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Sargent Jaxo


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Am i the only one that thinks Jaxo outa be a companion and member of Havok squad?

she definatly fits the bill i accualy looked the companion list for the republic trooper and was very disapointed to see her not on the list

Any way you guys at bioware could make a companion pack with 2 new companios per charactor?

i know id shure as hell buy it



Spelling disclamer {for all trolls}

my apologies in advance for all misspelled

words lack of punctuation ect. ect.

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Yeah, Jaxo is awesome. Bioware made her that way on purpose, and she will play a very important role - in the plot and emotionally - in your class story.


Major Spoiler:



The decision about what to do with Jaxo was right after the decision of whether or not to pursue the sith jerk who got that fighter squadron leader. Two hard decisions in a row, I was so mad. One of the few stories in the game where everything doesn't work out all rosy.


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My friend that plays a Trooper really loved this character, she's pretty neat.


Sometimes it seems like . . .


One of the reasons that Bioware gives players the option to kill the most awesome/interesting/notable NPC's you encounter (or let them die), is so they can be 100% clear that, NO, you may NOT have this NPC as a Companion, ever. We don't care how much you like them, the answer is still NO, and it isn't possible anyway -- so there! Oh, but you let them live/saved them, you say? Well, too bad, not everyone did, so no one can have them! :p


Of course the real reason is to make it feel like your character can make important choices, I know. ;) The choice with Jaxo is a particularly hard one, there isn't really a possible "happy ending".


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