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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Money Refund for Servers Being Down


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Seriously? I'm not attempting to do any damage control, and I doubt anyone else is. I'm just sick of self-entitled children whining all the time. EA is NOT perfect -- they're a despicable company. BW was excellent until they were eaten by EA. SWTOR is enjoyable to me, and that's all that matters to me. Be an adult -- if you don't like the game, just leave. Very simple -- and causes much less stress than allowing yourself to get so upset on a forum about a GAME.


You seem to be more upset than anyone else. Maybe you should leave and read some posts that don't upset you so. :rolleyes:

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After reading all 10-11 pages of comments on this, I have come to the conclusion that no matter what happens, people will always complain about something stupid and out of their control.


#1. Sometimes servers go down either because there might have been a bug in the coding for the server that someone may have tripped up and cause the server to crash or with the release of the massive content patch (which is a large amount of coding) that during the patching they may have missed something that caused a glitch in the system, which in turn caused the server to crash.


#2. Don't expect to always be compensated for something that is out of your control or out of the company's control. These things happen and you can't always plan or know when these things happen.


#3. You can't always expect an ETA on something, even when they might know what the issue is. Sometimes trying to find a problem in coding isn't always that simple. There are millions of lines of code in this game (which it might not even be the coding with the game), there can be a number of issues with the servers, or it could just be that they had a power outage/surge where the servers are held. Sometimes there is no way to give an ETA because it could take them several hours to figure out the actual problem. Its not always that cut and dry.


Minus any trolling from me- I think most of the anger is about the state of swtor in the past week, which has been really bad. People were already upset an this is only making it worse. EA/Bioware HAS to know this, which only compounds the problem. I would not ever want to work for this company. I am truly aggravated with EA/Bioware as a corporation but I also feel real sympathy for those employees who must really be feeling the heat right now. It can't be a pretty situation.

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Seriously? I'm not attempting to do any damage control, and I doubt anyone else is. I'm just sick of self-entitled children whining all the time. EA is NOT perfect -- they're a despicable company. BW was excellent until they were eaten by EA. SWTOR is enjoyable to me, and that's all that matters to me. Be an adult -- if you don't like the game, just leave. Very simple -- and causes much less stress than allowing yourself to get so upset on a forum about a GAME.


I'm not that upset, much t the contrary, trolling the sh** out of this thread is providing me some sadistic entertainment while the servers are down. I can think of no more fitting victims than the shills who defend the corporation. :p

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People make mistakes but corporations are not people, they are corporations.


who is the someone that made the mistake? Give me their name. EA/Bioware is not a SOMEONE, it is a SOMETHING. It is a system designed to maximize the return on an investment. PERIOD. What don't you understand about that??? The highest possible quality has to ALWAYS be demanded by the customer because when it is not, quality slips, because quality is expensive. The only time that quality is a good thing in that profit maximization system is when it is a value associated with your brand because either people do not complain when there are problems or because the inevitable few problems that creep up are expertly handled in terms of pr.


So what is your motive in wanting people to not complain? What do personally ave to gain from entering a vent-thread and doing damage control for ea/bioware? Because really you are just helping them maximize their profit. You are defending a no-one.


Corporations are just that corporations. But corporations are made up of, lets see, PEOPLE, and these PEOPLE make mistakes. so essentially Corporations are a large collective group of PEOPLE who can and will make mistakes as time goes on. Expect things to happen, no one is perfect, especially large companies and corporations.



Hell, I made a mistake when i tried to quote your post....

Edited by drunkenacid
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Again: You weren't promised 24/7 service. You didn't pay for 24/7 service. If you do not have service for four hours, you aren't being denied the service you paid for, because you didn't buy 24/7 service.


Fixed analogy: You rent a cabana on the beach and it rains and you get wet when the roof leaks. You don't get a refund because when you paid for the cabana the owner told you that the roof leaked.


and then the Cabana owner aplogizes about you getting all wet anyways b/c he feels bad and gives you a free corona coupon(50-100 cartel coins) for the local bar and it makes you the customer feel a lot better. The customer then thinks 'Aww, that was nice of the Cabana owner. I'm going to come back here again next year!' rather than the Cabana you see next door with a working roof that costs the exact same amount.

