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the nar shaddaa casinos


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first thread ive posted but one request i think that would be good for this game is doing some with the casinos on nar shaddaa. cartel coin slot machines.pazaak games for money and prizes.the possibilities are endless just curious why something is going to waste on here.
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first thread ive posted but one request i think that would be good for this game is doing some with the casinos on nar shaddaa. cartel coin slot machines.pazaak games for money and prizes.the possibilities are endless just curious why something is going to waste on here.


Casinos are iffy in the online world. Different states and territories have different gambling laws and views on what constitutes as such. Plus it runs the risk of some soccer mom parent group accusing Bioware of encouraging gambling, gambling addicts blaming Bioware for their relapse or some crap like that, not even going to get into what would happen with bots and credit farmers.


No, the casinos work best as a back drop.

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Casinos would be a brilliant addition to the game. Cred Farmers would lose it just as easily as gain credits... The House always wins " rule of thumb" should be applied.

There would be no legal issues as long as NO real money is involved. However, F2P players would have to buy an unlock from the CM to gain access.


Possible games/activities:


1. Slot machines

2. Card games (Pazaak, Taris Hold'em, etc..)

3. Betting (Pod races) even if its not "us" doing the racing..

4. Dice game (Zaps!)

6. Rattataki Roulette

7. Galactic Zoo/Recreational Park - A area where the kiddies show off their mounts and we can all have viewing pleasure as well. It would be large enough so mounts could run though it, we can have vendors around the area as another way to draw in people, and have all the animals in the game here for us to view, with a lore description of each one in front of their cage. Also, in this area would be NPC's (zoo keepers) walking around in all the different Cartel Armors, as another way for BW to show them off and encourage purchasing them. Just add a different feel to the Armors then just the CM, give them some "personality".


8. Make an achievement system work here, just like how a major Casino will reward you with comps, they can do the same on here... They can have a Casino Vendor you can spend your comps on.


9. On other planets with larger cantina's, some slot machines and a card table or 2 can be added... Anything to get the cantina's a bit more lively would also be nice.


10. Maybe a dueling ring as well, where there is space for people to watch and you can sign up and be entered into "bracketed" duels... Yes, you can bet on them too perhaps.


Fact is, they can make this place (Nar Shaddaa) the "Vegas" of SWTOR.... It would offer a way for people to break from the grind and have a fun social activity, were you can win or lose a few creds... I would have a limit on how many creds can be lost or won though, as another way to prevent farming and to also keep people from blowing all their creds.


Make an entirely new area on NarShaddaa, make it a min of LvL 20 to enter (the legal level)...


I love the idea...

Edited by Themanthatisi
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you read my mind thats what i want and i think there should be limits and rules put in place. i just think it would something thats really cool. love the taris hold em didnt even think of that one
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not a bad idea...


doesnt even have to give currency..maybe a special stim or boost item...


maybe special currency (Hutt Tokens) that can only be used at the Casino Vendor where you can buy, as you suggested... stims, boosts and so on....


I bet enough of us can come up with some great ideas for the BW staff to look into this...

Edited by Themanthatisi
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i am in but one voice not going to carry much weight


People tend to read the OP before going further. Maybe, to generate more interest, paste some of the ideas in the OP so others have more meat to bite into and willing to read on and add to this.


The Idea is great, but I agree.. we need voices.


About a couple of weeks ago I wanted to make a post like this... Good job!

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first thread ive posted but one request i think that would be good for this game is doing some with the casinos on nar shaddaa. cartel coin slot machines.pazaak games for money and prizes.the possibilities are endless just curious why something is going to waste on here.


i agree!

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The Business side of my brain just kicked in..


Sell access to the casino to Non subs in the Cm for lets say 50 CC....( maybe gives 24 hours access + 5 Tokens to use in Hutta slots .... want more token buy more at the cc for say 5 for 25cc, 10 for 40cc )


The Hutta slots can either give Hutta coms to buy stims or other items as suggested above by Themanthatisi


OR here comes the hook..


the big prizes you could win are a Casino Shard..win 3 casino shards and you can assemble a holocron /relic for a bit of a stats bump thats appropriate for your character :)


haven't quite thought of a way to handle Subs though...without causing someone to rage and fill up their pampers over a mere idea..

