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Ashoka, what is her fate?


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Beats me. I figure she either left the order, or died prior to, or during Order 66.


I'd rather know what happens to Rex, and Fives. I'm having high hopes for those guys not pulling the trigger when Order 66 Is issued.


In Episode 3 Commander Cody gave the order to shoot down master Kenobi, and Rex is under his command, so I'm not sure about him...

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In Episode 3 Commander Cody gave the order to shoot down master Kenobi, and Rex is under his command, so I'm not sure about him...


Yeah but Cody is the Commander of the 212th Attack Battalion. I think It's separate from the 501st Legion which Rex was attached to. I didn't see any 501st Troopers during the Battle of Utapau, so there's a decent chance Rex wasn't even there.



In the Krell story arc from The Clone Wars TV show, Rex couldn't actually bring himself to kill a Jedi General who admitted to being a traitor to the Republic, and tricking Rex and his men into killing their fellow Clones. There's hope for him yet.


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Yeah but Cody is the Commander of the 212th Attack Battalion. I think It's separate from the 501st Legion which Rex was attached to. I didn't see any 501st Troopers during the Battle of Utapau, so there's a decent chance Rex wasn't even there.



In the Krell story arc from The Clone Wars TV show, Rex couldn't actually bring himself to kill a Jedi General who admitted to being a traitor to the Republic, and tricking Rex and his men into killing their fellow Clones. There's hope for him yet.


I can't find the source, but I would have sworn that I've read somewhere that the group of clones following Anakin into the Temple in Ep. III was the 501st.



As far as Ahsoka is concerned, I just don't see them killing at the end of the animated Clone Wars series. I see her disappearing into the unknown after seeing another vision of just what Anakin is going to become.

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A friend told me that rex was with Ayla Securra and his com was messed up so he didn't hear the order and the other clones killed him because they thought he was a traiter. I am not sure if that is true though so don't believe it if you don't want to.
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As far as Ahsoka is concerned, I just don't see them killing at the end of the animated Clone Wars series. I see her disappearing into the unknown after seeing another vision of just what Anakin is going to become.


That would be so lame.


One of my big gripes about Episode 3 is how much I didn't care about the Jedi who dies, because we didn't know much about them. For a character like Ahsoka to die, someone you've grown to know (and maybe even like?), THAT would give Anakin's turning some actual meaning. THAT would make him look like a monster, which is what you really need to get people to stop thinking of Vader as.. well...


Anakin Whine

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We find out that Ashoka was a nightmare Anakin had after eating some bad Huttese food. :D




Though honestly, I'm kinda curious about this too, since she's one of the few characters in this show without plot armor. Sorry writers, but when you damage Padme's scuba gear underwater but the audience knows she HAS to live until the movie that follows this series, there's no actual tension there. But put someone like Ahsoka in danger, someone who hasn't shown up in anything up until this series and whose ultimate fate is actually still a mystery, and that generates some legitimate concern (or at least curiosity, depending on your opinion of her).

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I see three possibilities:



1) She is killed during the war, hence a lack of mention during the Episode 3 movie.


2) She's promoted to Jedi Knight and goes off on her own. (Unlikely)


3) She runs away after the future begins to dawn on her. At one point in the last season she met a future of herself, where she warned her younger incarnation that she would die if she stayed with Anakin.



That's my take on it.

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I see three possibilities:



1) She is killed during the war, hence a lack of mention during the Episode 3 movie.


2) She's promoted to Jedi Knight and goes off on her own. (Unlikely)


3) She runs away after the future begins to dawn on her. At one point in the last season she met a future of herself, where she warned her younger incarnation that she would die if she stayed with Anakin.



That's my take on it.


They seem to be moving slowly in the number 3 direction. There was no need to put that sequence in the show where she sees her future self, unless Ashoka slowly realsized what Anakin is becoming and gets her *** out of there. It would also make some sense with her being Togruta, as that species seems to be closely associated with seeing types. But mostly it fits with episode 3. A character that important if killed during order 66 would have been showed (I know in theory she was not created yet), and for Anakin never to mention her, the idea that she was already dead to him makes sense, meaning she "leaves" him and he therfor treats her as dead.


Another option is that Anakin by not metioning her, or actively hunter her down, makes Ashoke a small bridge left in place to get back to the light side. It allows him to keep a small part of his humanity, and he purposefully leaves her alone, and keeps her a secret. This could potentially make a really great arc for the tv show also. Have a few episodes that take place after Anakin becomes Vader during the purge period where he manages to track Ashoka down after she avoids order 66, and there her ultimate fate is decided.


Regarless of peoples feelings about the character. The newer aged version introduced during season 3 is actaully progressing the character in story, deapth, and in my oppinion making her much more likable.

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I can't find the source, but I would have sworn that I've read somewhere that the group of clones following Anakin into the Temple in Ep. III was the 501st.



