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Has it ever been confirmed that the Sith Emporer died?


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A spoiler from the Makeb storyline, whilst it is NOT a major part of the story, nor does it give spoilers too the makeb story, it is mentioned on makeb..... So read this at your whim.




The Supreme Chancellor and Master Satele Shan send out a holo transmission to the entire Galaxy, saying that the emperor is dead, that the Jedi strike team killed him, and that now the republic is going to focus on the major Political leaders of the Sith, the Dark Council.

The republic characters dont see this, but the empire characters do. Darth Marr states after that while the emperor is not a mortal being, he has silenced himself from the Empire and the council.

This leads me to believe the Emperor is not dead, but he might as well be. His place in the Empire is gone.


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Its the Dark Council who makes the power plays, not the Sith Emperor. The Emperor only exists to bring purpose to the Sith Empire. Whether or not he exists doesn't matter. Though



Darth Baras presumably visits the Emperor in the Sith Warrior story



Then there are the Revanites, believing the Emperor is in fact Darth Revan himself.

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Wait for the "Wrath of the Emperor King" expansion :p.


Ugh, the sad thing is I can see that happening. The Emperor returns, and the Republic and the Empire band together to stop him, as neither one wants or needs him around anymore. :p

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Wrath of the Emperor. That would actually be pretty cool. Like if he was actually behind the Dread Guard uprising, and he was actually trying to regain the empire he lost because the dark council gained power in his absence where he was never around.
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The sith warrior storyline confirms:



States outright in a letter after you finish your class story, the jedi knight destroyed the true voice of the emperor, essentially a vessel that the emperor speaks through, but the emperor's true body is elsewhere and recovering in a safe location protected by the Emperor's Hand. Right now he selecting a new vessel to act as his "Voice" but after the jedi silenced the true voice he did strike a blow at the emperor yes, but the sith emperor is very much alive.


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darth plaqueis was called the "wise" not a stone cold murdering sith

the difference is darth plaqueis was married and was powerful NOT immortal like the emperor

emperor was more powerful and immortal "NEARLY" than sidious

his physical body died not his "force spirit" both jedi and sith have a force ghost like inquisitor's ancestor

i've made my point here :cool:

that is if u understand YOSHI here

Edited by cmdrblade
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I meant that his final death was mentioned in the novel.


Maybe the death mentioned in the novel is refering to the supposed death at the hands of the JK. The Republic went public with it, and nearly everyone believes it. Darth Plagueis could only go from the history books in this matter. So, one can not be entirely sure if he is dead by the time of the movies.

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