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Regarding Quinn *Spoilers?*


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((If you have yet to play a warrior, get out now, you do not want this spoiled.))



I'm a founder, and this still bugs me.


Anyone find it weird that he is a healer? Got my Jug-1-50 on DXP weekend, but when i was on Balmorra, when you first see him, he seems alot like a "I'm not taking failure for *****" kind of guy" Seemed rough, and very commanding, He seemed to be very confident in most things he did. He seems like if it weren't for Vette, he would be a sniper-type character/ like Zenith.



But when you get him finally, he suddenly turns into a spineless suck up, who can't use a blaster for sh*t and cannot act on his own.













Regarding his betrayal, I fault the writers more than the character, as this was an easily understandable situation, Even so, The guy "Perfects the droids to fight against my style" and only makes two of them? Not only that, he seemed to have left out the fact Sith get stronger when you piss them off.



What do you all think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Argh. I'm with you. Quinn's a pansy. An adorable pansy. But a pansy nonetheless.


That stupid thing with Quinn and his craptastic droids pissed me off.

I loved Quinn. He is the most hilariously awkward thing in the whole galaxy to romance. "I'm going to kiss you now." *just stands there awkwardly and I kiss him*

I defeated his stupid droids, obviously. And after that, he's all "Whaaaah, I'm sorry, forgive me! LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEE, I'll be a good boy, I pwomise!" To which my natural response is "lololololol, no." But I wanted to see how the romance worked out. She totally forgave him and they acted as though nothing happened. I KNOW I chose that, but it pissed me off even more.

But yeah, it was definitely on the writers. Quinn's no dummy. I carried him around with me for a huge portion of the game. Dude knows my fighting style. If he wanted those droids to kill me, he'd have made them GOOD. And he'd have made like FIFTY.


Edited by SlinkyKitty
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Argh. I'm with you. Quinn's a pansy. An adorable pansy. But a pansy nonetheless.


That stupid thing with Quinn and his craptastic droids pissed me off.

I loved Quinn. He is the most hilariously awkward thing in the whole galaxy to romance. "I'm going to kiss you now." *just stands there awkwardly and I kiss him*

I defeated his stupid droids, obviously. And after that, he's all "Whaaaah, I'm sorry, forgive me! LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEE, I'll be a good boy, I pwomise!" To which my natural response is "lololololol, no." But I wanted to see how the romance worked out. She totally forgave him and they acted as though nothing happened. I KNOW I chose that, but it pissed me off even more.

But yeah, it was definitely on the writers. Quinn's no dummy. I carried him around with me for a huge portion of the game. Dude knows my fighting style. If he wanted those droids to kill me, he'd have made them GOOD. And he'd have made like FIFTY.


This x 1,000



Just did the "Quinn-cident" yesterday, and it was an absolute joke. Quinn himself did next to nothing during the fight and was bested in about two seconds.


Edited by DoctorBatlyMD
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I have to agree. I'm surprised Vette's not the healer, and Quinn the blaster/sniper, or some other switch. I'd actually love to run with him more as my companion, but grrrr, romance storyline is fun, quest cutscenes, not so much. :p


He's our straight man of the group. He's our Simon (from Firefly...and I wonder if the Firefly moments I see in game are just in my head, or if they purposely made it to feel that way!).

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I hated that I had to let him live! I wanted to chop his head off. Do not care that I would lose him as my companion. CHOP CHOP CHOP!


with that being said.. yes he is a Pansy, when you talk to him he sounds like he's about to cry and get all emotional lol

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Well, he isn't stupid. He brought powerful droids, which would've been enough had you not been bolstered by your anger. You gain like 12 billion hitpoints and damage (Not really, but close :rak_03:). He had witnessed you, but never seen your true power, so he believed that would be enough. Boy, was he wrong...
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I defeated his stupid droids, obviously. And after that, he's all "Whaaaah, I'm sorry, forgive me! LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEE, I'll be a good boy, I pwomise!" To which my natural response is "lololololol, no." But I wanted to see how the romance worked out. She totally forgave him and they acted as though nothing happened. I KNOW I chose that, but it pissed me off even more.



I did not forgave him, called the whole romance off, told him to bugger off. And the very next time we had a conversation he asked me to marry him... That was some serious continuity mess up...


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I did not forgave him, called the whole romance off, told him to bugger off. And the very next time we had a conversation he asked me to marry him... That was some serious continuity mess up...



That's because it's setup to have companion missions at certain points in the class story. It messes it up completely if you don't know when and where :/


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I hated that I had to let him live! I wanted to chop his head off. Do not care that I would lose him as my companion. CHOP CHOP CHOP!


with that being said.. yes he is a Pansy, when you talk to him he sounds like he's about to cry and get all emotional lol



^^^ A million times this. My marauder had spent the entire story just killing guys for sport and fun and for looking at him funny. Then someone actually gives him a reason to torture them until madness and my character's just like "You will have to earn my trust back."


I blame beta testers who complained that they didn't realize that killing him would actually KILL him. How dumb can you be?


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I hated that I had to let him live! I wanted to chop his head off. Do not care that I would lose him as my companion. CHOP CHOP CHOP!


Totally agree with you there man. You should have been able to kill him and gain something like 100 - 200 darkside points or lightside points if you forgive and let him live. To use a companion through most of my game and then to discover he betrays you; and you can't teach him a lesson - seriously messed up. Maybe they'll fix it.

