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Just got booted from my first FP ever!


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If the main stat on the gear matches the main stat on your class, then you can hit /need on it. Full stop.


Good to know that my sentinel should have been needing on that tank gear all this time. Thanks for the heads up.



I've very rarely gotten into groups with people as dumb as the ones that kicked the OP. In fact the only two times I've been kicked from a group happened on the same day, the first time I tried running groupfinder FPs on the Republic side (Have 4 imp 50s). Unfortunately there is no cure for that level of stupid. Fortunately there is a /ignore feature.

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I got kicked yesterday for sucking... Thing is, I don't really think it was me, I was watching the tank, and he wasn't holding aggro at all. So I had to spam heal everyone , running me out of power very quickly. When i got attacked no one moved to get it off me. I was only level 16 and my first time ever rolling a healer. It's very disheartening the level of elite snobbery you run into in this game.. Especially when it seems so cruelly misdirected... and more especially at such low levels when I'm supposed to be a bit sucky as I learn to use my character.


Been there ... absolutely ... tank in our FP couldn't hold agro either and I too ended up spam-healing running out of force and he quit because he died saying it was my fault.

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Honestly I'd research gear drops in hardmodes now and assertain if that generator was for dps or healing. Otherwise some people anymore are whiny babies when it comes to gear. Almost got booted on my tank when 1 person wanted to do the mission in a hardmode for experience. He was the only one that wanted it, but when I refuse to oblige him, he wanted to kick me. Everyone else sided with me because they didn't want to wait an hour for another tank. So you see, there are tons of people out there with a chip on their shoulder and they think everyone should bow down and kiss their feet.
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Haha, this made me giggle.


I remember a pug I was in when I was lvling my sentinel. We were in Maelstrom Prison and we kept whiping on each boss 6-7 times(got through two bosses before I started being annoyed at the group). I figured it was the healer since it seemed like the tank wasn't being healed so I watched the fight on the cyclops boss and noticed the tank was just taking STUPID damage, so I look at his gear and sure enough this tank had all surge/power/crit gear with no def. mitigations.


I about cried, but I was polite and asked him why he had that kind of gear. His response was "I'm a tank, I have heavy armor." It made me laugh, but I didn't harp on him for that so I gave him a run down of what he should look for.


Now we get to the boss after an hour trying to beat the cyclops dude ( so I'm already past the point of smacking myself in the face since I've had better experiences in 1.1 when HM Mael. was a big pain in the ***.) and we get to the boss that has the pet with him. We kill it with a new tally of whipes leading me closer to just quitting and a piece of gear dropped that had def. mitigations on it( yay!!!!) So I tell the tank see there ya go that's what you should need on, so he needs on it and so does the damn commando with the excuse "I'm going to use it for my companion. " Needless to say I flipped **** on him which made him and everyone else leave. I mean really you sit there for an hour and notice in the chat that the tank doesn't have the stats to be tanking then you go and roll on his gear when it's obvious he needs it to a crazy extent?


People overall suc***. ^^

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Level 50 Assualt Specced vanguard. DPSing Hardmode False Emperor. A Blackhole Generator drops with power and surge. It's a nice upgrade to both stats for me, so I need and win. A commando, also DPSing, then throws a complete fit because...


Commando: "Why would a tank need a generator?!?"


Me: "I'm not a tank, I'm DPS"


Commando: "You can use shields!!"


Me: "Uh, that would be stupid as I don't have any talents into any defensive skills"


Guardian Tank: "That's a healing piece. It's no good for DPS Vanguards anyway"


Me: "Surge and Power aren't good DPS stats? You should probably tell that to my Combat Tech DPS Columi gear"


Commando: "Well, I'll just start needing on defense then"


Me: "Go right ahead, again, I'm NOT a tank and I don't use defense"



The commando then initiates a vote kick because "I hate you".... lol. The saddest part is that the commando had commented earlier that they have a 5 month old baby that could wake up at any time. A 5 month old and the parent is throwing that kind of a tantrum based off shear ignorance? Well, all I can say is that I feel sorry for the kid...


You see, this is the problem I had in WoW when they introduced the vote to kick feature... People misusing it. This is clearly a misuse of the VTK (vote to kick). When people misuse the VTK, you should be able to report them, and have them suspended from using VTK for a certain amount of time..


He kicked you for the reason: "I hate you" clearly that's not a valid reason? How stupid is this? You don't have to like someone, if they're doing their job, fulfilling they're role, you have no right to kick them? That's unfair, and stupid as hell..


