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Dual Spec!

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Some people and I at my realm were arguing about Dual Spec, we all agreed it would be lovely to be able to change spec in the field. We all know about the Legacy thing, but we still have to plot our points in everytime. We would suggest dual spec, that we could swap between, and where we can save our spec's, so we do not have to plot in new points everytime. Do you guys agree with me :rak_02:
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I understand your concernes, but it would bring more people to use the FP finder. As it would be easy to swap between, healer, dps or tank. :-)


No it would not. The infield respec is fine. Just queue as both and respec, depending on the outcome. Barely takes a minute, the exact time it would take to swap specs anyway.

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No it would not. The infield respec is fine. Just queue as both and respec, depending on the outcome. Barely takes a minute, the exact time it would take to swap specs anyway.


That is not true, it will take atleast 1-2 mins to respec if fast. The dual spec would take 15-30 sec. :-)

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Dual spec + outfit changer = a whole lot of convenience for every player in this game. With both these functions you can swap easy and fast according to the role that you chose (if you have chosen more than 1 that is).
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That is not true, it will take atleast 1-2 mins to respec if fast. The dual spec would take 15-30 sec. :-)


IMO, if you're taking more than a minute to re-spec, you don't know the spec well enough to begin with. I can respec into a tree I know well in ~20 seconds.

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No it would not. The infield respec is fine. Just queue as both and respec, depending on the outcome. Barely takes a minute, the exact time it would take to swap specs anyway.


Yes and no. The current respec available is fine if you buy the legacy perk for field respec (or stand at the trainer why queuing) and are willing to go through the hassle. For me I did that for quite a while, but once I got to the point where I had most all the gear I wanted I wouldn't both queueing as both cause it wasn't worth the hassle anymore. If the queue takes an hour so what, i don't really need anything so no big deal. If we had true dual spec I would ALWAYS queue both because even I in my uber lasyiness am willing to hit 1 button.

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I am wondering... Please explain what trouble it makes?


Loot priority, the rendering of Specializations being moot, again, the utter uselessness of Dual specs with in field respecs and the terrible attitude that inevitably comes with too much convenience.


Sorry, I don't like the headaches that comes with this. The current system is fine.

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IMO, if you're taking more than a minute to re-spec, you don't know the spec well enough to begin with. I can respec into a tree I know well in ~20 seconds.


You might be able to switch your tree in 20 seconds, but that doesn't include swapping your gear and re-organizing your quick bars. If you have to do all of that like most do (there ways around the quick bar, but not around the gear) then it easily takes over a minute even if you do it more than once a day.

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Loot priority, the rendering of Specializations being moot, again, the utter uselessness of Dual specs with in field respecs and the terrible attitude that inevitably comes with too much convenience.


Sorry, I don't like the headaches that comes with this. The current system is fine.


Loot priority would be unaffected. If people are already switching specs now, which is your argument than if that were to change, it already would have. Same with rendering specializations as moot. Nothing in your argument is different between current system and dual spec other than dual spec is even more convenient than current.

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Absolutely. Dual spec is my #2 QoL update that I'm dying to see (first is legacy datacrons)


For me it goes: server transfers, legacy datacrons, dual spec


Dual spec is a distant third because of the free respec (which should only take about 40 seconds to click through the tree and switch gear).

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Loot priority would be unaffected. If people are already switching specs now, which is your argument than if that were to change, it already would have. Same with rendering specializations as moot. Nothing in your argument is different between current system and dual spec other than dual spec is even more convenient than current.


Loot priority becomes a bit of a problem because people will make it a problem. "I'm the Commando Healer, I should get this item" "Well I would have been the Healer if the RNG didn't slot me DPS so I should get the item because I would have done a better job than you."


But you have a point for the first two. However, the last two points are valid. There is no need for dual specs when we can already respec in the field and adding dual spec just worsens the community attitude with convenience. They expect tri specs, and higher queue finder placements. Plus, dual spec doesn't really help the DPS only AC classes. What bonus do they get?

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Loot priority becomes a bit of a problem because people will make it a problem. "I'm the Commando Healer, I should get this item" "Well I would have been the Healer if the RNG didn't slot me DPS so I should get the item because I would have done a better job than you."


But you have a point for the first two. However, the last two points are valid. There is no need for dual specs when we can already respec in the field and adding dual spec just worsens the community attitude with convenience. They expect tri specs, and higher queue finder placements. Plus, dual spec doesn't really help the DPS only AC classes. What bonus do they get?



What? So if you won't get a bonus, why should another class? It's a FREAKING QoL issue -- nothing more.


People will make things a problem regardless. Adding in a way to "save" my talent build WILL NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. That is literally the only difference between field respec and an actual "dual-spec." For no reason at all, I have to completely re-assign my points. Allowing me to have 1 or 2 saved skill tree builds WILL NOT AFFECT ANYONE ELSE AT ALL. Except for maybe making their healer much more pleasant.