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too be honest as a player returning after the launch killed my pc with BSOD's I thought they had sorted issues like this! I played Wow since launch until 3 months ago and I've never seen downtime like this. I really like Star Was and have played many EA/BioWare titles, this is a poor show from the Dev's as not much info has been given about the issue. I remember when this happened to the PSN and it ended up being down for the best part of a month, with all of our billing info getting compromised, I would just like to know;


1. What the issue is?, as some servers are back up they should have a good idea of what it is!!!


2. What they plan to do about all the recent downtime?


3. What compensation is going to those who pay u sub? (we pay to play and can't!!!)

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Minus any trolling from me- I think most of the anger is about the state of swtor in the past week, which has been really bad. People were already upset an this is only making it worse. EA/Bioware HAS to know this, which only compounds the problem. I would not ever want to work for this company. I am truly aggravated with EA/Bioware as a corporation but I also feel real sympathy for those employees who must really be feeling the heat right now. It can't be a pretty situation.


I think its also a bit of resentment and transference from 'other' issues people are experiencing being projected onto the server maintenance. Like general disappointment that this 'expansion' includes no 'new' HM FPs and only recycled content at the FP-level. Yes, there is '1' new op. Also, late-sub pre-orders are probably wondering what they are paying for this weekend with being unable to really 'progress' in any meaningful way. I mean, if you've done your weekly Group Finder quests and dailies in sec x // belsavis, there is literately no way to make progress before Sunday in terms of getting more 'basic comms' or xp or crew-skill lvling. So your just kind of ...sitting around. Waiting for those blues that will replace even (61) gear dropping at lvl 52. Your paying for a subscription....to wait...for Sunday...

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too be honest as a player returning after the launch killed my pc with BSOD's I thought they had sorted issues like this! I played Wow since launch until 3 months ago and I've never seen downtime like this.


You played since launch? And never ecnountered their server downtime? You have a really bad memory mate.

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You played since launch? And never ecnountered their server downtime? You have a really bad memory mate.


I don't actually say i never saw "any" downtime, i said i never experienced downtime like that of this game in such a short period of time. Sure wow had downtime, but the devs were quick to solve issues and they were very informative

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Again, Some cartel points would be nice :) not saying give us a gazilion coins but atleast some like say between 500-1000 coins especially seeing how I have to wait 1 week to buy more cartel points because seems i bought too many? Can you blame a guy? Love you guys though amazing game and loving it :)
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While the Op demanding a refund is laughable it is still very frustrating for those of us with families and work that only maybe get to spend an hour or so a day playing the game if we are lucky. When the time we can play is when the servers are down (and it has happened on a few occasions in the last month for me personally) it is annoying as hell. Its all well and good saying its only down for 2-3 hours but they are the 2-3 hours I am able to play out of the 20-25 hours a month so suddenly if there are 2-3 outages when I am free to play I suddenly lose 20% of my playtime.


Not all of us have these 780 hours or whatever it was some of your are quoting to play the game a month for our sub and while downtime is to be expected occasionally it does not make it any less frustrating for people like me im sure


Just me venting and im sure the servers will be back up just as I go to bed lol

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who is the someone that made the mistake? Give me their name. EA/Bioware is not a SOMEONE, it is a SOMETHING. It is a system designed to maximize the return on an investment. PERIOD. What don't you understand about that??? The highest possible quality has to ALWAYS be demanded by the customer because when it is not, quality slips, because quality is expensive. The only time that quality is a good thing in that profit maximization system is when it is a value associated with your brand because either people do not complain when there are problems or because the inevitable few problems that creep up are expertly handled in terms of pr.


So what is your motive in wanting people to not complain? What do personally ave to gain from entering a vent-thread and doing damage control for ea/bioware? Because really you are just helping them maximize their profit. You are defending a no-one.


To the first paragraph -- PROVE to me that it wasn't a SINGLE person who made the mistake? And what if it was a server? A piece of hardware had an issue -- so of course, we should blame a corporation.


Your argument is flawed because a corporation is made up of people. If you made a small mistake in your job, would you want the company to blast your name out all over the place and blame you for the mistake? Of course not -- that isn't very fair. Mistakes happen.