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Anyone find it weird that he is a healer? Got my Jug-1-50 on DXP weekend, but when i was on Balmorra, when you first see him, he seems alot like a "I'm not taking failure for *****" kind of guy" Seemed rough, and very commanding, He seemed to be very confident in most things he did. He seems like if it weren't for Vette, he would be a sniper-type character/ like Zenith.



But when you get him finally, he suddenly turns into a spineless suck up, who can't use a blaster for sh*t and cannot act on his own.


Quinn can be very..."commanding", as you put it, to people under his command. But he pretty much licks your boots if you're his boss. I guess that explains the change in his personality. He's all "yes, my lord" to anyone superior to him, but expects everyone else to follow the chain of command as strickly as he does. If I remember correctly, when you get Pierce, one of the first conversations with him concerns how Quinn has been kind of ordering him around and he asks if Quinn really has the authority to do that.


Personally I really like his character (on my top 3 of companions with Kaliyo and Tharan), so I don't mind him being a healer, which is pretty much usable companion to both tanks and dps. But I could certainly also see him as a ranged dps instead of Vette.

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I love Quinn he's my whiny little pansy. I keep thinking he's going to start offering me foot massages like the droid. Seriously he's a suck up but he was so fun to mess with when flirting with I enjoyed him. As for the betrayel I called off the relationship and the next conversation got it back going again because well my SW is a crazy chick.


And yes Pierces first conversation with you is complaining about quinn and wanting you to get quinn off his back.

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I wanted to know something about Quinn when your LS.


After he betrays you and you take him back in does he change at all?

Does beeing LS effect him in the slightest?



Not much, no. The only change I saw in before betrayal - after betrayal is thet before it, you lost affection from him if you mocked Baras, but after it, you get affection from him if you mock Baras. And this one was done with light V juggernaut and I forgave him immeaditely.


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Actually, someone floated the idea a while back that scene was a complete set up and I've been kind of agreeing with her about that.



I mean, the woman was right, the entire scene went down surrounded by cameras in a transmission tower, Quinn is usually way more intelligent than to make a major assessment mistake than that and, Quinn- Malavai Quinn calls the Emperor an "Absentee Landlord?!!!!"


Oh yeah, that entire scene just screams- something else is up here. Mis-continuity ques are one thing- those just happen in an MMO period but that entire thing was just way too "off" to be just that.


So, I've been thinking either:


A) Baras messed with his mind in order to compel him to acting out of character and it being out of character, he messed it up- which explains the weird responses during that conversation (he really wasn't himself- so was spouting Baras's views instead of his own)




B) it was a "set up" for Baras's viewing pleasure- which explains the weird responses during that conversation- he's lying is butt off and playing to his audience- Baras who does think that the Emperor is an "Absentee Landlord" deserving of being overthrown.




Anyway, that's just how I've been thinking about it at anyrate. But then again, I'm weird like that. :cool:

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The only issue I have Quinn, is his d*** codex. The OCD part of me HAS to read them, and sure enough, his is the only codex of any companion (only have played Sith Warrior & Bounty Hunter) that specifically mentions loyalty to someone. That told me it was a when NOT if he was to pull a Brutus. That and his not liking any decision I made that went against Darth Baras.


I do not fault him at all, however. Has to rather blow goats to be serving in the Sith Empire and not have any Force powers at all. Though, there are times where I wonder if I am the gimped by being the Force user, which is based off of off hand comments he makes that makes me wonder who is in fact the one with the power. He, so far, is the only companion that has stirred that up in me, and I rather enjoy him a lot. Do not care for the kiss up he becomes afterwards. That part annoys me, and I don't see him being that way at all, no matter the situation calls.

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Companion Customization, my friends.


The way I recall it with my own Sith Warrior, I crushed Quinn in the battle and killed him. At some point shortly after that, he was replaced on the bridge by some new stuffy shirted Imperial appointed to me to serve as my medic. Some grey haired fellow; I forget what his name is.


On the rare occasions I speak with him, my Sith Warrior occasionally calls him "Quinn" out of habit. But he doesn't dare object, as on my ship the term "Quinn" is a derogatory one that is used to describe Imperial lapdogs that don't fully respect my authority. Who cares what his real name is anyways; these pathetic Imperial lackies are all alike and those humans all pretty much look the same, after their eons of dilluting their bloodlines. The Empire can send their spies and underlings to keep tabs on me; I'll not hide my actions. I do as I choose, and nothing those grovelling fools could do would stop me.

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Companion Customization, my friends.


The way I recall it with my own Sith Warrior, I crushed Quinn in the battle and killed him. At some point shortly after that, he was replaced on the bridge by some new stuffy shirted Imperial appointed to me to serve as my medic. Some grey haired fellow; I forget what his name is.


On the rare occasions I speak with him, my Sith Warrior occasionally calls him "Quinn" out of habit. But he doesn't dare object, as on my ship the term "Quinn" is a derogatory one that is used to describe Imperial lapdogs that don't fully respect my authority. Who cares what his real name is anyways; these pathetic Imperial lackies are all alike and those humans all pretty much look the same, after their eons of dilluting their bloodlines. The Empire can send their spies and underlings to keep tabs on me; I'll not hide my actions. I do as I choose, and nothing those grovelling fools could do would stop me.


LMAO very clever, I like it

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i think the DS option should have been to call vette, and take the shock collar off of her, put it on quinn....or just be able to kill him outright and maybe it warn you that he was going to be gone for good if you killed him.


make it count...but then again there would be so much QQ that you lose your only heals companion


i played as a light side, and i wanted t kill him outright even though it wasnt the lightside way to do it.

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