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Star Cluster Casino...with Actual Gambling.


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I'm sure I'm not the only one who would want this, but the Casino on Nar Shaddaa just sits there and no one can gamble in it. We've got all kinds of games that could be played:





Pazak and Sabacc could be either play against an AI or play against another human. Just set a time limit on response time (so people don't afk) and it'd be amazing. Especially Sabacc - it's a great game it sounds, it's in several of the expanded universe books (some of which also contain rudimentary instructions on how it works), and it's part of the smuggler campaign.


Let people wager credits at "unranked" tables, or cartel coins at "ranked" tables. The unranked/ranked system isn't a huge importance, and even if we can only gamble with in game credits and not also cartel coins, it would be great.


TL;DR - It would be cool if the star cluster casino on Nar Shadaa offered Pazak, slots, and/or Sabacc with either players or AI's, where we could wager either credits or cartel coins. Please everyone sign or comment support.

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Problem being that there are some states in the US and countries elsewhere in which The Old Republic is available that outlaw online gambling. To offer gambling through that game would thus make playing it an illegal activity.


I dont see why that can be a problem if the gamble is played only with in game credits. maybe with CC since they are purchased with actual money but credits that are in game obtainable may work just fine

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I dont see why that can be a problem if the gamble is played only with in game credits. maybe with CC since they are purchased with actual money but credits that are in game obtainable may work just fine


Some laws don't make that distinction between simulated gambling or not.


If it were instituted in such a way that it was a game of skill and not a game of chance, you would be pretty well in the clear.

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I dont see why that can be a problem if the gamble is played only with in game credits. maybe with CC since they are purchased with actual money but credits that are in game obtainable may work just fine



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Wow, I was just coming over the the suggestion box to suggest this. Playing sabacc and pazaak against players would be awesome. I am sure roleplayers would appreciate this was well, especially the smugglers.

Although I would be happy no matter how they implemented it, having a setting like the casino on nar shadda would be awesome. But if they went with a style like the tcg in swg i would be fine with that as well.


Edited by BardaTheHobo
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Some laws don't make that distinction between simulated gambling or not.


If it were instituted in such a way that it was a game of skill and not a game of chance, you would be pretty well in the clear.


Ahh, but you see, you are guaranteed to win a "Casino Voucher" each play. That is what you are paying your money for. You might, by chance get double the money you put into a game... But that is not gambling, because you are always getting what you pay for, there is just a chance that you might get your money back, twice. Similar to the way Cartel Packs can be sold - You are guaranteed loot... How good it is is down to chance.




Edited by Ewok-Scout
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Some laws don't make that distinction between simulated gambling or not.


If it were instituted in such a way that it was a game of skill and not a game of chance, you would be pretty well in the clear.


As long as no real money is involved, they would be fine... You can play Texas Hold'em on facebook for example anywhere in the country, it involves both chance and skill.



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I don't get how this would be illegal. The Playdom facebook game "Mobsters2: Vendetta" has a virtual currency called "god father points". They function just as cartel coins do, and you can pay to buy more. Yet in that game there is a whole city devoted to gambling with everything from slot machines to scratch off tickets where you wager favor points. So I don't see what the big deal is, given that there is already precedent. Edited by Xeperi
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Agreed! I /sign!


But I don't think cartel coin gambling is a good idea, as online gambling is illegal in certain countries. Plus, it could lead to a form of gold buying. Letting other people win, in order to give others cartel coins? That sounds shady.

All in all, /sign.

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I think they could use Cartel Coins in this...


Well, to make it so we had to buy a certain Authorization to play the games, but yea, no putting Cartel Coins on the table, that would make it gambling. I'm pretty damn sure it's still legal if you do it with credits, since it's an online currency entirely generated entirely from the game and NOT purchased unless using a third party dealer (which would not be considered solid ground for such accusations in any reasonable court.)


But yea, /signed, looking forward to if they ever put it up.

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