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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The Business side of my brain just kicked in..


Sell access to the casino to Non subs in the Cm for lets say 50 CC....( maybe gives 24 hours access + 5 Tokens to use in Hutta slots .... want more token buy more at the cc for say 5 for 25cc, 10 for 40cc )


The Hutta slots can either give Hutta coms to buy stims or other items as suggested above by Themanthatisi


OR here comes the hook..


the big prizes you could win are a Casino Shard..win 3 casino shards and you can assemble a holocron /relic for a bit of a stats bump thats appropriate for your character :)


Your crazy Canadian, you go... good reply! :p

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If I remember correctly, in KotOR 2, there was at some point where you could ask Atton if you were going to play pazaak on Nar Shaddaa rules and Atton answers "No, or clothes are gonna stay on."

Now, this would be a hilarious addition to the Casino... :DDD

Oh, and I support the idea, mini-games are always fun, especially if you can get credits from it.

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About betting on pod-races. I went to a friend in Kong Kong and they play a very very popular similar game (but restricted to 18+). Basically there are 8 horse-riders. You get a screen with stats and if you are smart enough you can figure out who has the highest chances of winning in regards to the map and lap length. I guess something similar could be added.


In any case, I do agree that as long as it remains credits (even though it is fairly easy to convert CC to credits currently) only it could be a very nice side-activity. I can imagine doing Pazaak or other games with my guildies over Vent. In fact that would be amazing.


I also think it fits the mature theme of SWTOR very well. I would go a very long way in regards to adding immersion of the Star Wars Galaxy.



Off-topic. Nar Shaddaa fits as the PERFECT place for a neutral hub of some sorts. The city has so much potential to become more than a mere questing place for 20-24.

Edited by Kameki
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Yeah this has been brought up before by people in the past myself included. The only way this would work (I think) is if the gambling were strictly with NPCs and only credits. ie: KOTOR 1 & 2. Online gambling is illegal in some places.
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Yeah this has been brought up before by people in the past myself included. The only way this would work (I think) is if the gambling were strictly with NPCs and only credits. ie: KOTOR 1 & 2. Online gambling is illegal in some places.


No doubt that in no way would Cartel Coins be used in any "betting" as they take real money to buy.... But I would think PvP gambling would work "legally" as long as its kept to in game currency with no tie to real money. I am not a lawyer though, I may be wrong.


You brought up a good point...

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Though they were sort of in the background, Star Wars Galaxies had working gambling machines and no one ever batted en eyelash over it. I think if they added things like that (not to mention the ability to sit in chairs and more mixed faction mingling areas) the social aspect of this game would go way up and be a ton of fun.
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I love this idea. My initial thoughts:


1. No real money involved, this means you can't gamble with cartel coins.

2. No limits on how many credits you lose/win.

3. I don't know how this would create more farmers seeing how you can lose just as easily as you win.


Again, this sounds awesome.

Edited by Warcrawl
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i think this would be such a great addition to this game. Themanthatisi has some really good suggestions on possible games.


But yeah, PvP gambling would have to be credits vs credits (or some sort of token vs token system). Cartel Coins could not be involved in this. There would also have to be set mins/maxes for different tables, with the max never being overly high for any table.


Bioware could however charge for access to the casinos (if they make it big enough, they could probably justify charging $5-10 to subs). If they dont want to charge just for access, then Bioware could create a weekly cap on the amount of gambling you can do (higher for subs, less for F2P), and then allow people to buy access for more gambling. The only reason I make these suggestions is because at this stage of the game, Bioware would have to charge for this in some way.


Rewards from gambling with NPCs could also go far beyond just credits. Exclusive mounts, armor sets, cartel packs, pets, banners, etc could all be "big prizes" for the various games. The central hub for gambling could be Nar Shadaa (for obvious reasons), but they could also include a smaller amount of games in the cantinas on other planets.

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I think having a limit would be pointless. Maybe a few tables that do, but there should also be no limit tables. I should be able to blow my fictional money how ever I want. I can spend it all in one shot right now in the GTN, so I should also be able to blow it all in one hand of poker.


I'm against cartel coins being used, but I don't see a point of having everything limited as long as it's in game credits only.


I would love to see this added in game.

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