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Sick of Biowares attitude.

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Bioware doesn't exist anymore. Just a Dev team using the name does. And that Dev team is apathetic too you and the rest of us because their owners and masters at EA say focus on milking the community and they do so they get a paycheck. This is not a developer team with freedom or who is allowed to make promises or get involved with the community. Don't expect passion or going the extra mile or anything creative. Edited by Darth-Malice
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Patch worked fine for me, no problems with the launcher.


Maybe the issue is your computer, or your ISP was giving crappy service when you were downloading, or you did something like maxing out your C: drive while you were downloading or something?



Do note that if you or anyone you know has not experienced problems with the patching service, you are simply lucky. Cant blame everyones computer of being outdated. After patches have been applied, it has been widely known that many players experience glitches, DCs, among other issues, the number of players affected means you cannot simply blame other people computers just because yours worked.


I admit to having mounds of experience in single player games, but somewhat new to mmos, even if I'm no longer a noob to this game so I dont have anything to compare it to, but SWTOR is known to be an excessively glitchy game, this is nothing new, only have to consider the malgus suicide glitch that so many have exploited on FE to complete their daily HM quota for BH comms fast.


To be honest about the original post though, whinging about the game in this fashion is not going to get anywhere. It is true that there are some things that should probably been released either with the game or earlier than they were, eg group finder probably should have been released with the game, maybe refine the game a bit more than it was upon release.


Though, in saying that, every mmo from what I have heard, read, etc has experienced these issues where gamers have not appreciated the work gone into a product, or what is available for them.


I am of 2 minds; I believe that BW/EA should have listened more to their player base and released some different content what fans wanted, rather than some of the content they did release during major patches, for instance, just for me personally, I loved the patch which gave us LI HM, and then later tfb as i have come to be an avid SWTOR pve fan, though i will admit, EV/KP bore me now from completing so many times but also hated the patch releasing HK, and section X, I couldn't stand the idea of another daily area when BH, belsavis, and Ilum were such a waste of time, in my view.


ON THE OTHER HAND, I have not played on the pts thus far so to look forward to 2.0, and believe me I am. 5 lvs not enough? I have 9 50s to level, one of each different class, with both PT tank, and merc dps so i dont think i am going to get too bored, just have to find enough time and guildies to play the new pve content with as they want to take their time with the new content instead of spamming levels like i do.


My point is, SWTOR has always had a lot going for it, it is true that a lot could be added or changed for the better, that cannot be denied, but the potential of this game i cannot see an end of, which I am content with. I hope this game doesn't just end up one for major fans and keeps players such as myself that try to look at both perspectives; what could be improved, and what is good that we already have rather than taking the high ground of a one sided view.

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Yes this will be a bit of a rage post. But who cares, If a dev reads it it's all worthwhile.


To start things off I'll just state how pissed off I am that the developers can't even implement a minor patch without massive consequences. I for one can't even open my launcher, Endless other people have this problem aswell. With the spamming of 'only one launcher can be run at once', Looking around the internet for a fix i noticed people complaining about this when you had previously patched the game way back in 2012. Do you never learn from your mistakes? Obviously not, Since the game has pretty much been flop after flop. Massive drop in subscribers here and a massive drop there. And not only that but people are crashing, people can't log in.


Is it that hard for you to test a patch before putting it straight to live? You've obviously worked around these problems before. So why not do that before you release it?


And not only that I am downright pissed and annoyed at what is coming with the expansion, I certainly won't be buying it.


What do we get? 5 new levels. 5? Really? only five? 1 new planet. Coor. Just drooling at the thought of it. Oh and low and behold each class now has 1 extra skill! daaaaayuum. But along with all of that ****. You know what's pissed me off the most? The talents.


Now. Looking at the old and new talents do you know what I see? I see a bored developer spending 5 minutes re-arranging them. You're taking the easy road with everything. I look at my Jedi Guardian and sentinel. And I just see how I'm forced into going a full 50 points in any spec to at least have a decent character. Not very diverse is it. Not very synergistic at all. I see you guys making a half arsed attempt at balancing pvp by giving us the most bland and boring talents ever. And still. All of us who want to stay at 50 suddenly have to spend more of our talents to get that top rank skill. which is just being moved up. You're really doing a **** job aren't you. And not only that. You're not even balancing things. you're buffing focus on both jedi sentinel and guardian and effectively nerfing the others from what I've seen, When even as both those characters being my main I can see that the focus tree is by far the strongest.


So you're effectively forcing us to go into one tree now too. And not only that. Look at the difference between the talents with a Guardian and a sentinel. It's just rinse and repeat. Only the left tree is different. Nice to see you guys are really making an effort to give us some different and fun. It's no wonder you're doing terribly. I mean cmon, Look at rift, Even the secret word, They are adding content like ****. And making things interesting at the same time.