As far as Ahsoka is concerned, I just don't see them killing at the end of the animated Clone Wars series. I see her disappearing into the unknown after seeing another vision of just what Anakin is going to become.


501st was the battalion that went in with Vader. They serve with and for him for the rest of his lifespan.


And, yeah. More and more it looks like they won't kill her; but she cannot make it to the Knight trials, either.

(if she does, then Anakin would be right to be mad at the lack of a master title in ep III)

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Regarless of peoples feelings about the character. The newer aged version introduced during season 3 is actaully progressing the character in story, deapth, and in my oppinion making her much more likable.


I don't know what it is, but I couldn't stand her when she was introduced. There was something wholly unlikeable about her.


That being said, the show is doing such a better job at making characters likeable than the movies. I think she should die, and I'll be kind of disappointed if she doesn't. It would be a really REALLY good turning point. Even better, I think, then Padme's "Well, I'm done!" death.

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501st was the battalion that went in with Vader. They serve with and for him for the rest of his lifespan.


And, yeah. More and more it looks like they won't kill her; but she cannot make it to the Knight trials, either.

(if she does, then Anakin would be right to be mad at the lack of a master title in ep III)


From what I understand, this is correct for the most part. Seems only the core of the 501st served under Anakin (Torrent Company? Led by CT-7567 "Rex"). If memory serves, the remainder of the 501st formed the beginings of the Stormtrooper legions, with new clone stock and the odd recruit fleshing out the ranks by Ep 4. "Vader's Fist" however consisted only of the original clones from the 501st, and possibly even only from Torrent Company.


Of interesting note is the fact that the 501st survives through to the fall of the New Republic, and the rise of Darth Krayt.

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I don't know what it is, but I couldn't stand her when she was introduced. There was something wholly unlikeable about her.


That being said, the show is doing such a better job at making characters likeable than the movies. I think she should die, and I'll be kind of disappointed if she doesn't. It would be a really REALLY good turning point. Even better, I think, then Padme's "Well, I'm done!" death.


She was written as your typical, know-it-all, whinny, tweener that was considered a virtuoso with the force, and came across as conceted about how good she was already. The writers also gave her a very unrealistic ammount of power and responsiblity for anyone her age. Now they have made her a few years older it seems (she is aging faster than the timelene for better or worse), but they have also given her multiple failures, and placed her in situations that have made her grow up. She is now much less cocky, comes across as less powerful (she does not seem to lead forces like she once did), and much less in you face. In short she has grown up alot, and in the process become more humble and likable.


I do not want her to die personally, but I think they need to provide a devestating event that causes her to renouce the order and basically go into hiding to avoid Vader from killer her.

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From what I understand, this is correct for the most part. Seems only the core of the 501st served under Anakin (Torrent Company? Led by CT-7567 "Rex"). If memory serves, the remainder of the 501st formed the beginings of the Stormtrooper legions, with new clone stock and the odd recruit fleshing out the ranks by Ep 4. "Vader's Fist" however consisted only of the original clones from the 501st, and possibly even only from Torrent Company.


Again, correct for the most part.


Rex commanded the 501st along with Anakin. But I highly doubt only a Company from the 501st marched on the Jedi Temple during Order 66. A Company in the Grand Army of the Republic consisted of 144 units commanded by a Captain (Rex) whereas a Legion consisted of over 9,000 units. All of the GAR was later reformed into the Stormtrooper corps, but only the 501st remained 100% Clones.


Anakin was a General, so I find it plausible he commanded the entire 501st Legion to the Jedi temple instead of "just" Torrent Company.

I'm guessing the only reason Rex wasn't seen marching with Anakin and the rest of Legion Is just because the character wasn't created yet.

At the moment he kinda stands out in his armor since It's custom made from parts of both Phase 1, and 2 of the Clone Trooper armors.

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My guess is that they won't kill Ashoka on screen, ever, so her faith will remain speculative until they add a new scene to the next episode 3 re-release where you see an unnamed togruta getting gun down by clone troopers... Face it, you know it's how it will happen :rolleyes:


For Rex, remember that his loyalty is programmed so I'm pretty certain he would have jumped on the bandwagon. And even if it wasn't the case, I'm under the impression that he would have followed Anakin's orders without questions, so if Anakin is mowing down Jedis, Rex will follow.


As far as I know, there was only one group of clone troopers that never obeyed the order and it's because they were experiencing a comm black out when it was issued. For some reason, they did not carry order 66 when comms were re-establised and became renegades, but the reason they did not fall in with the rest of their clones is speculative at best. Maybe they became out of sync when they did not follow order 66 originally? Maybe if the order wasn't given by the right person it didn't work? No clue.

Edited by Akbar
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Several Jedi survived order 66 (supposedly, Aayla managed to live). For example, Amy (the actor who played her) made command that Lucas has mentioned her guest appearing in the TV show.


The also removed Shaak-ti from being killed in the movies for the same reason (I guess she lived from TFU II)

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