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Sins are crap


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Actually, the pts changes stands. That means that (at least Deception) Assassins ar nerfed. three of the changes are dps losses. all but one oft skills/abbilities are more or less useless (for PvE).


So they take a class att the bottom att the dps tree and lowers the dps and give us, as a compensation, useless skills/abbilities. theres is no way an assassins (deception) is going to keep up in an operation.

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Actually, the pts changes stands. That means that (at least Deception) Assassins ar nerfed. three of the changes are dps losses. all but one oft skills/abbilities are more or less useless (for PvE).


So they take a class att the bottom att the dps tree and lowers the dps and give us, as a compensation, useless skills/abbilities. theres is no way an assassins (deception) is going to keep up in an operation.

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Don't worry everyone I found out the tricks to the new rotation:



1. Walk in stealth into ops boss area, preferably behind a pole or other line of sight object, and make sure boss is targetted.

2. When fight begins, press force cloak to drop out of combat to protect your dps scores.

3. Sit down toon down in your safe place.

4. Go get a coffee.



5. Watch and call out strategies to fellow raid members

6. Keep an eye on that boss health.

7. at 40%, stand up and get into position near boss.

8. at 31% apply dots.

9. at 30%, you actually become an effective dps, with increases to hits due to 30% limit and spinning strike.

10. Nuke boss.

11. High five everyone on a job well done and be happy with your dps being on par with some of the other members.

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Force potency/recklessness is the bread and butter of our spec. Your goal should be to pick off enemies that are separated from the pack as often as possible, as leaving combat after you are done will reset the CD of fp/recklessness.


With potency up my priority list is

1. Force potency/recklessness

2. Breach/diaharge

3. Project/shock

4. SS/maul (followed by LS and another Shadow Strike.

5. CS/voltaic slash


Spinning strike/assassinate when below 30% and as often as you can afford use spinning kick/spike to proc your SS as it costs less force than low slash.

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Hmm okay. What procs from our Spike? i dont have the out-of-stealth spike unlocked.

I might be overlooking something...

My rotation I was using yesterday, from stealth:

Spike->Maul->Low Slash->Maul->Recklessness ->Shock->Discharge

And then i would just use voltaic slash untill assassinate.

Like i said my overall damage numbers weren't close to yours, but my highest hit was prettty close.

Edited by Transflux
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Your maul will proc from spike and low slash respectively. No doubt maul can hit hard, it's definitely our biggest hitter. But with recklessness up I would definitely start with disharge and shock as those are pretty much guaranteed crits.
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(Forgive the Imp terminology here:)


No doubt I love the Discharge being a higher priority than Maul in your opener. But I think all of this needs to be taken with a grain of salt, because at 55 with the huge crit DR it will be much different. I don't know how recently you hit level 50 on your Shadow. I only started playing in December, so leveling is pretty fresh in my mind. In the 40s I absolutely ruined everyone else in PvP with full Deception. With the level cap being raised, that's basically the boat we're in currently. At 55 the DR for crit means you might be trying to Maul with a 29% crit chance instead of 39% (assuming your Discharge crits to proc Exploitative Strikes.) That difference could mean your Maul hitting for 3k instead of 8.5k. That in turn messes up **** a lot more, considering using Shock so early without Induction stacks means you'll be Force starved before you can kill them. I dunno. We'll have to see I guess. I think DPS Ops are in the same boat. They completed wrecked face between 40-49. The ones I've seen in 2.0 seem incredibly powerful and bursty. But none of them are 55 and have to deal with that. Still, I think they'll be better off than DPS Sins because they actually have talents that boost their crit chance/main stat.


I'll look forward to you hitting 55 and topping a million damage again. :D

Edited by AnusReaper
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