You're argument is completely invalid. Should we remove the "need" button because people need on companion gear? If a DPS needs on a obvious healer item, it is socially unnacceptible. It is up to your entire group to handle it -- this happens even without dual-spec. Field-respec IS DUAL SPEC, just without the convenience of "saving" my point allocation.


Gheesh, why are people so against minimal added convenience? I don't view this as a priority AT ALL, but it's a QoL thing that would be nice eventually.

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What? So if you won't get a bonus, why should another class? It's a FREAKING QoL issue -- nothing more.


People will make things a problem regardless. Adding in a way to "save" my talent build WILL NOT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. That is literally the only difference between field respec and an actual "dual-spec." For no reason at all, I have to completely re-assign my points. Allowing me to have 1 or 2 saved skill tree builds WILL NOT AFFECT ANYONE ELSE AT ALL. Except for maybe making their healer much more pleasant.


You're argument is completely invalid. Should we remove the "need" button because people need on companion gear? If a DPS needs on a obvious healer item, it is socially unnacceptible. It is up to your entire group to handle it -- this happens even without dual-spec. Field-respec IS DUAL SPEC, just without the convenience of "saving" my point allocation.


Gheesh, why are people so against minimal added convenience? I don't view this as a priority AT ALL, but it's a QoL thing that would be nice eventually.


Because too much QoL makes you lazy and will cause you to riot the second things get complicated. Warcraft recently removed the auto flight path discovery. People are up in arms over it.


I'm sorry you don't like that I'm disagreeing with you, but that's what it is. If you didn't want people with opposing views, you shouldn't have posted this on the forums.


I am sorry, but I disagree with Dual Spec.


Plus, what do you care if I disagree? I'm not a Developer. My word isn't law. So just get over it.

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That is not true, it will take atleast 1-2 mins to respec if fast. The dual spec would take 15-30 sec. :-)


Uh, no. It takes me about 10 seconds to populate my trees, because I actually know my class. If you don't have your trees memorized, then you don't know your class very well. The field reset option works perfectly if you don't sit there staring at skill box with a derp look on your face wondering if you should put points in it.

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Because too much QoL makes you lazy and will cause you to riot the second things get complicated. Warcraft recently removed the auto flight path discovery. People are up in arms over it.


I'm sorry you don't like that I'm disagreeing with you, but that's what it is. If you didn't want people with opposing views, you shouldn't have posted this on the forums.


I am sorry, but I disagree with Dual Spec.


Plus, what do you care if I disagree? I'm not a Developer. My word isn't law. So just get over it.


I couldn't care less about the opinion of some random person on the forums -- I'm just trying to understand why the hell people HAVE opinions if it doesn't negatively affect them OR the game.


Are you against field-respec? Because that makes you lazy. Clearly, not having to get yourself to the fleet every time you need to respec -- THAT is laziness. Shouldn't you have been up-in-arms about that? In my view, I personlly won't get "lazy" -- I'll just save myself from worsening carpel tunnel caused by fast-clicking 31+ times because people like you, who don't have to respec constantly, complain that it takes me more than 5 seconds to get ready.


Thank you, by the way, for those last three completely useless sentences. Very mature -- did I seem overly upset and taken aback that someone had the audacity to disagree with someone else? I couldn't care less -- I thought that was obvious by my deeming this a QoL issue, and one that CERTAINLY doesn't have priority. Plenty of other games have implemented the "field-respec" equivalent that includes having the points saved between two specs, and I've yet to see anyone saying anything negative. . .

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Uh, no. It takes me about 10 seconds to populate my trees, because I actually know my class. If you don't have your trees memorized, then you don't know your class very well. The field reset option works perfectly if you don't sit there staring at skill box with a derp look on your face wondering if you should put points in it.


I would like to see you do it in 10 sec, because that is not possible, even not with two mouses. Try be realistic. :)

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Uh, no. It takes me about 10 seconds to populate my trees, because I actually know my class. If you don't have your trees memorized, then you don't know your class very well. The field reset option works perfectly if you don't sit there staring at skill box with a derp look on your face wondering if you should put points in it.


I know my classes fairly well -- but on my Sorc, I don't swap around often. 99% of the time I heal, so it takes me ~ 15 seconds to be ready. Upwards of ~ 30 seconds if I'm going into DPS, because I honestly don't know the tree as well.


Surprisingly though? I've had people get mad if I take 15 seconds to switch -.- Very rarely, but I found it rather funny, considering we were still waiting on someone to zone in.

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Some people and I at my realm were arguing about Dual Spec, we all agreed it would be lovely to be able to change spec in the field. We all know about the Legacy thing, but we still have to plot our points in everytime. We would suggest dual spec, that we could swap between, and where we can save our spec's, so we do not have to plot in new points everytime. Do you guys agree with me :rak_02:


i vote yes ...

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