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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please fix the broken queue system


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I happened across this fact by accident when me and my guildmates tried to queue 5 people into the regular wz queue and the 5th man wasn't queued but queued almost immediately afterward all 5 of us were in the same wz and the same thing happened the second time we tried it. I also noticed other occasions where the enemy team was comprised of entirely the same guild. This same exploit was present in wow and I guess obviously it is in this game as well..
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Of course its true. Everyone has had 5 people on in guild and said lets see if we can que together. Many people have had 8 online and said lets see if we can que together. It makes for a fun wz or two but in the end it ends up taking more time than its worth. Now if your talking about people that wont take a que in regs unless all 8 of them are in the same wz, all day everyday, that would be lame.
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Of course its true. Everyone has had 5 people on in guild and said lets see if we can que together. Many people have had 8 online and said lets see if we can que together. It makes for a fun wz or two but in the end it ends up taking more time than its worth. Now if your talking about people that wont take a que in regs unless all 8 of them are in the same wz, all day everyday, that would be lame.
first time was an accident second time it wasn't but doesn't that basically illustrate a serious hole in the queue system right there. I mean i this was the same hole wow had/has(not sure haven't played it in ages) but why couldn't they do just that . Edited by Xekara
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I read this as we need 8 on vent to beat a pug cause 4 ain't enough :)






Its completly fair and we que two 4 man groups all the time. 1 person on each side has to que simultaneously.


my guild has done this before and it is most fun when we go on opposite teams

Edited by jolleebindu
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My guild tried this a couple of times. Both groups get a pop at the same time, but land in different warzones. How's that possible? Is it some kind of superqueueing protection, that you get a pop at the same time and think you'll get in, but actually you don't? I don't mind tho, just saying that we tried this just about 5 times and it never work.
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There was a time when my rateds group couldn't get a ranked pop, so we were double-queued in regs. All eight of us only once wound up in the same warzone together, out of maybe the fifteen matches that we played. I think it's probably just a crap-shoot, and largely dependent upon how many people are pvp-ing at the time. Way back when, before the first server merges (when queue-times were dismal), a group of friends and I tried double-queueing, and it worked every time. With respect to the super-queue notion, I think there's probably a good bit of confirmation bias that goes on; with the same premades queueing over and over again, you're bound to see some of them together more than once (and many pvp-focused guilds field several premades at the same time).
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