But hey, Even if you do suddenly change things around, which you won't. I'll only be playing until Elder scrolls is out. Because they're listening to their player base and adding major new content before the game is out, Because the fans want it. I expect they will change the Genre. And then you'll be ****ed.


The sad thing is this is nothing but a QQ post... what worse is you still think Bioware is a company... its not everyone who was part of what made Bioware great is gone. EA didn't want people who were worth their paycheck. This game is 100% controled by EA now they simply use Bioware a a name so people like you ***** at something that is no longer in exsistance.

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Yes this will be a bit of a rage post. But who cares, If a dev reads it it's all worthwhile.


To start things off I'll just state how pissed off I am that the developers can't even implement a minor patch without massive consequences. I for one can't even open my launcher, Endless other people have this problem aswell. With the spamming of 'only one launcher can be run at once', Looking around the internet for a fix i noticed people complaining about this when you had previously patched the game way back in 2012. Do you never learn from your mistakes? Obviously not, Since the game has pretty much been flop after flop. Massive drop in subscribers here and a massive drop there. And not only that but people are crashing, people can't log in.


Is it that hard for you to test a patch before putting it straight to live? You've obviously worked around these problems before. So why not do that before you release it?


And not only that I am downright pissed and annoyed at what is coming with the expansion, I certainly won't be buying it.


What do we get? 5 new levels. 5? Really? only five? 1 new planet. Coor. Just drooling at the thought of it. Oh and low and behold each class now has 1 extra skill! daaaaayuum. But along with all of that ****. You know what's pissed me off the most? The talents.


Now. Looking at the old and new talents do you know what I see? I see a bored developer spending 5 minutes re-arranging them. You're taking the easy road with everything. I look at my Jedi Guardian and sentinel. And I just see how I'm forced into going a full 50 points in any spec to at least have a decent character. Not very diverse is it. Not very synergistic at all. I see you guys making a half arsed attempt at balancing pvp by giving us the most bland and boring talents ever. And still. All of us who want to stay at 50 suddenly have to spend more of our talents to get that top rank skill. which is just being moved up. You're really doing a **** job aren't you. And not only that. You're not even balancing things. you're buffing focus on both jedi sentinel and guardian and effectively nerfing the others from what I've seen, When even as both those characters being my main I can see that the focus tree is by far the strongest.


So you're effectively forcing us to go into one tree now too. And not only that. Look at the difference between the talents with a Guardian and a sentinel. It's just rinse and repeat. Only the left tree is different. Nice to see you guys are really making an effort to give us some different and fun. It's no wonder you're doing terribly. I mean cmon, Look at rift, Even the secret word, They are adding content like ****. And making things interesting at the same time.


But hey, Even if you do suddenly change things around, which you won't. I'll only be playing until Elder scrolls is out. Because they're listening to their player base and adding major new content before the game is out, Because the fans want it. I expect they will change the Genre. And then you'll be ****ed.


A couple of things...

1. Do you really think one of the programmers is really going to take the time to read a nerd rage post?

2. Do you have any idea how software actually works? Just because something worked in test doesn't always mean it will work perfectly in live environments. I haven't had any problems with my launcher so it couldn't be all that wide spread so maybe there wasn't a problem on the test server.


Before you continue your rage, perhaps you should go for a walk outside and take a breath. It also probably couldn't hurt to think about upgrading that PC there friend.

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These sorts of threads are funny. Instead of making a well-articulated, succinct post people might take seriously the OPs demonize any and everyone and say they're "forced" to do things by devs.


Pro tip: This approach stops working on adults after you pass age 10.

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"I don't like the direction the game is going" = its a bad game and its failing and developers should listen to meeee if they want to fix it



should bugs be fixed? yes. that's an objective issue.


is SWTOR overly bugged compared to other MMO's? NOT even remotely.

the irony of you looking at Elder Scrolls as if it was second coming is so thick you could cut it with a knife... seeing as Bethesda games are infamous for their bugs on release. its gotten to the point for me where no matter how interested I may be in a game, I don't buy it on release anymore, not from them. I wait a few months for either official patches, or for modders to make the game playable.


YOU don't know what's best for the game. all you know is your personal preferences. and there's nothing wrong with the game being not for you. and please, stop acting like you are doing bioware a favor for playing SWTOR until release of your MMO messiah.

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While most of the OP's post was blah-blah-blah...I would say they have the right to be upset with the new patch messing up the launcher on them.


Paya sub to get in, can't get in, and they don't hurry out with a new patch or a rollback untill it's fixed.

