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HOW the Beat WOW:Future expanion ideas


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SW:ToR already beat wow imo





HOW to beat WoW

u make a game of all games



If EA can reach into there pocket books they can turn SW:TOR MMO platform and add concepts out of any game they want.


For future Expantion ideas


1) Skyrim s First person style combat view option in a MMO (any mmo would sell me on this)how hard is it to animate hands in front of u while u cast a spell or swing a sword

in first person view


2)BF3 style wargames with vehicles and walkers and jets like in that epic hoth battle



3)Need for Speed Style Podracing with a betting system






i know this would take alot of resources and manpower and coding but if there in this for the long haul


mabee some conecpts to keep people excited about star wars as i am.



post your ideas


May the Schwartz be with you

Edited by Pwnisherr
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Fully agree with the ideas mentioned above.


I would also like to see some sort of ctf


Also, I have a vague idea for a custom guild v.s. guild battle where 2 guild fleets would engage in space either in some sort of pvp variant of the space battle system or point race system then engage in a ship boarding battle with multiple objectives and giving small advantages to the side that won the space battle; varying advantages based upon the percentage the winning team won the space battle by.


Just an idea, what do you guys think?

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Become a game maker.


Well that's the dream right? lol



I would also like to see some straight out brawls with either a finite life pool per side or maybe a battle where you had to rack up a higher kill total then your enemies with bonuses for killstreaks.


Larger battles would be nice too, I like the tactical sensibility of 8v8 however it doesn't matter which game I'm playing; I always seem to dream of 40 v.s. 40 combat.


I am really interested in hearing if others would like to see similar things or hear about your ideas about what direction pvp should be going

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The game is absolutely awesome.


That being said, what I would like to see in the future is the ability to have your body scanned at a local Bioware station and have a character model which was an exact copy of you imported into the game to play as.


These body scan stations could be constructed at major cities through the US and Europe and would charge a nominal fee for the feature. You would probably want to get scanned at least once a year to stay "up to date". More frequently if you were working out a lot or (more likely) you got fat and slobby from playing SWTOR all the time.


This would frankly add a huge amount of immersion to the game and bring me a step closer to feeling like I live in the world of Star Wars.


Thank you.

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SW:ToR already beat wow imo





HOW to beat WoW

u make a game of all games



If EA can reach into there pocket books they can turn SW:TOR MMO platform and add concepts out of any game they want.


For future Expantion ideas


1) Skyrim s First person style combat view option in a MMO (any mmo would sell me on this)how hard is it to animate hands in front of u while u cast a spell or swing a sword

in first person view


2)BF3 style wargames with vehicles and walkers and jets like in that epic hoth battle



3)Need for Speed Style Podracing with a betting system






i know this would take alot of resources and manpower and coding but if there in this for the long haul


mabee some conecpts to keep people excited about star wars as i am.



post your ideas


May the Schwartz be with you


First person view, hell no, I hated Skyrim so boring after 10 minutes of gameplay. Maybe I should of played it longer ...


BF3 Styled warzone sounds good but look at what happened in WoW with Wintergrasp, alot hated the vehicle system...


NFS Podracing, yes please.

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How to beat WoW:


Wait on Blizzard to put out their next MMO.


TOR is cool and all, but its not better than WoW. The story mode very cool in TOR but WoW's combat mechanics are still better. Yes, WoW being out 7 years has a lot to do with it.


Once the new car smell wears off of TOR people will start to see a lot of the issues that people complain about on the forums are real instead of just saying, 'its fine give it time'.


TOR's real test isnt WoW, its going to be GW2.


Thats said, I'm not a subscriber to the '<insert game> has to kill WoW to be good thing. These are mostly people where WoW was their first MMO.


I've played lots of MMOs and I actually found a lot of them fun. DAoC, FFXI, MxO had the best skill system I've seen in an MMO, CoH had the best character creator, I found WAR's pvp to be very fun.


Competition is a good thing there shouldnt just be an 800-pound gorilla game smothering the genre.

Edited by oflow
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How to beat WoW:


Wait on Blizzard to put out their next MMO.


TOR is cool and all, but its not better than WoW. The story mode very cool in TOR but WoW''s combat mechanics are still better. Yes, WoW being out 7 years has a lot to do with it.


Once the new car smell wears off of TOR people will start to see a lot of the issues that people complain about on the forums are real instead of just saying, ''its fine give it time''.


TOR''s real test isnt WoW, its going to be GW2.


Thats said, I''m not a subscriber to the ''<insert game> has to kill WoW to be good thing. These are mostly people where WoW was their first MMO.


I''ve played lots of MMOs and I actually found a lot of them fun. DAoC, FFXI, MxO had the best skill system I''ve seen in an MMO, CoH had the best character creator, I found WAR''s pvp to be very fun.


Competition is a good thing there shouldnt just be an 800-pound gorilla game smothering the genre.


u make very valid points and i enjoyed CoH char creation and customization aspect i just hope that SW:ToR doesnt bomb like DC univierse

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Yes, a customizable character creation system like City of Heroes would be awesome. I spent hours just coming up new looks for toons. Any game where you can play a kid in a school uniform and glasses with powers to haymaker people into the atmosphere can't help being fun for a while.


How to beat WoW:


Wait on Blizzard to put out their next MMO.


TOR is cool and all, but its not better than WoW. The story mode very cool in TOR but WoW's combat mechanics are still better. Yes, WoW being out 7 years has a lot to do with it.


Once the new car smell wears off of TOR people will start to see a lot of the issues that people complain about on the forums are real instead of just saying, 'its fine give it time'.


TOR's real test isnt WoW, its going to be GW2.


Thats said, I'm not a subscriber to the '<insert game> has to kill WoW to be good thing. These are mostly people where WoW was their first MMO.


I've played lots of MMOs and I actually found a lot of them fun. DAoC, FFXI, MxO had the best skill system I've seen in an MMO, CoH had the best character creator, I found WAR's pvp to be very fun.


Competition is a good thing there shouldnt just be an 800-pound gorilla game smothering the genre.

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