general.


One thing which has annoyed me tremendously was the Battle Meditation splurge. Initially, Bastila Shan was a really valuable character to the Republic because of her ability to use Battle Meditation. She turned the tide of entire engagements simply through the Force. Since then, more and more people have remarkably developed Battle Meditation, and numerous characters were ret-conned into having it. At this point, it's pretty much par for the course that a powerful commander or Sith Lord must have Battle Meditation.


Originally, it wasn't a "learned skill" but rather an innate power which could only be refined, not taught. I feel that pyrokinesis is similar in this respect.

Kinda agree with you at least on Battle Meditation. It doesn't seem all that rare anymore and certainly not an innate ability as it originally was.


Although I think pyrokinesis is a little different. It could be that many Force users can use it, but simply choose not to or not have the opportunity to. Because essentially it is a form of telekinesis. Although I expect some Force users have a more natural affinity for it than others, which can be said of many Force powers.


Great thread by the way Aurbere, its been to long since my modest knowledge banks were expanded! :D

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It's interesting that you're slowly compiling these overview threads, but it does concern me that some "Force Powers" which were introduced as individual gimmicks for a certain character or group of Force Sensitives may slowly end up applied across the whole spectrum of Force Users.


As you said, pyrokinesis is pretty rare, and not really a stock power. Just like Force Walking is almost a unique ability for the Kalligs, there are certain abilities which are tied more to particular characters than Force Sensitives in general.


One thing which has annoyed me tremendously was the Battle Meditation splurge. Initially, Bastila Shan was a really valuable character to the Republic because of her ability to use Battle Meditation. She turned the tide of entire engagements simply through the Force. Since then, more and more people have remarkably developed Battle Meditation, and numerous characters were ret-conned into having it. At this point, it's pretty much par for the course that a powerful commander or Sith Lord must have Battle Meditation.


Originally, it wasn't a "learned skill" but rather an innate power which could only be refined, not taught. I feel that pyrokinesis is similar in this respect.


It's happening with pretty much everything, I feel. Force Lightning was originally a Palpatine only ability, now every Sith (even Jedi) use it.


Battle Meditation, I believe, is still an innate ability. Though it is odd that so many people have it. Satele Shan is understandable, considering that she's a descendant of Bastila.


Just something we have to go with I guess.

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Great read! I always wondered if I just pulled a Force power out of my backside when I was writing one of fanfics a couple years ago and gave a character the ability to create/control fire. Thanks to your alter environment and pyrokenisis threads I now see I was not making it up, lol. Seems I have some work to do fleshing out the character's power. Something I look forward to doing.


Thanks Aurbere!:D

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STILL waiting for Wedge -taps foot-


But on the flip side any oddball ships you'd like me to go digging about?


Aannnndd BTW, nice read :cool:


Wedge is a really long one, and is going to take some time. "Patience! Soon you will be with him!" :csw_yoda:

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Great read! I always wondered if I just pulled a Force power out of my backside when I was writing one of fanfics a couple years ago and gave a character the ability to create/control fire. Thanks to your alter environment and pyrokenisis threads I now see I was not making it up, lol. Seems I have some work to do fleshing out the character's power. Something I look forward to doing.


Thanks Aurbere!:D


No problem.

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It's interesting that you're slowly compiling these overview threads, but it does concern me that some "Force Powers" which were introduced as individual gimmicks for a certain character or group of Force Sensitives may slowly end up applied across the whole spectrum of Force Users.


As you said, pyrokinesis is pretty rare, and not really a stock power. Just like Force Walking is almost a unique ability for the Kalligs, there are certain abilities which are tied more to particular characters than Force Sensitives in general.


One thing which has annoyed me tremendously was the Battle Meditation splurge. Initially, Bastila Shan was a really valuable character to the Republic because of her ability to use Battle Meditation. She turned the tide of entire engagements simply through the Force. Since then, more and more people have remarkably developed Battle Meditation, and numerous characters were ret-conned into having it. At this point, it's pretty much par for the course that a powerful commander or Sith Lord must have Battle Meditation.


Originally, it wasn't a "learned skill" but rather an innate power which could only be refined, not taught. I feel that pyrokinesis is similar in this respect.


In KotoR it seems like that. But way before the game was released, in Golden Age of the Sith series, Odan-Urr learned this ability by reading about it in ancient scrolls. And he was able to teach the ability to Memit Nadill just right before the Battle of Kirrek. I just read that comic series recently and was very disappointed to see how Battle Meditation can be easily learned.


And yes, Force lightning was trivialized, the explanation that Vader couldn't perform it because of cybernetics is very stupi, at least for me.

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It's happening with pretty much everything, I feel. Force Lightning was originally a Palpatine only ability, now every Sith (even Jedi) use it.


Battle Meditation, I believe, is still an innate ability. Though it is odd that so many people have it. Satele Shan is understandable, considering that she's a descendant of Bastila.


Just something we have to go with I guess.


