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New PVP patch notes are completely bogus


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Oh lord, a post scathing on reading comprehension and logic comes from someone who calls itself "BoushhDC?" Oh my, says George Takei...


My post was part of an ongoing exchange. Here are the relevant Cliff Notes to put it in context:


Person X: "the only people against the 2.0 changes are only interested in face-rolling noobs"


Me: "I disagree. For example, crafters aren't interested in face-rolling noobs, but they are going to take a hit since demand for their wares will drop with the changes since no one will have to make any updates to their gear for pvp as they are levelling. As a result, they might be a bit critical of that aspect for a reason other than their desire to 'face-roll noobs'."


Person X: "the only people against the 2.0 changes are only interested in face-rolling noobs."


Me: *sigh* "Reading comprehension...." and so on.


Does that clear things up? :)

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My post was part of an ongoing exchange. Here are the relevant Cliff Notes to put it in context:


Person X: "the only people against the 2.0 changes are only interested in face-rolling noobs"


Me: "I disagree. For example, crafters aren't interested in face-rolling noobs, but they are going to take a hit since demand for their wares will drop with the changes since no one will have to make any updates to their gear for pvp as they are levelling. As a result, they might be a bit critical of that aspect for a reason other than their desire to 'face-roll noobs'."


Person X: "the only people against the 2.0 changes are only interested in face-rolling noobs."


Me: *sigh* "Reading comprehension...." and so on.


Does that clear things up? :)


This noob keeps trying to make it about something completely irrelevant. blah blah blah crafting blah blah blah. What a dumb argument to impose on a thread about bolstering stats.

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This noob keeps trying to make it about something completely irrelevant. blah blah blah crafting blah blah blah. What a dumb argument to impose on a thread about bolstering stats.




Speaking of "Person X" ... rofl.


I only brought up crafting to answer another person's specific question about the 2.0 changes.


And if you think about it *crossing fingers that won't be too much to ask*, gear crafting is very much relevant in a thread about pvp bolstering since it's the GEAR that is getting bolstered in 2.0, item by item, (rather than the current system of bolstering the character based upon level) and therefore an issue very much germane to the discussion, and crafters specifically. LOL. Did you even *read* the 2.0 patch notes that the Devs put up? lolololol.

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Speaking of "Person X" ... rofl.


I only brought up crafting to answer another person's specific question about the 2.0 changes.


And if you think about it *crossing fingers that won't be too much to ask*, gear crafting is very much relevant in a thread about pvp bolstering since it's the GEAR that is getting bolstered in 2.0, item by item, (rather than the current system of bolstering the character based upon level) and therefore an issue very much germane to the discussion, and crafters specifically. LOL. Did you even *read* the 2.0 patch notes that the Devs put up? lolololol.


Gear is going to keep it's current relevancy. Those that don't want to wear the PvP gear will still need to obtain the PvP gear and swap the mods. This is what's going on now and what's going to keep happening. I did not play in the PTS but from all of the accounts spoken of PvP gear is still going to outshine the bolstered gear dramatically. The only variable foreseeable that might change the economics for the crafters is the market.


Do you even play the game or sit in the forums writing mindless dribble?

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Gear is going to keep it's current relevancy. Those that don't want to wear the PvP gear will still need to obtain the PvP gear and swap the mods. This is what's going on now and what's going to keep happening. I did not play in the PTS but from all of the accounts spoken of PvP gear is still going to outshine the bolstered gear dramatically. The only variable foreseeable that might change the economics for the crafters is the market.


Do you even play the game or sit in the forums writing mindless dribble?


He is speaking to low level PVP, where gear significantly impacts performance (if you hadn't noticed I don't know what you were doing). Crafting plays only a cosmetic roll at 50. Seeing as crafting was never meant to be an integral part of PvP, I don't find that the argument carries any weight, but his point is valid given what I understand from the dev post. Right now, your stats don't bolster as high if your gear is not up to your level. In the new patch, you will get more bolster the worse your stats are to put you on even footing to a base level with the new PvP sets giving you even higher stats than the baseline. Ergo, I don't have to troll the GTN for gear because warzone comms only give me stuff at 20 and 40.


Seeing as crafters no longer have to worry about severely undergeared players in their warzones, I would still call it a win for them as well. If they choose not to participate in PvP, more power to them, but I don't really care that they aren't getting my money anymore either.

