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I'm loving 2.0 PvP


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Engineering Sniper... back to back Entrenches, Shield Probes, Dodges and Covered Escapes.....Ballistic Dampers.....Trail of Death mines..... Lol.


Why nobody else is playing it, I have no clue lol. I'm loving it. And stealthers? I'm sorry that the devs believed everybody when they tried to say that the new stealth detect ain't **** to good stealthers. I have yet to NOT see a stealthers coming. Our Achilles Heel the stealthers has been nullified. Sorry yall got shafted. I have a Shadow and a Scoundrel, so I do feel your pain. But I'm loving the new patch. Keep it up devs lol :)

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If this was any other mmo it would probably be hotfixed but since it's SWTOR enjoy your god mode for 6 months or more.


Believe me fam. I was one of the few Snipers saying that we would be on top and FOTM. But we were drowned out by everyone else saying that we will never be Op or FOTM. I know that we will be toned down one day. I'm just enjoying the time in the sun while we have it lol. But then again, Smash/Sweep specs haven't been nerfed yet, so it may never happen.

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All the new abilities doesn't really bother me except one, the stealth detection. Snipers are supposed to be the artillery of this game, they hit hard and they hit bad. It doesn't make any sense at all giving them a protection against the only thing that poses a threat to them, that is the equivalent of giving Melee dps the ability to charge opponents in cover.

However, having all sniper team will not win you a WZ, specially on ranked as even with roll, they lack mobility.

Edited by znihilist
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Couldn't agree more.


Its actually encouraging to see someone who even agrees his class is OP. /respect


I wish there were more people like you.


Yeah, no stealther can take a decent sniper one on one, but in the middle of the fray, I attack one the middle of aimed shot, I get a free hidden strike, or my teammate gets a free get out of aimed shot card.


Win win as far as I'm concerned.

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Believe me fam. I was one of the few Snipers saying that we would be on top and FOTM. But we were drowned out by everyone else saying that we will never be Op or FOTM. I know that we will be toned down one day. I'm just enjoying the time in the sun while we have it lol. But then again, Smash/Sweep specs haven't been nerfed yet, so it may never happen.


In all fairness, even with all the mistakes Bioware has made, I didn't anticipate them letting something go live where you can literally 2-3 shot people from full health at level 30 from 34m away.


I mean, the changes to the class trees aren't bad/OP. What's ridiculous is the completely broken TTK. Give me anything with range or stealth and I'll put out 300-500k damage in a warzone just dominating people with 3 hit kills. Its fun for a whole five minutes.

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