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If I pay my moneys worth for 14 ounce Ribeye steak. I don't want no *********** big mac and chips coming back to me.


How about if you pay nothing at all and get a Big Mac and fries? Or if you pay for a Big Mac and fries and get a 14oz steak? Because that is closer to the situation, much closer.


Your use of the word "chips" gives away that you're British, so explain to me why it is you're writing like an American gangsta?

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[[[ What do we get? 5 new levels. 5? Really? only five? 1 new planet. Coor. Just drooling at the thought of it. Oh and low and behold each class now has 1 extra skill! daaaaayuum. But along with all of that ****. You know what's pissed me off the most? The talents. ]]]


I dont understand this type of chat. What is this guy expecting? Wow didnt have lvl 1- 80 in the 1st yr. What does this guy want?

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I dunno why everyone is pissed that the expansion is "only 5 levels". Really, if they made it 10 levels it'd change next to nothing. People would get to cap in 1-2 more days and stall there... I'd rather they give us 5 levels and focus on endgame and QoL improvements. It's been a year now they promised the hood up/down option for exemple.


And someone was complaining we only get 1 new skill. My bars are already FULL of skills. This game isn't like WoW, where you basically have half your skills you never use depending on spec (really, any frost mage out there with Fireball and Scorch in his bars?). In SW:ToR, you need to use everything.


And they are making some great changes with how Alacrity works.


Really I don't get why there is so much QQ. The feel of combat in this game is great. PvP is much better since they changed the gear around (not so much gear oriented anymore once you get to full WH - we do need more new maps though) and PvE is fun, and will be even more fun with the new achievement system coming up.


Anyways, peace I'm gonna go play.

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To start things off I'll just state how pissed off I am that the developers can't even implement a minor patch without massive consequences. I for one can't even open my launcher, Endless other people have this problem aswell. With the spamming of 'only one launcher can be run at once', Looking around the internet for a fix i noticed people complaining about this when you had previously patched the game way back in 2012. Do you never learn from your mistakes? Obviously not, Since the game has pretty much been flop after flop. Massive drop in subscribers here and a massive drop there. And not only that but people are crashing, people can't log in.




I had this happen as well. I went to launch the game and after the first screen the program stopped running. There was no message or anything, it just stopped and was not listed in the task manager when I checked. I could not relaunch because I got the message that the game is already running and that only one instance of the game can be run at a time. Restarting the computer did nothing other than going through the same cycle again. The funny thing was that I never got to the patch download before the program crapped out.


I at first thought that it was my computer but every other program and game including wow and gw2 launched with no problem. I finally looked in the SWTOR directory and found a program called something like (I am on my laptop now so cant see the exact name) launcherfix. I double clicked that and it ran and then tried the launcher. The launcher then ran normally and there was no problem at all.


I have no idea what caused this and until I read your post thought that it was just something strange that happened to me. My wife did not have a problem at all on her computer.

Edited by asbalana
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But hey, Even if you do suddenly change things around, which you won't. I'll only be playing until Elder scrolls is out. Because they're listening to their player base and adding major new content before the game is out, Because the fans want it. I expect they will change the Genre. And then you'll be ****ed.


Heard the same thing about Tera. Heard the same thing about Guild Wars 2. Heard the same thing about The Secret World. Heck, even heard the same thing about Planet Side 2 and Diablo III. They were all "listening to their player base" and "going to change the genre" and SWTOR has been "****ed" for a thousand different reasons since it launched.


Still waiting for this stuff I hear to actually be true.

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I almost pity you guys who except everything the way it is. You're the kind of people who work in mcdonalds for 30 years without even progressing past the frying station..


On the contrary, we're the kind of people who are content to enjoy what we have rather than constantly reaching for the next big thing and inevitably ending up disappointed.

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Yes this will be a bit of a rage post. But who cares, If a dev reads it it's all worthwhile.


To start things off I'll just state how pissed off I am that the developers can't even implement a minor patch without massive consequences. I for one can't even open my launcher, Endless other people have this problem aswell. With the spamming of 'only one launcher can be run at once', Looking around the internet for a fix i noticed people complaining about this when you had previously patched the game way back in 2012. Do you never learn from your mistakes? Obviously not, Since the game has pretty much been flop after flop. Massive drop in subscribers here and a massive drop there. And not only that but people are crashing, people can't log in.


Is it that hard for you to test a patch before putting it straight to live? You've obviously worked around these problems before. So why not do that before you release it?


And not only that I am downright pissed and annoyed at what is coming with the expansion, I certainly won't be buying it.


What do we get? 5 new levels. 5? Really? only five? 1 new planet. Coor. Just drooling at the thought of it. Oh and low and behold each class now has 1 extra skill! daaaaayuum. But along with all of that ****. You know what's pissed me off the most? The talents.