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He is speaking to low level PVP, where gear significantly impacts performance (if you hadn't noticed I don't know what you were doing). Crafting plays only a cosmetic roll at 50. Seeing as crafting was never meant to be an integral part of PvP, I don't find that the argument carries any weight, but his point is valid given what I understand from the dev post. Right now, your stats don't bolster as high if your gear is not up to your level. In the new patch, you will get more bolster the worse your stats are to put you on even footing to a base level with the new PvP sets giving you even higher stats than the baseline. Ergo, I don't have to troll the GTN for gear because warzone comms only give me stuff at 20 and 40.


Seeing as crafters no longer have to worry about severely undergeared players in their warzones, I would still call it a win for them as well. If they choose not to participate in PvP, more power to them, but I don't really care that they aren't getting my money anymore either.


They will still be relevant for leveling. The game cannot be attempted to be balanced around pre-50 PvP.

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Gear is going to keep it's current relevancy. Those that don't want to wear the PvP gear will still need to obtain the PvP gear and swap the mods. This is what's going on now and what's going to keep happening. I did not play in the PTS but from all of the accounts spoken of PvP gear is still going to outshine the bolstered gear dramatically. The only variable foreseeable that might change the economics for the crafters is the market.


Do you even play the game...


I'm typing between WZs on my multi-monitor set up, thanks. I've been pvping since closed beta and currently pvp w/ 4 50s and 2 under 50s, thanks for asking. ;) You?


Bolstering will have the greatest impact (logically) on the under 55 brackets, since they will get the largest increase in stats. Currently, the most lucrative and arguably only viable segment of the gear market is in the under cap levels particularly for armoring, mods, enhancements, barrels/hilts, and crystals; the most important of those pieces being the armoring and barrels/hilts since those are the items that the current bolstering system takes into account. That market will be directly affected, and *not* keep it's current relevancy because no matter how you slice it, demand will be going down w/ 2.0, not up, and I see nothing to offset it. Although I will occasionally sell crafted gear, including all the item mods etc., that's not where I make most of my creds personally but I know many who do, so again, I was only pointing out some of the segments of the community that had thus far not been mentioned, that will be also be affected by the changes, and not in a positive way.


The newest tier of PvP gear will be available at only at lvl 55 and everyone will be wearing that as they get it or stick the stripped mods from it into shells they like-- same difference, which in many cases are Cartel Items either purchased directly w/ their coins or from those that are selling them on the GTN; NOT crafters, so that's not pertinent. Currently, the PvP cap market segment will not change, going neither up nor down since the pvp mods can't be crafted anyway, so that's not what I was talking about when answering that other poster's query, but thanks for stopping by and earnestly contributing to the conversation. :)


Just to reiterate, I'm not using crafting as an argument against implementing the 2.0 changes, but merely to answer the question that was asked earlier about "doesn't everyone win?" It's a side effect, or "unintended consequences," if you will, but that's to be expected in MMOs. Any seasoned gamer knows that when the Devs change *anything* they break 10 other things and have a host of those pesky unintended consequences. Just you wait, when 2.0 goes live, even more unanticipated ones will come to light. LOL

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Ergo, I don't have to troll the GTN for gear because warzone comms only give me stuff at 20 and 40.


...but I don't really care that they aren't getting my money anymore either.


I hear ya but over the years and various MMOs, I've known people who *really* enjoy crafting. Not my cup of tea, but there are a lot of people that invest a lot of time and effort in that game system because they like it. On my server now even, there is a guild dedicated to crafting that is in high demand (level 27 PvE mods).


To be honest, though, I've bought some shells I liked (some pieces of the Trailblazer set for my scoundrel, a couple pieces of the Revan's set for my knight) off the GTN. Those are Cartel Market items, and although I like the way they look, I'd have felt much better about giving my credits to crafters that maybe had fought to get a rare schematic drop, or had to gather mats or perhaps spend time reverse engineering items. Instead, I gave them someone that had just spent real world money to buy items instantaneously (or packs) from the "Skymall" with no effort whatsoever and the only time invested was the 36 hour wait time until it became unbound so they could then sell it for exorbitant, arbitrary prices that had no relation to cost to produce etc. I may have only bought a few pieces, but that's my guilty conscience I guess: I'd rather give my earned game creds to someone who also used their game time and effort to produce it, but that's probably just me.

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PvP should be all about Skill not gear. As a Hardcore PvPer, i also approved the new system.