Honestly, ignore them though. If you place any/all of them on your ignore list, you can never be grouped with them in the flashpoint finder ever lol

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Honestly I'd research gear drops in hardmodes now and assertain if that generator was for dps or healing. Otherwise some people anymore are whiny babies when it comes to gear. Almost got booted on my tank when 1 person wanted to do the mission in a hardmode for experience. He was the only one that wanted it, but when I refuse to oblige him, he wanted to kick me. Everyone else sided with me because they didn't want to wait an hour for another tank. So you see, there are tons of people out there with a chip on their shoulder and they think everyone should bow down and kiss their feet.



Generators are used for both DPS and healing. And since I was DPSing at the time (I never tank on this toon), I needed on a DPS upgrade. The Commando, also DPSing at the time, had ever right to need as well and if they would have won it, I would have played on. It all boils down to this player being ignorant of every part of the game that doesn't obtain to their main class.


As a Vanguard, I have two choices. Shields or generators. Since I lose DPS and gain useless defensive bonus when I use a shield, the choice is obvious.

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I'd say about a third of the people that play this game are morons. At least people that know very little about the game or it's mechanics, how to play their class, how other classes work, what they should be doing in a group based on their role, killl orders in a trash pull, boss fights....etc. Not because they're new either, just because they are chronically clueless. Chances are when you're PUG'n you're going to have at least one of these people in your group.


My last HM PUG last night was a healer that seemed to try to do everything but heal. I, the tank, actually fell over dead a few times to some bosses in The False Emp that I've never died to in 1 year of playing this game. Simply because my health slowly chipped away until I was dead with. And yes, they were actually heal speced according to them. And also a few instances where they face pulled trash somehow.


I'd have to say though. Running HM's in a group finder PUG on 4 50's almost daily I generally run into decent-good players. It's just that 1/3 that makes you want to /facepalm


I'd rather play with some good natured players who don't make me feel like I'm under pressure than elitist snobs like you to be quite frank with you.


I honestly am sick to death of players like you. We cannot all be l33t min maxing superheroes in games and certainly not in a game that is as complicated as this.


Take your snobbery to your other l33t guild mates and leave the puggers to pug.

Edited by richiewww
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If the main stat on the gear matches the main stat on your class, then you can hit /need on it. Full stop.


Oh so that Sentinel yesterday who took my Guardian gear, was totally justified in taking it, even though it was heavy armor and tank gear, just because it had Str and End modifiers? Good to know that I'm the n00b that knows nothing about this game. :rolleyes:

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You see, this is the problem I had in WoW when they introduced the vote to kick feature... People misusing it. This is clearly a misuse of the VTK (vote to kick). When people misuse the VTK, you should be able to report them, and have them suspended from using VTK for a certain amount of time..


He kicked you for the reason: "I hate you" clearly that's not a valid reason? How stupid is this? You don't have to like someone, if they're doing their job, fulfilling they're role, you have no right to kick them? That's unfair, and stupid as hell..


Honestly, ignore them though. If you place any/all of them on your ignore list, you can never be grouped with them in the flashpoint finder ever lol


Meh, I frequently initiate vote kicks with the reason "Get the f**k out!", but only after I've made the reason clear in party chat. The reason typed into the dialog is irrelevant. Most recent:


Me: Since when do commandos use Cunning?


Me: So when did commandos start using Cunning?

Tank: Yeah, really why did you need on that?

FarkTard: Oh, I didn't even look.


BOOM vote kick for auto-rolling need on anything orange without even seeing if it can help you.

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Generators are used for both DPS and healing. And since I was DPSing at the time (I never tank on this toon), I needed on a DPS upgrade. The Commando, also DPSing at the time, had ever right to need as well and if they would have won it, I would have played on. It all boils down to this player being ignorant of every part of the game that doesn't obtain to their main class.


As a Vanguard, I have two choices. Shields or generators. Since I lose DPS and gain useless defensive bonus when I use a shield, the choice is obvious.


I know that generators are used for both healing and dps. But there are generators that are specific for healers and dps. Are you sure you got the right one? And if the commando was mad because you won it, big deal. If it was a healer I can kinda understand. But another dps whining about someone else winning gear is just down right baby like.

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I'd rather play with some good natured players who don't make me feel like I'm under pressure than elitist snobs like you to be quite frank with you.


I honestly am sick to death of players like you. We cannot all be l33t min maxing superheroes in games and certainly not in a game that is as complicated as this.


Take your snobbery to your other l33t guild mates and leave the puggers to pug.


Nobody said we want to limit things to "l33t min-maxing super-heroes".


We'd just like players to:

  • Be geared appropriately
  • Be specced for the role you're in
  • Perform your role effectively
  • Be intelligent about how you roll on gear


This game isn't hard. It's exactly the opposite of hard, sort of like having a fun time with your cousin if you're from Tennessee. Or Howard Wolowitz.