I've yet to have a single problem with servers. Seems that this guaranteed 1 day a week (I hope you aren't talking about maintenance) ALWAYS falls during the work week while I'm at my job. So maybe I can't be at your level of upset over it.


What don't you understand about speaking with your wallet? Seems quite a few of us did that back pre-1.3, and they scrambled. They realized they made MASSIVE mistakes, and are working on fixing them.


Normal adults accept that crap happens. Nothing can ever be perfect -- and if it PERSONALLY affects them enough, they will get upset and speak in the only language EA knows -- $$$$$.



I'm defending a game I enjoy. I'd like to see them continue their jobs and not have to deal with endless whining. All of these game devs have a THANKLESS job, because no one is EVER pleased. Everyone ALWAYS finds something to whine about. And this is inevitable -- there is ALWAYS something. Part of being a mature adult is understand that, and finding your own way to fix it. But whining and screaming about the same thing over and over again isn't going to get you anywhere.

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I don't understand most of the posts arguing Bioware shouldn't re-compensate us, in some way, for the lost time because we accepted the EULA. True, the EULA legally protects the company from being forced to re-compensate. But Bioware is a business hence it should keep its customers happy and not just focusing on what the EULA gives them.


It's important to remember Bioware's future rest heavily on its customers' relationships and not some terms typed in the EULA.

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I have my free day today, would love to play, my chars are all on Jedi Covenant. On the other hand, the problem what they have is not named by them so far. I'm not in need of an excuse, but i really would love to know what happened. A Cyber attack, or a technical problem ?
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While the Op demanding a refund is laughable it is still very frustrating for those of us with families and work that only maybe get to spend an hour or so a day playing the game if we are lucky. When the time we can play is when the servers are down (and it has happened on a few occasions in the last month for me personally) it is annoying as hell. Its all well and good saying its only down for 2-3 hours but they are the 2-3 hours I am able to play out of the 20-25 hours a month so suddenly if there are 2-3 outages when I am free to play I suddenly lose 20% of my playtime.


Not all of us have these 780 hours or whatever it was some of your are quoting to play the game a month for our sub and while downtime is to be expected occasionally it does not make it any less frustrating for people like me im sure


Just me venting and im sure the servers will be back up just as I go to bed lol


See, THAT I can empathize with. It does suck -- and I imagine, were I in your position, I'd be just as frustrated. But like you said -- demanding a refund? Demanding anything is just ridiculous.


To everyone so upset who wants a refund -- should we also give the EU players refunds every single month? Because EVERY WEEK -- maintenance is scheduled during their prime-time. That's a whole lot of money that will disappear from this game rather quickly.


TL;DR -- Everyone always has something to complain about. Instead of constantly whining for someone else to fix it -- why don't you fix it yourself? Much easier, and it's a guaranteed fix.

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I don't understand most of the posts arguing Bioware shouldn't re-compensate us, in some way, for the lost time because we accepted the EULA. True, the EULA legally protects the company from being forced to re-compensate. But Bioware is a business hence it should keep its customers happy and not just focusing on what the EULA gives them.


It's important to remember Bioware's future rest heavily on its customers' relationships and not some terms typed in the EULA.


To some extent I agree -- but a company that always responds to people whining is one that will quickly fail financially.


I don't know about you -- but as a PR person, I'd be MUCH more likely to recommend giving out something as a "we're sorry" if people weren't so hostile and quick to attack them when something unexpected (and possibly uncontrollable) happened. There's no need for instantaneous hostility. A simple "Hey, what the heck is going on? We've had an outage almost every day this week -- and we just wanna know if you're fixing it, and what it is! We're curious, and giving us droplets of information like "Soon" and "we know the servers are down" is only making us more upset!"


Politeness can get you MUCH further than anger and hostility.

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Servers go down from time to time on all MMO's. If you can't handle that, the genre may not be for you.


You speaking about the game which cannot be accessed genre? Yes, this genre is definitely not for me.


I've joined 3 weeks ago and subbed 1 week ago (bought the expansion also). In this last week I've experienced servers down two times for long periods of time for patches and stuff. Today and Tuesday I was not able to get past the first splash screen.


