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Any way to avoid Hollinium?


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Hey all, I am scavenging doing compound missions and all I seem to be getting is Hollinium. Like my last 6 missions all gave it and not Turadium which I am after. So is there any way to avoid this blue metal?
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Hollinium is a metal, not compound. Not sure how you are getting it on your compound missions. I try to avoid the "Rich" missions since it is blue. I do moderate and abundant more for metals. It is way faster just to go scavenge on Makeb though.
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Hollinium is a metal, not compound. Not sure how you are getting it on your compound missions. I try to avoid the "Rich" missions since it is blue. I do moderate and abundant more for metals. It is way faster just to go scavenge on Makeb though.


^ ya this exactly - moderate and abundant missions yield usable mats rather than the useless vendor-garbage that drops from bountiful and rich; and atm it's faster to harvest from Makeb. Non-harvesting missions (TH, UT, Dip & Inv) have taken a hit as well as far as yields go and tbh the rest simply suck regardless of yield (moderate =1, Abundant = 1 or 2, Bountiful = 3 or 4, Rich = 6) ... this is if they don't fail, which is WAY more common than previously.


Way to wield the nerf-bat devs, guess you showed us :confused:

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Yea ScavengingCompound mission gives out a METAL. It's a bug. I hope Bioware fixes it. I have 2 99 stacks of Holinium,

Reminds me of Smart Cells.


I would sell stacks of 99 of those to the vendor just to get them out of my inventory.

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I have wondered if is an enriched durasteel equivalent as I'm also getting blue perfect carbonic crystals from arch power crystals missions and artifice and armstech were the 2 profs that used blue versions of basic mats to craft the mental effects buff. If so, all players and their compliment of companions will be able to stay permanently buffed as I'm getting a return of 3/4 to 1 hollinium to mythra, so even if it has this or another use it's gotta be bugged as missions are producing it as if it is the main mat rather than a blue mat. Of note, the perfect carbonic crystals aren't nearly the same issue, far too many still imo, but the majority of my missions yield usable crystals in gross contrast to scavenging missions.


If there isn't a substantive use for hollinium and perfect carbonic crystals to come - and I do mean substantive as have 4+ stacks of hollinium 3 days post patch - I suggest:


1. Place a vendor in crew skills in fleet who will exchange hollinium for mythra


and - unless a seriously really really gigantically compelling wow we are so so happy we spent hours and hours and hours waiting to see oodles and oodles of our credits converted into vault clutter reason to have these mats -

2. Make them a 1 or 2 mat drop on crit missions and NEVER the sole mat we get from our missioning.


Not at all happy to spend hours and hours achieving naught but the trashing of my time and money.


Nondi, Master Craftman

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I think it's going to be a while before the devs fix this or even realize it's a problem. In the meantime, has anyone figured out the best way to avoid Hollinium?


First, it would be nice to know which missions potentially give Hollinium. It would seem that even compound missions yield Hollinium, so you're not safe even running those.


Next it would be nice to determine what effect the mission quality level has on your result. Can abundant missions give Hollinium? If so, there's no point in avoiding bountiful/rich missions in favor of abundants. If not, then running abundant missions instead of bountiful/rich missions might be the way to go.


Finally, what are the chances of getting Hollinium from Bountilful/Rich missions, and how much higher is the resource yield? And do Rich missions have a higher Hollinium chance than Bountiful missions, or are they the same? These questsions are probably the hardest to answer, but knowing the answers would allow us to determine whether it might still be worth it to to run bountiful/rich missions despite the chance of Hollinium.

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Sarenne mentioned what to do to avoid the useless blue mats as much as possible. Run Moderate or Abundant missions only or deal with the fact that on Bountiful and above you run a good chance of critting your way completely out of any greens you may want. The type of material you are going for doesn't matter in regards to being able to crit into the seemingly useless pos. Archaeology suffers the same issue as well.


I believe during my time on test that Hollinium and Perfect Carbonics were used in crafting some of the recipes that were REed from Arkanian gear. I am not 100% certain of this though. I AM 100% certain that many people reported the gathering on nonsense on PTS prior to this craziness hitting live. Seriously...would it have been that bloody hard to just make a gathering crit act like mission crits would, having you get the greens AND blues too?


