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LF guild with daily/nightly active community


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i am looking for an imperial guild that has daily/nightly community activities like pve, pvp, crafting, helping and has the guild management structure that supports each activity on a daily/nightly basis, has a website, policies, conferencing setup like vent or mumble. Edited by DarkJediMage
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House of Khan


A very social and active guild, we are getting more and more in our ranks. We have a weird sence fo humor, we luagh and alot of fun on Team speak with out all the crude I feel childish jokes that some people speak. We have good people that range from there 20's to 50 year bracket and a bunch in between. We have code of conduct that people adhere too and have great time doing it.


We are working on Ops groups (16 man is the goal but we are running a 8 man progession group and another 8 man laid back group for those that just want to run once in a while) and have some that just run the stories, a few that are Alt crazy, and some that love pvp.


The only people that ever left are those that don't feel that welcome because we dont need all the cussing, crude humor and name calling oare main and #1 goal is have people feel welcome and excited to play with no drama.




All ranks get guild repair and access to most vaults once you get pass the 2 week ( your not a complete jerk phase)


Run TS 3 as well.


Contact any one in the House Khan guild they will get you to an officeer becuase most of us are on Alts running PVP for 2x xp weekend.

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Transcéndent <www.transcendentgamers.com> is an active medium sized community formed with the goal of improving your gaming experience. We strive to provide a supportive and fun gaming environment, organized weekly events, and clear guild policy to prevent drama and elitism. Our roster is dominantly comprised of professionals, parents, couples, mature members active multiple times a week in game and within Mumble. The community frequently enjoys non-discriminatory humor that occasionally borders risqué. We cleanse our roster every 6 weeks to insure it is dominated by "Active" members that are enjoying the end game content together.


Our ideal applicants are mature, respectful, intelligent, and skilled players that understand the importance of balance between gaming and life. Transcéndent strikes this unique balance between a casual gaming and progression guild. Half the week there is PvP, dailys, comms runs. As scheduled Operations events arrive, mains switch to mission-mode with laser-like focus as half our Operations Teams are progression driven and require players whom are engaged in learning their class very well to help the team succeed against the elite end game content.


If this sounds like a guild that you would enjoy being in; please reply to the thread, message Xeenguard in game, or message on our guild site.


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