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PvP Bolster is good


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Everyone is pretty much on a level playing field when they go naked with no ridiculous gaps in gear. Having min/maxed EWH I still get a better boost in stats/expertise with it on besides the mainhand/offhand and relics. Only thing thats needs to be tweaked is the pvp relic/mainhand/offhand giving that better boost than naked or pve gear in those slots.


Why must we have a team of 2k expertise people rolfstomping a team of 1000 expertise people when its even with this new system?

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Everyone is pretty much on a level playing field when they go naked with no ridiculous gaps in gear. Having min/maxed EWH I still get a better boost in stats/expertise with it on besides the mainhand/offhand and relics. Only thing thats needs to be tweaked is the pvp relic/mainhand/offhand giving that better boost than naked or pve gear in those slots.


Why must we have a team of 2k expertise people rolfstomping a team of 1000 expertise people when its even with this new system?


Pretty much. Told people the same thing awhile ago. I am still at an advantage on all my 50's with 5 pcs (I don't wear wrists/belt cus i have pve armoring 27's in them), and implants/ear depends on the class. Sometimes better, sometimes not much difference.


I can only imagine these kids A) min maxed wrong, B) don't have augments? I have no idea *** they are doing wrong. Maybe they thing 1000 more health is better then a @$%# ton of surge/crit dmg? Who knows.

Edited by biowareftw
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Pretty much. Told people the same thing awhile ago. I am still at an advantage on all my 50's with 5 pcs (I don't wear wrists/belt cus i have pve armoring 27's in them), and implants/ear depends on the class. Sometimes better, sometimes not much difference.


I can only imagine these kids A) min maxed wrong, B) don't have augments? I have no idea *** they are doing wrong. Maybe they thing 1000 more health is better then a @$%# ton of surge/crit dmg? Who knows.


I wouldn't be surprised if people complaining fell under those conditions, but im sure those on the 2k end against a 1k expertise player are also complaining no more 3 shot on terrible gear people. They could maybe tweak it so pvp gear gives even a little more advantage, but the system in place now seems good. This isn't even factoring in the 2.0 BiS pvp gear.

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I dont get what you guys are saying.


I was looking in my character tab... as I was taking my gear off, I was watching my stats increase. This even happened for my level 49 who was in mostly blue/some purple level 49 gear. So I have good gear for my current level, and removing it actually makes my stats better.


Since when is less gear = higher stats "working?"

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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I dont get what you guys are saying.


I was looking in my character tab... as I was taking my gear off, I was watching my stats increase. This even happened for my level 49 who was in mostly blue/some purple level 49 gear. So I have good gear for my current level, and removing it actually makes my stats better.


Since when is less gear = higher stats "working?"


Read what we typed:


Elite War Hero min/maxed/aug'd > Naked/pve gear


Except relic/main/offhand slot

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PVP naked = skill based. If you kill me it's because you're better than me, it's not because you have more gear than me.


If your team wins, it's because you are better than my team, tactics, organization and communication.


I always want a skill based game, on my server some EWH players was dying like bananas because people has the same stats, they always win because of 300+ expertise difference + stats.

Now pugs can be dangerous, you really need to know how to play your class.


How this is bad? Sure for EWH ones because they are not 1 shot everybody.

Edited by NogueiraA
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I dont get what you guys are saying.


I was looking in my character tab... as I was taking my gear off, I was watching my stats increase. This even happened for my level 49 who was in mostly blue/some purple level 49 gear. So I have good gear for my current level, and removing it actually makes my stats better.


Since when is less gear = higher stats "working?"


its very very broken right now, devs need to admit it and tell us what they are going to do to fix it

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its very very broken right now, devs need to admit it and tell us what they are going to do to fix it


They already said it isn't working as intended, but like a previous posted said - The game is more skill base now instead of a huge expertise gap giving PUGs no chance.

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They already said it isn't working as intended, but like a previous posted said - The game is more skill base now instead of a huge expertise gap giving PUGs no chance.


skill based when double premade 50-54 are easily smashing 30+ i am sick of this crap i really havent enjoyed warzones since 2.0.

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They already said it isn't working as intended, but like a previous posted said - The game is more skill base now instead of a huge expertise gap giving PUGs no chance.


Skill based? Just because they changed the game machanics doesn't make a bad player a good one, even if he thinks so.

There are no more tactics or teamplay required, it is all about the highest damage in PvP.


The good PvPers will find a way around because they are working on their gear, classes, skills etc. and then they will once again be better. It just takes some time. PvP till level 54 is a pain now, but it is just temporary.


What's then the excuse of the bad players if they don't have a buff which replaces a lack of understanding or skill?

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Skill based would mean actually playing the game properly, not deathmatching in the middle of nowhere and ignoring objectives.


No bolster can ever teach someone how to pass the ball in Huttball or how to ninja cap at the end of a round in Hypergate. Ever.


Bads will still be bad, even with Bolster.

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Skill based would mean actually playing the game properly, not deathmatching in the middle of nowhere and ignoring objectives.


No bolster can ever teach someone how to pass the ball in Huttball or how to ninja cap at the end of a round in Hypergate. Ever.


Bads will still be bad, even with Bolster.


I fully agree!

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