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Jug vs Mara ease of play (pvp dps)


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I have a Mara and a Jug both at 35, wanting to finish one of them with Double XP.


1st, not looking for L2P, or you are lazy responses.


Im an old school pvp'er, I like to manage my player actions in my head, which allows me about 5-10 actions using muscle memory/Keybinds. Problem I have with so many NEW MMO's, are the quantity of abilities. I think If I was younger, my little fat brain could handle the onslaught of abilities, as i had more time to really figure out the actions/gameplay.


Mara/Carnage vs Jugg/Veng


(jump in and wreck face)

Which has less abilities to get the job done?

Which has a more flowing set of actions?

Which just plays better?


This is from a pure PVP point of view, as I have no problems at all with any class in PVE. PVP in my opinion requires a much higher standard of play to get the job done.


Thanks !

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Well you mention Veng for Jug and Carnage for Mara so ill answer based on that, and since 2.0 is around the corner ill take that into consideration too.


Jugs will now have Sundering Assault on long CD, but gives mass amount of Rage + Armor reduction. Shatter no longer requires the debuff. These changes make the class easier to play as you can open with Shatter, Impale and force scream to get your bleeds going. No more spamming Sundering Assault and fillers, and you get an extra execute on proc.


While Carnage mara got hit with a Berserk rework. That alone messes up with one of their burst rotation.


So Jug.

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