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Sick of Biowares attitude.

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I don't know much about TESO but what I have read didn't sound as good as SWTOR. A themepark hero engine mmo , 3 factions , all of the class story has to be done alone , 16 quests , 16 hard mode quests and 4 player only. Doesn't sound too amazing IMO. Maybe the PVP side will be great ? Who knows. It actually sounds like a modern version of Phantasy Star Online but that might be praising it too much.





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I think maybe you should go back and reread my post... particulary the numbers... where I say the attrition curve settles out at 25-35% of the launch spike. ;)




You're getting off-topic. OP is looking for a silk hankie to drop swooningly while pressing his wrist to his forehead, not salient facts.

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I've never understood this hatred towards EA. When I accidentally broke one of the cds of my The Sims 2, EA let me download that game from the internet for free. I thought wow, that's nice, since it clearly was my fault that the cd got broken, and then I come to these forums and everyone says how EA sucks. I really don't know what to think about this.


´Cause they buy smaller developers and ruin franchises, see the case of origin with ultima and bioware.

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´Cause they buy smaller developers and ruin franchises, see the case of origin with ultima and bioware.


Odd, because while this franchise here had a rocky start.. it has stabilized and is doing quite nicely now.


Stop generalizing.

Edited by Andryah
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I think maybe you should go back and reread my post... particulary the numbers... where I say the attrition curve settles out at 25-35% of the launch spike. ;)


By the way... "scale of fluctuation" is generally tracked and addressed in %, just like I shared with you. Why? Because every business, and every product has a different scale and proportion in the market place. ;)


And yes, EA replanned and resized their operations plan to match the stablity point. That is exactly what business do. In fact.. it's happening all over the MMO segment of business.


Look.. I get that you are angry and want to /hate on the game. Just state what you like/dislike and be done with it... you don't need to wave hands about things like populations and statistics as I think you are in deep water on that aspect and all you do is compromise your own credibility.




I'm not really fussed to be honest with you. I can openly admit I'm no genious when It comes to finances. I just absorb what I hear and see over and over again. You're mighty clever for a guy who obviously doesn't research anything or even take note of the news.


And cmon, You really don't have a right throwing around other Mmo names that are still Pay to play years in. Unlike swtor. Which is effectively money laundering.

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I understand the frustration, but I think Ea-ware has made some improvements. I just don't like the fact that 1. they're dumping old armour skins and 2. why the hell have a hutt pet that eats cartel coins, I earned that ish, stop stealing it from me. Maybe i'll see ya'll in outland, I mean krogan town, I mean makeb :rak_01:


Otherwise, I'm content, un-subbed, but content

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As for "lost money" .... LOL... let's have that discussion once you actually understand how corporate investment and operations plans are different from one another and how companies actually calculate their profit margins on products. I'm not picking you you here.. but you really need to have a baseline of financial analysis in corporate culture to even discuss this with you.


I have to disagree, well, to an extent.


The amount of paid subs. from launch (I did the math) according to what the supposed cost to develop and make the game along with paying for the game itself essentially created a modest profit, at best. The issue was the two months of free play (offered sometime in april or so if memory serves me right) and obviously they lost funding/money from the overwhelming dropped number of subs. The money flow was also an issue if you look at bioware's team overall. They had two periods of cuts, the firs following the release, which happens with all games after launch, the funding/money isn't going to be there to support all of the non-essential staff. The second happened later, closer to E3, which would suggest either EA was allocating funds elsewhere or the subs were getting too low to operate the game with X amount of staff. The question will remain how much money does the staffing that runs the game (ea-ware, Austin, or where ever) followed by how many people still sub, and or pay for cartel items. Is the company/game financially stable, technically no, but it is clear they are making enough money now that they can afford to maintain a staff that can run the game and produce content, whether it is funding from the parent company or the players.

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Alrighty lets destroy this post piece by piece.


