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Out of Sync with Friends on Quest Lines


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I love questing with friends in this game.



What is lame though, is when you get out of sync with your buddies. They've done quests you have and visa versa. At that point, it's all out of wack and can take a while to get back in sync, especially if there are 2-3 lvls difference since you played together last.


I don't want to be force to play exactly when my buddies do, but I would like to quest with them.


There should be an option to re-participate in past quests if there is someone in your party doing it for the first time. You should still be able to participate in dialogue and maybe get partial reward and XP at the end.

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Game needs a "Level Sync" function akin to FFXI's system. Where higher players could still play with lower level characters and gain exp from questing/killing mobs etc.


More than that - a way to participate in the story too, since that's where so much of their effort went.

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