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Choices that make you want to go Dark? (spoiler)


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Even as I play some Light side characters, there are still choices that makes me want to go Dark side (praise to Bioware writers). I want to hear your story about such situation, and I expect a lot of spoilers, hence the title.


I'll give an example here. When my Sith Warrior first arrived on Dromund Kaas, I decided to kill a slave. Why?


Vette - Wow, didn't take you long to start the Dromund Kaas death toll.

Me - It was a long shuttle ride...

Vette - You're going withdraw, again?

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Black Talon flashpoint.


I tend to pick darkside choice on my light side characters and the other way around.


why? IMO, its kinder to give the general quick clean death, rather then send him into "kindness" of imperial captivity and almost definitive torture

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I always do what I want, so I go dark most of the time. Sometimes I get carried away and pick dark just because it is dark, but when I realize that, I make up for it in the next converstaion so I still keep my karma realistic.


The most fun dark choices I've seen so far are those conversations with a shock collar-ed person involved and a controller in your hand in the same time. Definitely worth those few extra dark points.

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The problem I have is that the 'right alignment' choices for your class/faction often tend to be...well, dumb, because apparently 'The Force' is incredibly shortsighted.


'Dark Side' choices on the Republic side often tend to be choices that involve making sacrifices that are ultimately for the good of the Republic, while the 'Light Side' often lean more toward 'so what if it means millions die tomorrow, I must save this one person today!".


Similarly Light Side choices for the Empire would actually be a net gain for 'evil' in the galaxy, because they often involve doing things that will strengthen/preserve the Empire, while the Dark Side options frequently tend to be 'sure this will screw over the Empire/make things more difficult, but lol who cares I get to murder someone!"


In what is probably a sign that I play this game too much I was watching Revenge of the Sith the other day, and at the beginning when Anakin wants to go back to help the troopers and Obi-Wan tells him they have to go on because they have a mission and the Troopers have their own, the first thing that came to mind was, "That would so be a Dark Side option in TOR, because clearly it's better to let the Separatists escape with/kill the Chancellor than to risk Troopers dying in the line of duty."

Edited by jovianus
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The problem I have is that the 'right alignment' choices for your class/faction often tend to be...well, dumb, because apparently 'The Force' is incredibly shortsighted.


'Dark Side' choices on the Republic side often tend to be choices that involve making sacrifices that are ultimately for the good of the Republic, while the 'Light Side' often lean more toward 'so what if it means millions die tomorrow, I must save this one person today!".


Similarly Light Side choices for the Empire would actually be a net gain for 'evil' in the galaxy, because they often involve doing things that will strengthen/preserve the Empire, while the Dark Side options frequently tend to be 'sure this will screw over the Empire/make things more difficult, but lol who cares I get to murder someone!


I agree about the Republic Lightside choices, well mostly, there are a couple that are debatable in that the Republic forces yowould be saving are corrupt.


But the thing about the Imperial choices is it's not about allowing the Republic to win, but about doing your duty to the Empire. If you do the right thing in your duties to the Empire, then you are acting for the "Good of the Empire" and thus it's LS, if you put your needs first then it's DS. Nobody is going to create a game where the right decision is to sacrifice your comrades to the enemy needlessly.


But having said that, there are a few occasions were the LS decision isn't in the interest of the Empire, were they are just as short-sighted as the Republic LS choices.

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You guys are looking at this all wrong. Light side / dark side has always been about making choices in the moment, and how it affects the character emotionally. Intense emotions like hate and fear feed the dark side, and in return the dark side deeply corrupts the force user, twisting their mind. The problem with far reaching consequences is that they don't always have an emotional impact if they are not fully grasped. However killing a defenseless opponent in cold blood would certainly have a great emotional impact on the person committing the act. I think for the most part Bioware did a good job representing this.


I like to mix it up with each character. My BH was good, my Inq was evil (and hilarious) and my SW was also good. I'm playing a JK evil, and it's been hard to stomach. I'd like to play a true gray character at some point.


EDIT: The ultimate example of this is when Luke spares Vader. Here's a man that caused the near extinction of the Jedi order. There was no guarantee that Vader was going to go good, and if he recovered he could possibly go on to kill millions of people. But Luke spared him, and it saved him from going over to the dark side? Why? Because the battle caused intense emotions that fed the dark side, and killing his father in cold blood (who was beaten) would have twisted his mind.