I was not expecting this when I've signed up, I have played lots of MMO's and I know what "servers down" are and how long they usually last. Yet another day when I cannot play, I'm following the official post with two posts in it (great community managers, two posts of 5 rows for a major issue, where can I sign up for a job like that? I promise I'll do twice the effort for half their paychecks) where I read only "we're sorry, we have no ETA". Some form of refund, even as extra few days added for subscribers, is the least they can (and should) do.

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I am payable player and I pay my subscription every month. Recently however I see that the servers are being down quite often (like now - servers are down and no ETA or no explanations are given to us).


Therefore, I want to get some form of refund as the service I pay for is not being delivered. I do not want necessary my money back but some kind of gratification for for constant screw-ups should be on place i.e. cartel money.


If my company would treat its customers as Bioware we would be bust by now!


Grow up kid. You want a couple dimes for loss of time? Gimme a break. Servers are rarely down.

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You speaking about the game which cannot be accessed genre? Yes, this genre is definitely not for me.


I've joined 3 weeks ago and subbed 1 week ago (bought the expansion also). In this last week I've experienced servers down two times for long periods of time for patches and stuff. Today and Tuesday I was not able to get past the first splash screen.


I was not expecting this when I've signed up, I have played lots of MMO's and I know what "servers down" are and how long they usually last. Yet another day when I cannot play, I'm following the official post with two posts in it (great community managers, two posts of 5 rows for a major issue, where can I sign up for a job like that? I promise I'll do twice the effort for half their paychecks) where I read only "we're sorry, we have no ETA". Some form of refund, even as extra few days added for subscribers, is the least they can (and should) do.


Haha, you didn't expect down time for patching an expansion?? What are you smoking so I can have some.

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You speaking about the game which cannot be accessed genre? Yes, this genre is definitely not for me.


I've joined 3 weeks ago and subbed 1 week ago (bought the expansion also). In this last week I've experienced servers down two times for long periods of time for patches and stuff. Today and Tuesday I was not able to get past the first splash screen.


I was not expecting this when I've signed up, I have played lots of MMO's and I know what "servers down" are and how long they usually last. Yet another day when I cannot play, I'm following the official post with two posts in it (great community managers, two posts of 5 rows for a major issue, where can I sign up for a job like that? I promise I'll do twice the effort for half their paychecks) where I read only "we're sorry, we have no ETA". Some form of refund, even as extra few days added for subscribers, is the least they can (and should) do.


dude, an entire DAY without TOR is going to equate to 50 cents.

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While the Op demanding a refund is laughable it is still very frustrating for those of us with families and work that only maybe get to spend an hour or so a day playing the game if we are lucky. When the time we can play is when the servers are down (and it has happened on a few occasions in the last month for me personally) it is annoying as hell. Its all well and good saying its only down for 2-3 hours but they are the 2-3 hours I am able to play out of the 20-25 hours a month so suddenly if there are 2-3 outages when I am free to play I suddenly lose 20% of my playtime.


Not all of us have these 780 hours or whatever it was some of your are quoting to play the game a month for our sub and while downtime is to be expected occasionally it does not make it any less frustrating for people like me im sure


Just me venting and im sure the servers will be back up just as I go to bed lol


I totally agree with you and i am in the same boat, i work hard for money i pay to another business to enjoy a few hours of gaming a week, and like you said we who get little time to play are the worst hit, f2p ppl don't care they loose nothing!


To people who argue we are whining n so on n so forth I ask you in any other aspect of you daily life if something you paid for didn't work or was unable to be used would you complain?


for example; if your sat nav stopped working and prompted you with a msg stating Satellite down for maintenance, unable to give you a time when it was back up what would you do?


If your car just stopped working what would you do?


if your digital tv / broadband package cut out and the company said we can't tell you when it will be back would you not ask for some sort of compensation?


we pay for a service we are not getting, simple. would you be ok with the guy at burger king giving you an empty cup wih your meal, telling you you will get a full cup when the machine has been fixed? that's not your problem its the companies! hey should keep things running as without paying customers these guys wouldn't have a job in the first place

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