On a side note, if you only using professions using Scav, you may want to count yourself lucky to have some semblance of control in regards to getting greens you need. Bioanalysis has a green compound that so far is useless and is a possible drop no matter the grade of compound mission. :mad:

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as far as i managed... Journey with Jawas (green one) almost never gives you Holinium, but gives u 2-4 mythra... and No Peace in Sight prefers the classic metal as reward too (around 10 mythras)... point is not to send the comp with scavenging crit bonus...
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^ ya this exactly - moderate and abundant missions yield usable mats rather than the useless vendor-garbage that drops from bountiful and rich; and atm it's faster to harvest from Makeb. Non-harvesting missions (TH, UT, Dip & Inv) have taken a hit as well as far as yields go and tbh the rest simply suck regardless of yield (moderate =1, Abundant = 1 or 2, Bountiful = 3 or 4, Rich = 6) ... this is if they don't fail, which is WAY more common than previously.


Way to wield the nerf-bat devs, guess you showed us :confused:


Wow, that is stupid to nerf, now crafters will overprice things even more....oh well.

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Wow, that is stupid to nerf, now crafters will overprice things even more....oh well.

Can't say I'm too surprised that JamieKirby didn't notice the link right above his, to a yellow post from AmberGreen, that describes how these bugs are being patched, and materials will be more readily available.


Nope, instead he decided to ignore all the good news (and potential fixes), and has to take this opportunity harp about crafters overcharging. Again.


I've got a nickel in my pocket that says he won't stick around to debate this point, but will instead take his usual cowardly approach and fade away until another opportunity presents itself for him to insult crafters in this game.

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Can't say I'm too surprised that JamieKirby didn't notice the link right above his, to a yellow post from AmberGreen, that describes how these bugs are being patched, and materials will be more readily available.


Nope, instead he decided to ignore all the good news (and potential fixes), and has to take this opportunity harp about crafters overcharging. Again.





I'm for one am grateful for the upcoming changes, and hearing from a Dev on the issue is a HUGE deal - you Devs should pop in more often; sure you're likely to hear the same number of complaints but I expect the intensity would be considerably less from most of them. We don't *like* feeling angry ya know - speaking for myself if I don't see a yellow response to an issue in a "reasonable" amount of time (yes, it's an entirely subjective measure however I cultivate patience and to me it feels fair) it appears the issue is being ignored. This is incredibly frustrating, and provides time for the frustration to stew and fester. Ugh...


So anyway, thank you for the update AmberGreen :)


And Khevar, really.. like crafters don't over-charge? One of my pleasures in this game is under-cutting everyone else on the GTN - hope to see you there :rolleyes:

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And Khevar, really.. like crafters don't over-charge? One of my pleasures in this game is under-cutting everyone else on the GTN - hope to see you there :rolleyes:

Oh, some crafters absolutely overcharge, no argument there.


But the way JamesKirby describes it, we're all bunch of greedy bastards destroying the game. But quite a number of crafters, myself included, don't overcharge. In the past, when I've responded to his issues with suggestions, or ideas, or sometimes refuting a particularly dramatic statement of his, he doesn't respond.


I don't think he's actually trolling in the sense of "posting inflammatory comments purely to watch the fur fly". But he comes close, because he makes dramatic statements and ignores responses.


One day I'll have the opportunity to debate this subject with him. But unless he actually steps up to the plate and starts an honest dialog, this will never happen.

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And Khevar, really.. like crafters don't over-charge? One of my pleasures in this game is under-cutting everyone else on the GTN - hope to see you there :rolleyes:


Not answering for Khevar, he is well capabile to respond for himself.


Yes, some crafters do overprice, but they do not sell much. My feeling is that most items listed are reasonable in that they reflect the market and a balance between sellers (what they will list for) and buyers (what they will pay). The exception to that has always been what Khevar calls the uber gear, items that only can be crafted by raiders since the rest of us do not have access to the recipies or mats on a reasonable basis if at all.


As far as your pleasure in under cutting, so what. Do you really think that you make a difference? I don't ever remember not selling something because of an undercutter. They may delay my sale a little but that is about it. If you undercut me a little, I just wait until your stuff sells and if you undercut me a lot, I buy your item and relist it and sell it and make a good profit for doing nothing (guess that shows me). All an undercutter accomplishes while gloating in the corner, is reducing his / her income although I guess some lucky buyer gets a bargain. LOL, when I buy a big ticket item, I look for the undercutters so thanks for being there for me. Feel free to undercut me, I can take the pain.

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Moderate and abundant missions will NEVER give you hollinium. Bountiful and rich missions will on critical success, with that being much more likely with rich, so avoid bountiful and rich until it's fixed.


Ahh... good to know. I've got too much of hollinium. And now when I logged my two rich mission critted me hollinium only. Guess I'll only do moderate and abundant missions, but it feels a little bit silly.

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