To start things off I'll just state how pissed off I am that the developers can't even implement a minor patch without massive consequences. I for one can't even open my launcher, Endless other people have this problem aswell. With the spamming of 'only one launcher can be run at once', Looking around the internet for a fix i noticed people complaining about this when you had previously patched the game way back in 2012. Do you never learn from your mistakes? Obviously not, Since the game has pretty much been flop after flop. Massive drop in subscribers here and a massive drop there. And not only that but people are crashing, people can't log in.


OK to start off you clearly have no idea how patching works. To answer your question yes they do test their patches (internally). There are so many factors that you cannot account for until the patch goes live. You say this like the entire player-base is having this problem when in reality its a small number. In my eyes that's a successful patch since there is not ONE game that doesn't release updates completely bug-free.




And not only that I am downright pissed and annoyed at what is coming with the expansion, I certainly won't be buying it.


What do we get? 5 new levels. 5? Really? only five? 1 new planet. Coor. Just drooling at the thought of it. Oh and low and behold each class now has 1 extra skill! daaaaayuum. But along with all of that ****. You know what's pissed me off the most? The talents.


Now. Looking at the old and new talents do you know what I see? I see a bored developer spending 5 minutes re-arranging them. You're taking the easy road with everything. I look at my Jedi Guardian and sentinel. And I just see how I'm forced into going a full 50 points in any spec to at least have a decent character. Not very diverse is it. Not very synergistic at all. I see you guys making a half arsed attempt at balancing pvp by giving us the most bland and boring talents ever. And still. All of us who want to stay at 50 suddenly have to spend more of our talents to get that top rank skill. which is just being moved up. You're really doing a **** job aren't you. And not only that. You're not even balancing things. you're buffing focus on both jedi sentinel and guardian and effectively nerfing the others from what I've seen, When even as both those characters being my main I can see that the focus tree is by far the strongest.


Oooh this is one is going to be a blast. Its always funny to see how people react when a dev re-balances a spec. If you were a shadow I would understand your frustration to a point, but you're not so it makes it even more fun. There is a reason why almost all hybrids are removed from the game. The very simple answer is balancing. It is a lot easier for both players and devs if there are only 1 maybe 2 additional hybrid specs to have to worry about. So instead of having 6 different specs for one advanced class, you only have to worry about 4 and in a rare case 5. This is all done to maintain balance. Now I'm sorry that you're butt-hurt about losing your lovely spec and being forced to play the full tree (like it was intended). There is a problem with one of the re-balancing they did namely shadows and commandos, but all the other classes are in pretty decent shape. If you cannot adapt you're playing the wrong type of game. You also sound like you did no testing of the actual specs on PTS. If you did sorry, but you did a poor job.


So you're effectively forcing us to go into one tree now too. And not only that. Look at the difference between the talents with a Guardian and a sentinel. It's just rinse and repeat. Only the left tree is different. Nice to see you guys are really making an effort to give us some different and fun. It's no wonder you're doing terribly. I mean cmon, Look at rift, Even the secret word, They are adding content like ****. And making things interesting at the same time.


But hey, Even if you do suddenly change things around, which you won't. I'll only be playing until Elder scrolls is out. Because they're listening to their player base and adding major new content before the game is out, Because the fans want it. I expect they will change the Genre. And then you'll be ****ed.


Good. Happy to see you leave. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :) /thread

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I'm not really fussed to be honest with you. I can openly admit I'm no genious when It comes to finances. I just absorb what I hear and see over and over again. You're mighty clever for a guy who obviously doesn't research anything or even take note of the news.


And cmon, You really don't have a right throwing around other Mmo names that are still Pay to play years in. Unlike swtor. Which is effectively money laundering.


I don't think you know what money laundering is, because you totally didn't use it in the right context. Honestly, you just sound bitter. If you are going to jump ship for TESO then just go. People said the same about GW2 and they all came back because it sucked. You will too.

