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lol bolster


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Then it seems the WH/EWH gear isn't interacting properly with the bolster. This is probably due to level 50 PvP gear having to sacrifice stats for expertise. The bolster is based on item rating, and the the level 50 PvP gear has low stats for its rating, so it would explain how someone naked would have more stats. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to fix. Or maybe the fix just didn't make it into the build in time to be pushed live with the update.
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Then it seems the WH/EWH gear isn't interacting properly with the bolster. This is probably due to level 50 PvP gear having to sacrifice stats for expertise. The bolster is based on item rating, and the the level 50 PvP gear has low stats for its rating, so it would explain how someone naked would have more stats. Hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to fix. Or maybe the fix just didn't make it into the build in time to be pushed live with the update.


Makes a lot of sense.


EDIT:: Recruit too.

Edited by SystemProcess
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Only input I can give after playing 1 game is that:


I have a level 50 jugg with FULL RECRUIT and no augs. Tank spec.


>22k HP

>950 Expertise




Going to be better off not wearing recruit... I can say this much. Lol.


My jugg gained far more expertise not using recruit but the free PVE tier set they gave us. 2.0 has turned PVP into Guildwars-style instant death garbage.

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That's what I thought as well.


I found the current "grouping" horrible as soon as I read about it.


In every game i have played there is atleast a 20 levels bracket ....


and i have played a lot


getting more brackets WZs will stop popping

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I have a 31 sniper. Should i strip down naked wear the weapon and just tee off on elite warlords? lol. I'm not asking I'm obviously not logging into my 50 after reading this. If this is true they have kindoff ruined the most popular pvp wz, lowbie. If they force everyone into 55, the premades will make people quit the game, since no lowbie to run to anymore, people will just hit the unsub button. So I'm thinking Ill keep one 55 and the rest will be permanently in the low 30's and nude. I need to make some more female tunes. Also if bolster makes everyone even at 55 I probably wont be playing it because gear progression is a big thing for me. Better to twink a level 30 and beat up on the 50-54 toons.
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Bolster affects lvl 55 warzones as well? If so whats the point on grinding the new armours when you are better naked?


If it does then well... cyas ;)


No it dosnt, I think this is basically a twinks qq thread

Edited by Mogsters
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Bolster affects lvl 55 warzones as well? If so whats the point on grinding the new armours when you are better naked?


If it does then well... cyas ;)


yeap @ 55 all 55 will have the same stats naked /sarcasm off


i think you are stuck a bit on naked and stop considering all rest

Edited by Princz
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I never thought I would ever be inspired to PvP naked........ Thank you Bioware for making the impossible happen.


That's just it....regardless of what argument you have against or in defense of the new bolster system; Who the hell implements a system that pushes players to nudist pvp?


They should give the warzones new honorary names while this awesomeness lasts...




Uncivil War...drobe

Nudist Coast

Ancient Hyperboobs


Any other suggestions? =D

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A 38 in greens should NOT have 10k more health than a 50 in decent gear.


the fault lies in your assumption that WH/EWH is decent gear now, it is outdated old rubbish with the update nothing else.

RE your modifications buy some planetary coms by WZ-coms and purchase planetary modifications till 55 where you can buy decent gear again...

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I am hearing reports of YES, but I could be wrong. People are going in WZs in PvE gear and are beating my stats naked, so... XD


You are wrong. When I put that culumi/black hole/tionese gear on my stats went back down... It only increases your expertise when you put that on, put what the point when naked is better.

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No it dosnt, I think this is basically a twinks qq thread


pretty much nailed it....


People died, logged in and complained, and no one bothered to test how it works with L 49 geens/blues/purples/no slots...

(well, some already did pve gear>naked man>pvp twinks)


less complaining, more testing.


30-54 brackets are not to be equal, competetive etc.. it's a training ground.

Want good pvp? go 55.

damn.. I can't wait to get home from work :o

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No it dosnt, I think this is basically a twinks qq thread


Have you seen people getting better stats naked in the warzones? Oh you don't do warzones, gotcha...


Nothing to qq about, you get the best stats with NO gear.. nothing complicated or hard about that... just take off whatever gear you have on before you go into the warzones. I became a god after this patch really...

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pretty much nailed it....


People died, logged in and complained, and no one bothered to test how it works with L 49 geens/blues/purples/no slots...

(well, some already did pve gear>naked man>pvp twinks)


less complaining, more testing.


30-54 brackets are not to be equal, competetive etc.. it's a training ground.

Want good pvp? go 55.

damn.. I can't wait to get home from work :o


PVE gear is NOT better than naked.. I just tested that out with culumi pve gear.. It is not better than naked.

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That's just it....regardless of what argument you have against or in defense of the new bolster system; Who the hell implements a system that pushes players to nudist pvp?


They should give the warzones new honorary names while this awesomeness lasts...




Uncivil War...drobe

Nudist Coast

Ancient Hyperboobs


Any other suggestions? =D


Yes i have one. Anyone who chose the heavy set body type should be banned from pvp now. I don't want a bunch of fatties running around my wz. LOL at butball First they give us a gay planet, now theyve made us all nude. Coincidence? I think not. As a family man I am shocked and outraged and appauled by this blatant attempt to brainwash our youth. That and it is quite shocking they let this go live, lol i mean really?

Edited by HaLeX
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pretty much nailed it....


People died, logged in and complained, and no one bothered to test how it works with L 49 geens/blues/purples/no slots...

(well, some already did pve gear>naked man>pvp twinks)


less complaining, more testing.


30-54 brackets are not to be equal, competetive etc.. it's a training ground.

Want good pvp? go 55.

damn.. I can't wait to get home from work :o


Don't take me wrong, I hope you are right. But knowing how it went past year, I expect the cheapest mainhand from starting planet and rest slots empty the best setup. Looking forward to test it in the afternoon.

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PVE gear is NOT better than naked.. I just tested that out with culumi pve gear.. It is not better than naked.


the old columni is as outdated as the old PvP equip. and therfor not worthwhile but upgrading your gear via plenetary coms(purchasable by wz comms) gives you quite some edge above nakeds...

Edited by Tankqull
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Have you seen people getting better stats naked in the warzones? Oh you don't do warzones, gotcha...


Nothing to qq about, you get the best stats with NO gear.. nothing complicated or hard about that... just take off whatever gear you have on before you go into the warzones. I became a god after this patch really...


I wrote basically, this naked thing sounds broken I agree.

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