Agreed, PVP should be about skill and utilizing class. On the Imperial Side I have noted "every man for himself " more often than not. Do I get medals as an OP for keeping enemies distracted/asleep/at bay/away from my team mates/nodes? No, but I play my class anyway to try to help the overall effort. Sometimes it is just fun sowing confusion lol! However, I must agree with the above post as well that people who have been grinding or perhaps even casually growing their gear are now considerably weaker ( at least in HP) by people in green armor! A little frustrating when you have worked very hard earning your gear, spent many credits to improve your game and support of team effort (pretty much non-existant unless ops groups are going in). I think the bottom line is it has come down to BW just wanting people to stay in and return to game. I think there is room for tweeking our past efforts but I don't see it happening...it will be my hope that people live and learn. Overall, my happiness that the game is alive and thriving again with new content for our toons has to outweigh my perplexed state of winning 15 medals one match and 1 the next. May the Force be with you all!

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I don't understand how all these people think the new bolster is making it skill based. I'll say it again, it takes no skill whatsoever 2 or 3-shotting people all the time, and the people that DO actually HAVE skill have no time to prove it because they are dead in 2 or 3 shots.


Bolster can be fine, IF they reduce the damage/healing buffs it gives. Until then there will be nothin but non-skilled 2-shotters joining the level 55 bracket, expecting to be able to do the same thing and getting pwned, since their skill actually will matter at that point

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I don't understand how all these people think the new bolster is making it skill based. I'll say it again, it takes no skill whatsoever 2 or 3-shotting people all the time, and the people that DO actually HAVE skill have no time to prove it because they are dead in 2 or 3 shots.


Bolster can be fine, IF they reduce the damage/healing buffs it gives. Until then there will be nothin but non-skilled 2-shotters joining the level 55 bracket, expecting to be able to do the same thing and getting pwned, since their skill actually will matter at that point


Yeah, all the players crowing about how now the game is skill based are almost exclusively bads who used to cry about the gear gap when they were in full wh like everyone else.


Its not that now their "leet skills" are shining through, but that the pvp skill-cap in the sub-55 brackett has nosedived.



I blame Call of DUty for these sorts of gamers. Guys who never had to develop real twitch skills or real situational awareness because they started out playing an fps which aims for you and spawns you right behind the enemy lines.


I would prefer if the mmo genre shied away from catering to these ******-yet-entitled gamers, and didnt hand out free trash kills like ToR now seems to be doing.

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Okay, now that 2.0 has gone live, here are a few telling snippets:


(Dev Post)

Howdy folks,


Thanks for all the reports regarding shortened TTK! I just wanted to let you all know that we are looking into the issue, and we could use your help - if you feel so inclined.


For those of you who are critically hitting with certain abilities for over 9000 damage in bolstered PvP situations, please post the following information:



Ha! You beat me to it!


Ok I have to ask, you want the players to help now? yet when those that went to the pts and said the bolster system was as much use as a chocolate tea pot you ignored it. From my understanding folk did comment on the forums about the bolster system yet the threads were deleted? ..... folks like the challenge of pvp as it stands you've well messed it up big time.


Honestly , I'm not getting paid to put all those numbers together, it is their job they should go test this out for themselves since they deleted my bolster thread when the PTS was still going on, why should I bother now?


Hi all nudist fighters!

Here is some research for how to improve your performance in nude warzones, please feel free to add your discovers in the interesting new minigame of : "how to not gear " that biofail brings to us with 2.0...


Hmm, to sum up:


1) BW doesn't seem to know how unintended things are occurring (despite their assurances beforehand to the contrary) and now is asking for people to help them out...


2) People that tried to help them out by posting information on the PTS forums before 2.0 went live were ignored/deleted.


3) Those that have found the unintended/exploit to do over 9k damage in one hit (some have reported over 10k) refuse to reveal their stats which would result in it's erradication (gee, what a surprise there).


4) Various combos of nakedness/removing specific gear/equipping certain levels of gear gives results in the bolster system that optimizes your stats in ways that are not predictable.


Gee, I wish I'd commented in my earlier posts how SKETCHY this bolster system is... oh wait!!


I DID. :rak_03:

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I'll also point out to anyone who has been following the posts & posters in this thread, that prior to 2.0's release, Kovaos has been one of the frequent participants. He made known his absolute support for the bolster system arguing that it would place skill above gear. I'll also point out that in another thread (as copied in my post preceding this one) that when the devs asked for those that were achieving the unintended 9k+ crits since 2.0 to post their gear and stats, he agreed w/ another poster that he'd never reveal it.


Can you say "HYPOCRITE"?

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OP bashes people who don't agree with him/her. Pretty pathetic, but par for the course.


The THIRD post to this thread is spot on. The game is F2P, let's get this game running on skill rather than time spent on gathering gear. I would rather log in and spend a few matches setting my keybinds, learning my class and jumping right into competitive games rather than grinding gear and crushing others who haven't spent that investment. WoW is for that. I enjoy WoW arenas too as I am a posting member of arena junkies and a mutli-glad on two classes.


