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You're asking a whole lot for a crystal


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Less rare. I've gotten half a dozen purples and haven't seen a single white-black.


The fact is: the OP wants something very rare for cosmetic reasons. Everyone wants this crystal for cosmetic reasons. It has a very high demand and a very low supply, therefore ppl can charge pretty much whatever they want for them.


Quoted for truth.


Really, OP, the fact that people 'could' get the same stats for less credits undermines your argument. If you just wanted it for the stats, then you could get a different, cheaper color, too.


If you want it for cosmetic reasons...well, join the club. Simple economics: supply and demand. Aesthetic demand is what keeps the price so high.

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If you're hoarding credits and not spending them...what is the use?


I routinely make about 5-10 mil in a given week, but that is because I am constantly spending on stuff I want and like. If you're not interested in spending money, why hoard it?

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Aside from rare crystals, which should be priced high, It must be said that prices for even lower rarity items has become stupidly high in some cases. People are simply starting to get greedy. Some of us dont do dailies (for our own reasons) So we only earn money from other methods such as selling items. But i rarely sell anything above what it should be worth.


Frankly, there are some people out there that are harming the games economy by increasing prices. Its herd mentaility one person sells an item for a stupid price, other person comes along and sees price, sells their item for around the same or much more. Chain reaction begins and we start getting inflated prices. Meaning us lowly peons who dont grind dailies (as i'm sure most of you think we should) Either have to give it up as a bad job or join in the inflation frenzy.


There is a reason most of my equipment has been purchased from the Cartel Market. All i have to do then is buy mods and weapons and such.


Anyway, thats my opinion. But this started around F2P i'm sure a lot of it was peoples trying to exploit the new guys, but the new guys thought they were normal prices so sold high. I remember before F2P i could buy a low level orange item for an affordable price. That is now a laughable statement.



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It's not worth it, you can still get those stats from cheaper crystals at lvl 10 like Purple or Cyan on the market


It's rarer therefore worth more, also some people think the aestetics are better, but mostly it's about rarity, and as long as it stays rare it will stay expensive.


Personally I think Cyan for Jedi and Purple for Sith works just as well aestetically.

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Also, since players are able to RE in order to get the schematics for some of these crystals, the price has been dropping, I've noticed. Which is good imho because it does allow some people to get some of the colors that they want. That being said, there will always be some colors that are just going to be uber-expensive and, that's just the case for certain items in any MMO period.
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The GTN is full of Crap mostly. All the good items are priced stupidly. You know what I miss is the Vendor System that we had in SWG. I miss having my own store that I could setup and decorate and sale my loot and crafts. It was pretty fun. If you were good at it, you could do very well. Customers would be coming back to you often instead of dealing with others. BioWare could have learned from that but they didn't. There loss in my opinion.


Sounds like the GTN needs some ZOLOFT, of course it will need to be 1/2 of what Walgreens is selling it for - sorry way to easy

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