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SW spoiler : don't read if chapter 3 is not completed :p


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They could make non story related companions that are granted by choice at the end of mission chains. In SWG if you wanted a rancor it was painful to get one, they should do the same on here since it would be odd seeing everyone with one. We had an incubator and you had to go collect the correct DNA and enzymes of a certain species and if you successfully mutated the egg on all 3 incubation processes then you would have a combat pet rancor that started at lvl 1 :)
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Look buddy if you've seen this thread before then don't reply, especially a smugg reply. Obviously I just witnessed the story so there is no need to put me down for it.


Smugg ... lol. Well, I may be smug, but not smugg. We're talking the Sith Warrior story line, not the Smuggler's. Smugglers are a totally different ball of wax, trust me. Both are exceptionally fun stories. Don't see why you need to curse up such a storm over either of them. Like I said, just have fun. Seriously.


Besides what Sith would show mercy to a traitor? Quinn's in time out for now until I can jet him into space


Perhaps the Sith who realizes the absolute value to be had in a character like Quinn -- the guy who captains, navigates and repairs your ship, keeps you fit and healthy so you can keep hitting enemies intent on killing you, prepares your best tactics and strategies in the middle of really intense battles. That guy might be worth hanging onto. Especially when he owes you for every breath he takes from then on, mind you.


But also, as I said earlier, the Sith who's more bothered that another Sith invaded her crew and manipulated one of her crew members, with whatever coercion a Sith of that power and aptitude is capable of, which is quite incredible if you think about it.


This is Baras we're talking about, here. The guy who's managed to coerce and coopt Generals and Admirals galore all across the Galaxy, both Empire and Republic. I tend to think he only starts with "favors" and then moves on to other and darker forms of control. He puts people where he wants them and then twists them to suit his own purposes. He liquified one guy's mind right in front of you, even. Do you really imagine his power over Quinn is anything measly or simple?


Bottom line? It was up to your Warrior to keep Quinn safe from Baras' manipulations. The Warrior fails to do that, and the Transponder Station event is the result. So you deal with it. You end the threat when you kill Baras. Problem solved, shrug.

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Ok that was yesterday so let it go please. The original post was showing excited rage as I just witnessed that part of the story, and sorry excuse my typos I'm on my phone and this auto correct is annoying me and you lol.


But what I'm saying is they limit us on our RP. As said before I want to kill him, I hardly use him anyway I'm always using jaesa. I can see this has bugged you before since you have come up with this "imagination " story here but I'm still a newer player so ill forget about it in time.

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Just want to add a thing that came to my mind, about the reasons behind Quinn's decision - what if he actually thought he was being merciful?

I mean, that was pretty pathetic assassination attempt, and if the guy wasn't suicidal, that means he greatly miscalculated the sw's strenght. Basically, he thought that the sw was weak and would stand no chance against Baras. So, when Baras told him to kill the sw, he had two options.


Option A. He'd do as Baras says and assassinate the sw. Since Quinn probably thinks he actually could do this (he's very humble about it, but come on, he's clever and he knows it), in this option he would have high odds of survival. He lures the sw to the station, lets a assassin droid to kill her/him quickly and effectively without her/him having to suffer too much, and Baras would reward him.


Option B. He disobeys Baras and does not attempt to kill the sw. Sw confronts Baras and gets killed, and no one can promise that Baras would try to do it quickly and painlessly. After the sw is dead, Baras will probably kill Quinn for being rebellious.


Basically, in option A, Quinn gets rewarded and sw gets rather painless end, in option B, Quinn most likely dies and sw may get a slow and painful death, since it's up to Baras. Easy to say which one sounds better.


Though, this is just my own speculation, but I think it would explain why he would try to kill even his own wife...

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I understand that ^^^ and why Quinn betrays us but I don't understand why we can't have the option to kill him. In my story and maybe yours, I always selected conversation options stating "traitors must die " and those were about simple field soldiers. Then Quinn betrays me and the story forces us to let him live? This is a writing flaw. Sure if previous story conversations said otherwise I probably wouldn't have minded the outcome but the story clearly sets us into a character role that gears us into killing Quinn but we're forced to let him live. I was disappointed.
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I understand that ^^^ and why Quinn betrays us but I don't understand why we can't have the option to kill him. In my story and maybe yours, I always selected conversation options stating "traitors must die " and those were about simple field soldiers. Then Quinn betrays me and the story forces us to let him live? This is a writing flaw. Sure if previous story conversations said otherwise I probably wouldn't have minded the outcome but the story clearly sets us into a character role that gears us into killing Quinn but we're forced to let him live. I was disappointed.


At the very least, they could banish him (not killing him as a reward for all the things he did for the warrior), and, if you take this option, he shows up later in the story to help out. Say, intervening with one of Baras' assassination attempts on Darth anti-Baras. Then the Warrior at least has a plausible reason not to jettison Quinn into a black hole, even if the player wants otherwise. There's plenty of times I've killed people, when I very much DIDN'T want to. The fact that the game called me out on this made it even more annoying.

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At the very least, they could banish him (not killing him as a reward for all the things he did for the warrior), and, if you take this option, he shows up later in the story to help out. Say, intervening with one of Baras' assassination attempts on Darth anti-Baras. Then the Warrior at least has a plausible reason not to jettison Quinn into a black hole, even if the player wants otherwise. There's plenty of times I've killed people, when I very much DIDN'T want to. The fact that the game called me out on this made it even more annoying.


Even if we could kill him and he comes back as a Cyborg to help you, that would be more tolerable than not killing him.

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Though, this is just my own speculation, but I think it would explain why he would try to kill even his own wife...


Actually, I don't think the storyline takes into account that ypu married him. I think that part of companion storyline is suppossed to come after the betrayal.

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Speaking of marriages, my married to Quinn Sith warrior just dinged DS tier 4 and...whooo. Lets just say she's lucky she doesn't have to shave, or else her every morning would start with a heart attack. And not only she'd lose a beauty contest to a Hutt, her personality is matching, so I comfort myself with the thought of Quinn having to service this monstrosity whenever and however she wants. That's a punishment in itself when alternatives are lacking.
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