Edited by Monthigos
Adding more detail.
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There are very few times that I feel like going darkside over lightside. Interestingly, my main, a knight, got the most darkside points, 500 for flirting with Kira (and yet romancing her is fine, apparently), 500 for agreeing with HK-51 that I spend a lot of time 'deleting' people, and 1000 for being respectful to Lord Scourge.


My favourite darkside points are definitely that conversation on Quesh imperial side.


"We don't need a woman to fight our battles! What does she know about war?"

[shock Him]

Was just too tempting.

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On Ord Mantell, a distraught mother sends you to look for her long-lost son after a friend of hers actually witnesses him alive in a neighbouring town. She now believes him to be alive and swears she could never give up on her child, no matter what has transpired. She requests you find him.


When you find the boy, he has been drugged and forced to fight on behalf of the Separatists against his will. The boy is ashamed of what he was forced to do and afraid to face his family.


Dark Side: [truth] Your mother still loves you and is worried about you. I have killed the Separatists and will safely escort you back to your family where you may be safe and your family can be reunited and at peace.


Light Side: I'll give you some credits and help you run away from your problems and flee off world so you never have to face anyone. I'll then lie to your parents and tell them that you are dead, because obviously it'll be easier for them to believe their son is dead, rather than accept the fact he is alive and safe.


If you deny the boy's request for credits and to run away from all his problems, he will still refuse to return to his family and choose to remain a drugged Separatist slave! Wha? Really, kid, it can't possibly be that embarassing.


So you return to the boy's family empty handed...


Dark Side: [truth] Your son was captured by Separatists. He is alive, but he refused to return with me.


Light Side: [Lie To Grieving Mother] Your son is dead. Nevermind the fact that he is still alive. Nevermind the fact that he's only in the neighbouring town. Nevermind the fact that you've already got friends who are eyewitnesses to what is going on, so it's only a matter of time before you discover the truth anyways. I'm going to lie to you and break your heart just for the joy of watching your emotional pain, to ultimately spare you nothing. Now give me my reward!


Yeah. Some of the missions leave me scratching my head. I never make my decisions based upon the White Star and Red Triangle; I do what I want for the story that I'm telling, and then let the chips fall where they may. It makes leveling much more enjoyable that way.

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On Coruscant, when given the choice between helping an organisation planning to expose a senators plans to push for an alliance with the Sith by stealing his records (dark side), or agreeing to an offer made by the senators aide to steal irrelevant data instead and hand that over to aforementioned organisation (light side).


I just. I don't. Wat.

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On Belsavis, Imperial Side:



When you holo Warden Graal and pretend to be his lackey and say "Sorry, I can't help right now; I'm busy dying for a worthless cause, over..." Then Graal realizes it's an Imperial standing there as you execute the guy. Graal doesn't take it very well.


Am I twisted to find the humor in that? Guess so. I've done that on all my Imp toons, even my lightside agent. Totally worth the dark points. Actually, the whole Dreadmaster quest line is kinda worth the dark points. But that's just me.



* * *

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Even as I play some Light side characters, there are still choices that makes me want to go Dark side (praise to Bioware writers). I want to hear your story about such situation, and I expect a lot of spoilers, hence the title.


I'll give an example here. When my Sith Warrior first arrived on Dromund Kaas, I decided to kill a slave. Why?


Vette - Wow, didn't take you long to start the Dromund Kaas death toll.

Me - It was a long shuttle ride...

Vette - You're going withdraw, again?


On my first toon (A republic guardian) I had the option turned on that showed me which choices were light side, and dark side, and I made all the light side choices.... After 50 levels of doing the right thing I felt like I needed to cause some chaos, so I rolled a Marauder (My main). On my marauder I turned off the Light/Dark side indicator, and just did what I wanted, not worrying about my light side or dark side points, it turned out that im evil because I was maxed out on dark side points just doing what I felt was best in the situations.

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Final conversation of trooper story line

You can either keep General Rakton prisoner (A brilliant Imperial strategist who has no doubt caused hundreds of thousands of republic deaths and would continue to do so if i hadn't captured him)

Or you can release him back to the empire


Keeping him prisoner is the dark side choice!!?!?!?



Of course he is staying in chains!!!!!!!

...That and Sgt Jaxo

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