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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fade To Black: The Ultimate Cop Out


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I am loving the new RotHC expansion. I think it has some of the best story content in the game. Unfortunately I am distressed by the blatant return of my least favourite transitional effect: fade to black.


In the past I've had to become used to fade to black in places such as re-spawning w/ Medical Probes - even though I have no idea why it has to happen. Does it... really? In RotHC I was looking forward to soaring over the beautiful planet in a shuttle, but then it faded to black. Now it doesn't feel like a world to me, just a collection of cheap little instances. (don't get me started on shards)


Later, I was enjoying a cutscene with my friend. We got a lightside/darkside option. He won the roll, and as is his way, he decided to chop an NPC to pieces. But then we didn't even see him swing the lightsaber - fade to black struck again. I'm not against ALL fade to black in cutscenes, it has it's uses, but it shouldn't be used to entirely cloak the main action of a scene.


Fade to black has no place in a computer game, especially an MMO. Not only does it disconnect you from your chat box, your friends, your social communication, but it also disconnects you from the game world. That's right, I went there: immersion. I don't know about you, but fade to black breaks my immersion.

Edited by PurpleCliff
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I hear you, but people have been complaining about the long travel times in other planets (Voss, Belsavis, Alderaan etc) so they removed them.


Although, tbh, it would get really old really fast on a planet like Makeb where you can't get around without using a taxi.

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I would immerse my head on the wall if i had to wait 3 minutes to get from one mesa to another, specially as the weekly involves jumping from mesa to mesa. In an ideal world , we could get the option to press space to skip the travel , like in conversations. That's a general suggestion btw, not only for Makeb.
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