This is true. I could understand if Force Lightning were the pinnacle of Dark Side abilities, an awe-inspiring power that few Sith could ever master, but at this rate it appears to be the first thing anyone learns from the Dark Side. I thought that Force Choke was by far the more common ability because it was instinctive, and that Lightning required significant refinement and practice.


It is extremely aggravating that Battle Meditation is just another learned ability now, no more unique or interesting than Mind Trick.

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Very good read, as well as an interesting topic! I applaud you. I have one question though- is this a Jedi/lightside ability only? What I mean is, can a Sith use pyrokinesis? I'm just curious and found that in the post you only mentioned Jedi.


Off topic but- WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed the Ti vs. Unduli battle!!!!!!!!!!! I love Ti (4th fav character, 1st force user) and was so excited about the battle. I got sick about all week from allergies and could barely breath, so I was sort of unable to use the computer. This sucks! I guess I'll support her the rest of the way.



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Very good read, as well as an interesting topic! I applaud you. I have one question though- is this a Jedi/lightside ability only? What I mean is, can a Sith use pyrokinesis? I'm just curious and found that in the post you only mentioned Jedi.


It is a universal ability. For the purpose of these threads (unless otherwise specified), Jedi is a universal term simply meaning Force user.


Also, the Nightsisters have a 'Spell of Fire,' implying that they too can use Pyrokinesis.


Off topic but- WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed the Ti vs. Unduli battle!!!!!!!!!!! I love Ti (4th fav character, 1st force user) and was so excited about the battle. I got sick about all week from allergies and could barely breath, so I was sort of unable to use the computer. This sucks! I guess I'll support her the rest of the way.




That's pretty rough. Sorry you were unable to participate.

Edited by Aurbere
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This is true. I could understand if Force Lightning were the pinnacle of Dark Side abilities, an awe-inspiring power that few Sith could ever master, but at this rate it appears to be the first thing anyone learns from the Dark Side. I thought that Force Choke was by far the more common ability because it was instinctive, and that Lightning required significant refinement and practice.


It is extremely aggravating that Battle Meditation is just another learned ability now, no more unique or interesting than Mind Trick.


I hear ya. I would have preferred Force Lightning to be an ability that only the most powerful could use, but now everyone uses it.

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slightly off topic, but how does everyone feel about "Thought Bombs" I always thought it would be a cool ability to use, though on a much much smaller scale than i was used in the past... just a thought:rak_02:
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I hear ya. I would have preferred Force Lightning to be an ability that only the most powerful could use, but now everyone uses it.


Yeah, I've found it's refreshing to play around with ideas in my fanfic for balancing out the relative powers of the Force with different Jedi, etc. Also watching the OT can be a nice break from how it seems like a lot of Star Wars games/stories these days are inundated with flashy, overtly powerful uses of the Force.


I always got the feeling in the movies that the Force was more invisible than visible. Luke using the Force to make his shot on the Death Star, or pull his lightsaber to him, or Darth Vader casually blocking Han's blaster shots.


It was shocking (heh, pun accidentally employed) to see Palpatine's raw application of the Force. Literally warping reality to his will and torturing Luke. I would really love to see that sense of mystery and unseen power restored to the Force in the new films.

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Yeah, I've found it's refreshing to play around with ideas in my fanfic for balancing out the relative powers of the Force with different Jedi, etc. Also watching the OT can be a nice break from how it seems like a lot of Star Wars games/stories these days are inundated with flashy, overtly powerful uses of the Force.


I always got the feeling in the movies that the Force was more invisible than visible. Luke using the Force to make his shot on the Death Star, or pull his lightsaber to him, or Darth Vader casually blocking Han's blaster shots.


It was shocking (heh, pun accidentally employed) to see Palpatine's raw application of the Force. Literally warping reality to his will and torturing Luke. I would really love to see that sense of mystery and unseen power restored to the Force in the new films.


I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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slightly off topic, but how does everyone feel about "Thought Bombs" I always thought it would be a cool ability to use, though on a much much smaller scale than i was used in the past... just a thought:rak_02:


Well the Thought Bomb is a ritual that requires many Sith to accomplish, so I don't think it can be a 'personal use' ability. But I do believe there are similar abilities within the realm of Sith Magic, though these would most likely be rituals as well.

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Well the Thought Bomb is a ritual that requires many Sith to accomplish, so I don't think it can be a 'personal use' ability. But I do believe there are similar abilities within the realm of Sith Magic, though these would most likely be rituals as well.


Sith Magic is a very strange topic. There is no real evidence of what it can and cannot accomplish, aside from creating abominations and alchemical things like Sith armor/swords. It's kind of a very nebulous topic, since there are many renowned "Sith Sorcerors" with only sketchy information on what they were able to do with their rituals and arcane talents.

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I really don't see why people thought pyrokinesis was a way out there force power that was just B.S.


Pyrokinesis is often talked about as potentially being an offshoot of telekinesis, it's just one may have a hard time using it in a combat situation because of the focus involved.

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