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Can't get the flow ..


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.. of playing the Sentinel.


(I am talking about doing Dailies @ lvl 50 mainly here=


I do have both, a Guardian and a Sentinel and in comparison the Sentinel seems to be lacking a lot in my hands. I specced him in Combat because I wanted to use the Ataru stance that is unique to him.

But whatever I do, whichever companion I take (I tried all but Pierce) the feel of playing him is "disrupted". I find myself focus starved more often then not and I seem to take a lot of damage (in comparison) and have to regenerate frequently. With my guardian I just take Doc and don't worry .. focus is never an issue, the skill rotation flows nicely and I have close to full health after each fight and can jump right on into the next.


A few points I have identified, where I think my approach to the Sentinel is lacking:

- how do you manage Zen efficiently?

- how to manage focus?

and to a lesser extent: how to avoid incoming damage better?


I think I do have the basics down but I am far from mastering the Sentinel. Any advice would be appreciated.

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I will say that my dps Juggy is a lot easier to manage than my sentinel due to resource management. The bummer is when I'm playing sent, I have my eyes on my resource bar more than the action.
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It would be helpful to see your build. This is the build I use but I mostly pvp. I do complete my pve dailies in this spec with Doc as a companion. You could probably remove the roots on crippling throw and masterstrike if you just pve.


Make sure your rebuke is always up; 20% DR and generates one focus every three seconds. Talenting valor and focused slash in the watchman tree make centering and focus management that much easier as does taking two points in righteous zeal to lower the CD of zealous strike by 3 seconds.

Edited by Ridickilis
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