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People said the same about GW2 and they all came back because it sucked. You will too.


Purely in the interests of accuracy, I still play GW2 every day and love it. In terms of graphics, gameplay and ambience, GW2 beats SWTOR hands down. The reason I have a sub here is because GW2 (much though I love it) isn't Star Wars.


If they put the missions of SWTOR into the engine of GW2 I would be sold for life.


Apologies for derailing the thread.

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On the contrary, we're the kind of people who are content to enjoy what we have rather than constantly reaching for the next big thing and inevitably ending up disappointed.




No game has ever given me exactly what I wanted from a game in every area and no game ever will, but I have played a lot of MMOs over the years and I have enjoyed a number of them a lot, there were some I really did not enjoy and so I stopped playing. SWTOR is one of the games that I enjoy and that I will keep playing.

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Well, you guys obviously want the game to go down the route of Age of conan or Need for speed world. Or so many other Mmo's where it seems like the people behind it get bored and pack up.


On the other hand. Still can't log in. But anyways. I'm *********** off now. Enjoy watching the game shrivel up. Please. Someone reply to this in 3 years time when the game is still bustling and prove me wrong.

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Well, you guys obviously want the game to go down the route of Age of conan or Need for speed world. Or so many other Mmo's where it seems like the people behind it get bored and pack up.


On the other hand. Still can't log in. But anyways. I'm *********** off now. Enjoy watching the game shrivel up. Please. Someone reply to this in 3 years time when the game is still bustling and prove me wrong.


Okay then. Have a nice life. Tatty-bye.

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Well, you guys obviously want the game to go down the route of Age of conan or Need for speed world. Or so many other Mmo's where it seems like the people behind it get bored and pack up.


On the other hand. Still can't log in. But anyways. I'm *********** off now. Enjoy watching the game shrivel up. Please. Someone reply to this in 3 years time when the game is still bustling and prove me wrong.


Ahahahahaha..... Buh bye... You will most certainly not be missed by anyone. EA is doing just fine financially

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I love MMO Jesus, hope ESO works out better than GW2.


I remember how a year ago today these boards were all filled with:


I hate this game, it is going to fail and GW2 is coming out soon and it will be the second coming to end all other MMOs


Yeah, did not work out quite that way then either. Makes me wonder though what game we will read about next year that is 'going to cause SW:TOR to fail'. Oh, and I do feel sorry for Bethesda for being saddled with the same impossible to meet expectations of the more rabid players looking for the game to bring back that sense of awe and wonder of their first MMO experience. The backlash of nerd-rage and hatred from jilted lovers (who learned painfully that the subject of their worship was just another game after all) is going to poison their community as well, just as it did with this game, GW2 and in fact every game for the past several years.

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In the time the OP took to post, they could have fixed the launcher him/her self. Five extra levels is what it is, more content. I thought people wanted more content?


The rest of the post was one big whine.


MMO's always seem attract the socially awkward, emotionally handicapped and just plain immature. If that can be used a some kind of measure, then the forums tell me the game is doing very well indeed.

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Yes this will be a bit of a rage post. But who cares, If a dev reads it it's all worthwhile.


To start things off I'll just state how pissed off I am that the developers can't even implement a minor patch without massive consequences. I for one can't even open my launcher, Endless other people have this problem aswell. With the spamming of 'only one launcher can be run at once', Looking around the internet for a fix i noticed people complaining about this when you had previously patched the game way back in 2012. Do you never learn from your mistakes? Obviously not, Since the game has pretty much been flop after flop. Massive drop in subscribers here and a massive drop there. And not only that but people are crashing, people can't log in.


Is it that hard for you to test a patch before putting it straight to live? You've obviously worked around these problems before. So why not do that before you release it?


And not only that I am downright pissed and annoyed at what is coming with the expansion, I certainly won't be buying it.


