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where is the "revan" quest?


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Ok I'm a lvl 32 Marauder & I'm looking for the revan quest. Where do I find it?


I think you may have had your question answered, but in the interest of being thorough (because those answers were not...)


There are actually several quests I can think of that might qualify for your question:



  1. There's the Revanite quest on Dromond Kass (Imperial-only)
  2. There's the Infinite Engine quest on Nar Shadaa (Imperial-only)
  3. The Maelstrom Prison flashpoint (Republic-only) wakes Revan up from cryo
  4. The Foundry flashpoint (Imperial-only) has the group killing him



I solo'ed a lot of my first characters, but flashpoints using the Group Finder are not that big a deal, especially if you're competent at your role and say up front that you haven't done the flashpoint before. You might have to deal with people quitting on you because of that, but just re-queue and be patient, you'll eventually find a group that will run with you.

Edited by AlixMV
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