No min-maxing is required. For all but hard modes, you can be very successful in level-appropriate greens with stats appropriate to your class and role. If you do the minimum of research to understand how to play your role using your class.


That's all we ask.

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Actually if we were talkin about solo play a case could be made for using a shield on a DPS toon to give an alternative to full boom glass cannon. But as we're talkin about group play, you're right there's no reason for a DPS with a shield.


Que :rak_02:

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I'd rather play with some good natured players who don't make me feel like I'm under pressure than elitist snobs like you to be quite frank with you.


I honestly am sick to death of players like you. We cannot all be l33t min maxing superheroes in games and certainly not in a game that is as complicated as this.


Take your snobbery to your other l33t guild mates and leave the puggers to pug.


He speaks truth though. And he never said that he acts elitist, that's your own assumption. Sounds like you get a lot of complaints on how you play, maybe you should take a hint and learn to play better instead of projecting your problems onto others.

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I'd rather play with some good natured players who don't make me feel like I'm under pressure than elitist snobs like you to be quite frank with you.


I honestly am sick to death of players like you. We cannot all be l33t min maxing superheroes in games and certainly not in a game that is as complicated as this.


Take your snobbery to your other l33t guild mates and leave the puggers to pug.


I completely agree with you on the ubiquitous leet attitude that I encounter in endgame runs. However I personally didn't get the feeling that was the poster's sentiment whom you quoted. Just sayin. I think you may have jumped the gun on that one. I feel his/her frustration as well, though I'm not sure i agree there are that many problematic players. It really bothers me that people still hold noobs in such extreme disregard. Everyone was a noob at some point and everyone needs help now and again. By that same token, there are some extremely frustrating pug trolls that could care less about actually bettering themselves in the game and instead are seemingly sadists that enjoy making the group wipe every chance they get or annoyingly joke around non-stop in group chat and don't care to pay attention to the boss strat someone is trying to convey.


However, I actually am probably at the same level as you with my hatred of leets. I honestly get less frustrated from a pug troll making me wipe non-stop than i do with a leet telling me some sh*t like "no you can't come with us. We are only taking ppl in full dread guard/hazmat on our story mode taral v..." granted it's usually a hm op but I hate leet snobs and rejecting me under the assumption that I'm no good solely because i don't have BiS gear is complete BS. How about giving me a chance to show that I'm either actually really good in that particular op/fp or am very happy and willing to learn and listen to instruction! :mad::mad::mad:

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If the main stat on the gear matches the main stat on your class, then you can hit /need on it. Full stop.


I think why got booted because the main stat on the item was for sorcs/sins and he only wanted the enhancement, I think its the ops fault he got booted.

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OP I hope you don't feel bad - the tank and the commando were just ignorant.


I've noticed more people in end game who have no clue what they are doing, about their classes let alone other classes. The other day I had the great experience of being grouped in T5 with a DPS & tank who had no clue what they were doing.

The tank was what annoyed me the most - he couldn't hold agro, he would wait between trash pulls because he just HAD to lead with mortar volley, he would pull a boss while DPS is killing a patrol somewhere else, he wouldn't read chat, he had no idea what he was doing and would then pipe up from time to time to say things that were completely incorrect about the mechanics (like kill Ripper first).

I was overgeared so I could keep them up except at the beginning when he pulled a large mob before two of us were even there.

I wish I could say I voted to kick but I just left after 45 minutes, when my annoyance level reached too high.


If you are new mention it, read chat and follow.

If you don't know where to go, watch and follow. Ask if necessary.

If you don't know mechanics ask or don't say anything. Saying incorrect stuff is actually worse.

And please to god if you're a VG tank, learn to tank so you can open without mortar volley...

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Oh so that Sentinel yesterday who took my Guardian gear, was totally justified in taking it, even though it was heavy armor and tank gear, just because it had Str and End modifiers? Good to know that I'm the n00b that knows nothing about this game. :rolleyes:

Happy to help.

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I know that generators are used for both healing and dps. But there are generators that are specific for healers and dps. Are you sure you got the right one? And if the commando was mad because you won it, big deal. If it was a healer I can kinda understand. But another dps whining about someone else winning gear is just down right baby like.


Did you miss the part where he described it as a power surge item?


The point is not whether the item itself is called a healer item but whether its stats get your toon to where it needs to be. e.g. my sage healer used to have a Rakata Stalkers generator - not the force-mystic one because the stats better fitted what I needed to be BiS.

Alacrity was the only stat that would have been best for healers but with the new expansion even that is not true.


And no just being a healer (and I say this with a main healer) does not automatically entitle me to loot that would be an upgrade for other people. If an item drops that's an upgrade for me and someone else - we both roll need and luck takes care of who wins it.

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