Now. Looking at the old and new talents do you know what I see? I see a bored developer spending 5 minutes re-arranging them. You're taking the easy road with everything. I look at my Jedi Guardian and sentinel. And I just see how I'm forced into going a full 50 points in any spec to at least have a decent character. Not very diverse is it. Not very synergistic at all. I see you guys making a half arsed attempt at balancing pvp by giving us the most bland and boring talents ever. And still. All of us who want to stay at 50 suddenly have to spend more of our talents to get that top rank skill. which is just being moved up. You're really doing a **** job aren't you. And not only that. You're not even balancing things. you're buffing focus on both jedi sentinel and guardian and effectively nerfing the others from what I've seen, When even as both those characters being my main I can see that the focus tree is by far the strongest.


So you're effectively forcing us to go into one tree now too. And not only that. Look at the difference between the talents with a Guardian and a sentinel. It's just rinse and repeat. Only the left tree is different. Nice to see you guys are really making an effort to give us some different and fun. It's no wonder you're doing terribly. I mean cmon, Look at rift, Even the secret word, They are adding content like ****. And making things interesting at the same time.


But hey, Even if you do suddenly change things around, which you won't. I'll only be playing until Elder scrolls is out. Because they're listening to their player base and adding major new content before the game is out, Because the fans want it. I expect they will change the Genre. And then you'll be ****ed.


Wow, this is quite a rant. I'm thinking SWTOR isn't for you. Much luck with Elder Scrolls.

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Oh damn. Means I better upgrade my 4.9Ghz 2700k and 1100mhz 7970. Along with a whole load of other over the top un-necessary stuff Like 16 gigs of ram and two Gigantic hard drives.


Some of us don't live in the stone age anymore. We want better everything. And frankly? Yea I'm raging. Yea sure I deserve criticism. But regardless. Some people still agree with me. I speak from experience. Do you honestly want to know how many games I have played that mimicked swtors path and get crushed into oblivion? Gee, not like swtor has already gone free to play after having one of the biggest budgets for an mmo to date. I could continue raging and arguing but you know what? I can't be F*cked. Because you lot are so narrow minded and stubborn you can't see past your love for something dear. No matter how it will end up. You'd rather have it how it is and be able to play it that hope for something better and get nothing.


I almost pity you guys who except everything the way it is. You're the kind of people who work in mcdonalds for 30 years without even progressing past the frying station..


Right, because you have a shinny new rig that can't possibly be the problem..............


Oh, and nice lashing out with a disparaging and childish reference to "You're the kind of people....." Tells us everything we need to know about you that's for sure.

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Heard the same thing about Tera. Heard the same thing about Guild Wars 2. Heard the same thing about The Secret World. Heck, even heard the same thing about Planet Side 2 and Diablo III. They were all "listening to their player base" and "going to change the genre" and SWTOR has been "****ed" for a thousand different reasons since it launched.


Still waiting for this stuff I hear to actually be true.


Exactly. :)

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Heard the same thing about Tera. Heard the same thing about Guild Wars 2. Heard the same thing about The Secret World. Heck, even heard the same thing about Planet Side 2 and Diablo III. They were all "listening to their player base" and "going to change the genre" and SWTOR has been "****ed" for a thousand different reasons since it launched.


Still waiting for this stuff I hear to actually be true.


So you're trying to tell me swtor didn't lose a massive massive amount of subs and lost money? Sure..

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So you're trying to tell me swtor didn't lose a massive massive amount of subs and lost money? Sure..


Actually...if you spend any time at all to objectively understand the population cycles of modern MMOs... you would know that they all get a huge spike of players (due to pent up desire).... and then they follow a fairly predictable attrition curve. Even the WoW expansions follow this curve now days. What is the curve? In a nutshell.... they will have an early spike, followed by a declining slope to between 25-35% of that spike, before they begin to level off and stablize. The decline slope begins inside of the first 30 days and does not typically stabilize until 6-9 months after launch. It happened with Rift, Tera, SWTOR, WoW-The Panda Edition, WoW-The Cataclysm, even GW2 (which isn't even a sub based MMO). It will happen to every beloved future MMO you set your eyes on as well.. so prepare for it. Bioware's only mistake in all of this was not understanding the nature of population attrition in modern MMOs and tuning their operations plan accordingly in advance.


As for "lost money" .... LOL... let's have that discussion once you actually understand how corporate investment and operations plans are different from one another and how companies actually calculate their profit margins on products. I'm not picking you you here.. but you really need to have a baseline of financial analysis in corporate culture to even discuss this with you.

Edited by Andryah
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