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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Am I missing anything major by doing class quests only?


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With the double XP weekends, XP boosts, and the introductory/daily/weekly group finder and PVP quests, I've got most of my alts at around Level 22-23, coming out of the prologue with their ship. The primary reason for my alts, is to experience the story of every class at least once. I am enjoying all of them so far, even Smuggler and Consular. ;)


I've done the planets before, and usually just spacebar through the non-class quests, but now, with gray quests, and green quests less than a level away from going gray, I'm finding very little motivation to even do them, and just focus on my class quests. I may go back to them eventually when I'm higher level and can just steamroll the planet, for the sake of completion (and now, achievements).


But in the meantime, am I missing out on anything major story-wise if I skip over the planet quest and its sidequests?

Edited by CetanSZ
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With the double XP weekends, XP boosts, and the introductory/daily/weekly group finder and PVP quests, I've got most of my alts at around Level 22-23, coming out of the prologue with their ship. The primary reason for my alts, is to experience the story of every class at least once. I am enjoying all of them so far, even Smuggler and Consular. ;)


I've done the planets before, and usually just spacebar through the non-class quests, but now, with gray quests, and green quests less than a level away from going gray, I'm finding very little motivation to even do them, and just focus on my class quests. I may go back to them eventually when I'm higher level and can just steamroll the planet, for the sake of completion (and now, achievements).


But in the meantime, am I missing out on anything major story-wise if I skip over the planet quest and its sidequests?

Well you are missing out on a lot of planetary coms that's for sure.
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Well you are missing out on a lot of planetary coms that's for sure.


Definitely this. Especially since you can't bank on getting free gear at 50 anymore. But I suspect that you could get decent moddables from FPs pretty fast.


Storywise, I don't think you'll miss much. It may even help your story-line. You know, the B.A. who swoops in, saves the frickin day and rides off into the sunset before the bodies are cold:p


I used the XP weekends for my Sniper. She was in the mid- to high-30s when dbl xp started. Mainly did my class quest and the main storyline for each planet and some bonus series - that's about it. I still hit 50 before I finished class quest. Which reminds me, I should probably finish that....

Edited by Stressfire
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There are somethings you can miss, but not a ton.


The things you'll miss will tend to be connections to other classes, ie the type of stuff you can't get out of a single play through.


One of the more famous examples of this is probably Darth Lachris who is quest giver and part of the the planetary story arc on Balmora for the Empire faction, however if you're playing as a Jedi Consular she plays a role in your class quest.


There are things like that, but again not alot, just some here and there. Be nice if someone could put together a guide of those types of connections, when each of the class stories takes place and how they relate to one another, plot summaries of the Chapters, etc. I know that's alot of stuff/work, just saying it be nice.

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It's true that some of the side quests are utterly uninteresting, but nearly all of them add to the bigger picture of the story in some way, even if you have to hunt down some of the more obscure conversation branches to find it. I find that the more I play the game, the more times I do the conversations with different classes and characters, the deeper my knowledge of the SW lore becomes. Every time I play through something new amazes me, tying together all the various threads of the various stories.


If your goal in the game is to reach endgame as fast as possible and/or you aren't concerned with story then you're not missing all that much. The class story is enough to satisfy most people.

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