For the OP, if you want to do the competitive-gear grind to "smash" less-geared players, come over to WoW. I'll even teach you how to play arena's comptitively if you'd like. Send me a tell and I'll give you my credentials and I'll even gear up with you this season on priest or mage to see if you can actually play competitively. So many pvp'ers are bad asses in their own mind...and it is only a video game to boot :(


Otherwise, let's embrace this change and hope that SWTOR PvP becomes a hit with other like-minded people. There is nothing at all wrong with leveling the playing field. The good players will rise and the less-interested people will become average. What's wrong with that? No more "Hulk-Smash" with better gear mentality?


To OP- if you are like 12 years old, I'm sorry for posting a semi-sarcastic post. You don't know any better. HULK-SMASH!


Edit: The next one or two MMOS HAVE come along, FYI. The pvp'ers still here probably enjoy the game enough to keep playing.


second edit: I was not serious about gearing up with you in WoW. Takes too much time, and i suspect you suck. However, I will provide credentials for you in the alternative.


If i wanted to play wow... i would play wow



i dont play wow because they ruined it by making it way to easy for people... dumbing down skill trees... nerfing raids and instances.... it ruined the people who actually want a challenge



regardless of the various opinions i have stated in this about the who whats and whys to my opinion the one thing that i stand by is that DIFFERENCE IN GEAR CREATES CONFLICT AND CHALLENGE


for anyone who has played for the last few weeks you know that going into a WZ and taking off your gear makes you more geared than people who spend time on their character. That is broken and backwards.


yes i still do very well in WZs... no i dont play a smash jugg, actually i play like 3-4 diff classes for a change of pace every once in awhile. But ultimately what ruined wow for me and A LOT Of pepple is that its like playing lego batman nowadays as opposed to what it used to be... batman arkham city (in this comparision) both good games, but if i wanna play lego batman im gonna play lego batman... i wanna play arkham city. **** wow... **** arenas... **** everything it has become compared to what it used ot be



and if swtor continues down this same path it will turn into the same exact game. SUre Wow still exists but the caliber and type of players it attracts nowadays are very different than what it used to be



no im not 12... no i dont play smash juggs or marauders... actually i prefer healing or tanking because i find utility more useful in WZs.


and if you take ONE of posts out of context and try to analyze that as my only opinion than you are closing off a broad spectrum of what im actually trying to say.


This patch still sucks... and its sad that this game, sooner rather than later will be dumbed down just the way all other MMOS are... so that simple people can play it like a simple game... instead of the game MMOs of old used to be, and should be.

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This is the OP's first post on forums....what lvl are you?, cant really believe you understand your class.


lol so because i dont post on forums i dont know how to play the game



been subscribing since launch


have 7 lvl 50s... and i play every class




thanks tho nice try :)

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I don't understand how all these people think the new bolster is making it skill based. I'll say it again, it takes no skill whatsoever 2 or 3-shotting people all the time, and the people that DO actually HAVE skill have no time to prove it because they are dead in 2 or 3 shots.


Bolster can be fine, IF they reduce the damage/healing buffs it gives. Until then there will be nothin but non-skilled 2-shotters joining the level 55 bracket, expecting to be able to do the same thing and getting pwned, since their skill actually will matter at that point





this is just a small part of what ive been saying. Having a difference in gear, having to learn your class in different situations... learn which stats improve your character the most, this is what leads to having more skil... not everyone running around ****** everyone and having no REAL idea of how they did it.


Sure those of us with skill still do very well, but this is not helping the game or the players in the long run... it is a short term solution for casual players who want to have no idea what they are doing and still run around in pvp. And it makes it MUCH more difficult for those of us who actually care about PVP



Its a bandaid for a broken arm. And does nothing for the overall health of pvp.

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Okay, now that 2.0 has gone live, here are a few telling snippets:








Hmm, to sum up:


1) BW doesn't seem to know how unintended things are occurring (despite their assurances beforehand to the contrary) and now is asking for people to help them out...


2) People that tried to help them out by posting information on the PTS forums before 2.0 went live were ignored/deleted.


3) Those that have found the unintended/exploit to do over 9k damage in one hit (some have reported over 10k) refuse to reveal their stats which would result in it's erradication (gee, what a surprise there).


4) Various combos of nakedness/removing specific gear/equipping certain levels of gear gives results in the bolster system that optimizes your stats in ways that are not predictable.


Gee, I wish I'd commented in my earlier posts how SKETCHY this bolster system is... oh wait!!


I DID. :rak_03:


i love reading posts for people who actually understand pvp and what the bolster system ACTUALLY did for it

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