What do we get? 5 new levels. 5? Really? only five? 1 new planet. Coor. Just drooling at the thought of it. Oh and low and behold each class now has 1 extra skill! daaaaayuum. But along with all of that ****. You know what's pissed me off the most? The talents.


Now. Looking at the old and new talents do you know what I see? I see a bored developer spending 5 minutes re-arranging them. You're taking the easy road with everything. I look at my Jedi Guardian and sentinel. And I just see how I'm forced into going a full 50 points in any spec to at least have a decent character. Not very diverse is it. Not very synergistic at all. I see you guys making a half arsed attempt at balancing pvp by giving us the most bland and boring talents ever. And still. All of us who want to stay at 50 suddenly have to spend more of our talents to get that top rank skill. which is just being moved up. You're really doing a **** job aren't you. And not only that. You're not even balancing things. you're buffing focus on both jedi sentinel and guardian and effectively nerfing the others from what I've seen, When even as both those characters being my main I can see that the focus tree is by far the strongest.


So you're effectively forcing us to go into one tree now too. And not only that. Look at the difference between the talents with a Guardian and a sentinel. It's just rinse and repeat. Only the left tree is different. Nice to see you guys are really making an effort to give us some different and fun. It's no wonder you're doing terribly. I mean cmon, Look at rift, Even the secret word, They are adding content like ****. And making things interesting at the same time.


But hey, Even if you do suddenly change things around, which you won't. I'll only be playing until Elder scrolls is out. Because they're listening to their player base and adding major new content before the game is out, Because the fans want it. I expect they will change the Genre. And then you'll be ****ed.


This expansion isn't particularly large. It's a small 10 dollar expansion. What do you expect? If they were charging us 60 bucks or something, yeah... It'd be pissed off as well. But it's only 10 dollars, dude.

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I'm just surprised that these views come from someone who has not taken the time to pick out an avitar for his profile. Its not like he has to produce 5 new extended levels of play for a MMO.


Nor has he the intellect to be able to convey his annoyance without resorting to repeated profanities.


Its amazing how we look for perfection in others and yet don't take the time to address our own shortcomings.

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Its EA EA bought Bioware


EA is the publisher and they own Bioware. They don't develop anything. It's Bioware.


And mistakes happen. Things get over looked. Bioware's mistake was not putting the patch on the PTS. But you want the customer service forums to try to figure out how to fix this.

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This expansion isn't particularly large. It's a small 10 dollar expansion. What do you expect? If they were charging us 60 bucks or something, yeah... It'd be pissed off as well. But it's only 10 dollars, dude.


I absolutely agree with you, and it is still more than we got with Galaxies, sure we got new planets and a little more content but we sure never had a level increase included with the expansion.

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I absolutely agree with you, and it is still more than we got with Galaxies, sure we got new planets and a little more content but we sure never had a level increase included with the expansion.


Well prior to the NGE it was a skill based system so i don't see how a level increase even applies. I could master 2 professions and dabble in quite alot of other professions or nearly master a 3rd and there was nothing to stop me from say dropping Master pistoleer and becoming a beast master. I don't know what came after the NGE i left 2 weeks into it. Did it have an exp. after the NGE ?

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Well... I'm not sure about their attitude. I mean, milage varies, but all seems to be on the up and up for me.


Memory leak fixed. No crashes to desktop so far. No launcher issues here.


The xpac is great by all accounts from those who tested and have seen it. The cost was minimal relative to the play value. New story new story, new HMs, new Ops, new gear, new skills, and additional gaming mechanics via the seeker droids... it all sounds great. I'll reserve final judgement but I must say I like what I'm hearing and seeing.


So... vent if you must but it seems like we are in the throws of much needed improvements and content updates. There will be some pain associated with change, but it is welcome as the game expands and grows.


Really, this said everything I could have. I had one server disconnect after the patch and since then everything has run very well. I did a mid-length session last night and the memory leak does indeed seem to be fixed.

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