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Do you rage at your team much?


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I have a PT, and I generally don't lose out to stealth classes unless I take the time to type, "hey, I have 1 inc here at so and so". In which case, I just lost 1/2 to 3/4 of my life because I was busy typing out what happening when I could of probably solo'd someone. ?


I'll give you an example from Alderan - but it works just as well for NC, VS or AHG.


If you're solo guarding, best thing to do is have "grass" "snow" or "mid" already in your chat box. Then you just hit 1, or 2 or 3 and so on depending on the number attacking. Gives everyone a clear indication what's happening.


While I agree that it can sometimes be better to try and solo defend - the risk that you'll lose, especially on Alderan, is too great. Even when using your OP class :D.


It's always better to lose some HP typing and then sell your life dearly to buy time for reinforcements to arrive. It's not as though SWTOR lacks CC. Then it's up to your team to respond. If they don't, why, then its time for MOAR RAGE.:)


Agree with your other points - teams should always keep an eye on what's happening. Even if its just bringing up the map to se if the solo guard's icon's being thrown about like a child's toy. Hint - an icon that moves quickly for a short distance in one direction has probably either been pulled, knockbacked or just force leaped.

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My team: sniper sitting ON the pylon and a sorc ~10m away, both attacking a tank behind me. Sage wanders in, whirlwinds me (break CD) and caps the pylon literally on top of the sniper. They killed the tank though so no worries. I was too amazed to comment on that one.


I tend to get annoyed at raging know-it-alls in WZ the most nowadays e.g. shadow in dps spec whining at people in huttball about how they aren't playing it correctly.

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As soon as I get in a WZ where my teammates are pumping damage into a tank of any sort while ignoring the two healers 30m behind him...I just resolve myself to medal farming...then Dancing.


Metal farming usually takes only a couple of minutes...then it's Dance DANce DANCE!!


I'm not helping a bunch of morons stretch out a losing WZ.

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I agree with, however, I tend to give a little slack to the non callers sometimes. Why? What do you do if your a non stealthy class guarding a node and a stealthy comes a long?


I have a PT, and I generally don't lose out to stealth classes unless I take the time to type, "hey, I have 1 inc here at so and so". In which case, I just lost 1/2 to 3/4 of my life because I was busy typing out what happening when I could of probably solo'd someone.


Also, I would like to point out that good team players actively view other nodes after short skirmishes, put he person who is guarding the node as their focus target to constantly view their HP, or to just pay attention to that person's HP in raid frames.


I constantly here people rage about this all the time. The fact is, it's a team node. Why did the team leave a non stealthy on the node, and why should he even have to call out anything at all? Are the other members of the team not actively watching the node from a distance? Can they not see incomings from a distance?


I am almost always with at least 1 guildie in which case we always split 1 off to the side node who tells us in voice chat and then we call it in ops. If I am op leader I will also focus one of the guarders so if I see health drop I will head to check on it and call incs as warrants.


I do believe that it is everyone responsibility to watch the nodes but if I solo guard I don't try to kill anyone I just do my part to call it and slow em down till my team gets there. Only time this doesn't work is against a team who is running two stealthers, your dead before you can finish typing.

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OP here.


I have to confess, after days of mostly being civil, I slipped off the wagon last night.


But gosh darn it, man - If we hold two nodes on Civil War there's just NO NEED to go for the third.


You're just going to lose one of the others.


Which happened:mad:


We got it back though and won the match. I felt bad then.....:(


Edit - wow - the profanity filter doesn't just sensor bad words with ***** - it changes them! I would never say gosh darn it in my life. :D

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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OP here.


I have to confess, after days of mostly being civil, I slipped off the wagon last night.


But gosh darn it, man - If we hold two nodes on Civil War there's just NO NEED to go for the third.


You're just going to lose one of the others.


Which happened:mad:


We got it back though and won the match. I felt bad then.....:(


Edit - wow - the profanity filter doesn't just sensor bad words with ***** - it changes them! I would never say gosh darn it in my life. :D


You know you just been waiting for a chance to use that hehe

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I try to keep my anger under wraps most of the time. The only times I chew people out are when they don't call out incomings, or deliberately break CC. Then I usually say something like, "No call?" or "I didn't lift/sleep that guy so somebody could smack him." The other thing that grinds my gears is people ignoring marked healers. I usually give two reminders about focusing marked players before I get pissed.
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I used to rage a lot more than I do now. Now I tend to just roll with it. The exception of course is when some idiot thinks he's carrying the team when he's in fact the one losing it for us and then proceeds to berate the players who are actually decent. Then I'll get in his face, and hard. I've learned to deal with bads, you can't escape them. But when bads start going nuts on good players, then I'll be less than polite.
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Raging really doesn't help anything, and just feeds what many see as a negative atmosphere in PVP. If someone else is raging it's generally best to ignore them. The main things that gets me vocal is people hanging back.


Main thing that will get me talking and closest to angry encouragement is hanging back. A guy standing next to me behind a pillar on Voidstar doing nothing while I get double-teamed. Two teammates on Hypergate skulking outside of middle that refused to follow me into mid and prevent three Imps from grabbing orbs, so I got triple-teamed instead of facing an even fight. Worse for me is with Civil War and people say "we're too far behind, just camp your node for a defense medal." Meh to that. You can get points and medals for attacking and you feel a lot better doing something than just sitting there. When people actually rally after I call them out, we sometimes can get a second node--it might be too late, but you all feel better for it rather than tossing your hands up in despair.

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I don't rage, but do become HIGHLY annoyed; to the point where my word choice becomes even more polite, lol. I'm even gender cognizant; often saying "Folks" instead of "Guys". The problem i've noticed in SWTOR and every other mmorpg with PvP, is that there are too many "You're not my daddy" types. The PvP matches often lack leadership, even though there is one person assigned that position at the beginning of every match. Some might be thinking, "Why do we need leadership? It's just a game...". While true, it does not mean that a team can't use some or ALOT of coordination. There has to be ATLEAST one person coordinating defensive/offensive plans, atleast until the team gets the flow of fluxing to Grass to cut down the enemy push, then immediately upon their success, heading back underneath mid to wait for the next call of incoming to either grass or snow. Not having to wait for directions. Unfortunately this rarely happens, and when it does, the other team thinks we are a pre-made. No, you just got beat by a pug mixed with rare people that can follow simple directions.


One of my biggest peeves is the solo guy/girl who instead of supporting thier teams fight to hold South and East, decide to try to solo West multiple times, dying each time, and going back for more. Then the team ultimately ends up losing one of the nodes that the solo person could have been disrupting until reinforcements arrived. This has more often than not lead to a total match loss.


My second peeve are the types that try to justify their crappy teamplay with their damage score. Damage is great when everyone is playing the objective, but when 7/8 of the team are focused on damage output and kills, meanwhile the enemy huttball runner has literally walked the ball into the goal three times, and is working on the fourth; that is a problem. Yet they will be the first ones to claim they aren't crappy, because of their damage... There have been a few matches where the whole enemy teams damage far surpassed that of my whole team combined; yet we won the overall match. 8 selfish high damage players = a pile of crap. Sometimes that person with 2 medals, and low battle stats, is the one taking a hit for the team, because everyone else thought it ok to leave their ONLY node undefended. I know I have been in that position many times, and it sucks because I am team focused, but that means that I don't get a good payoff at the end of our loss. Maybe I should join the masses...


I know that was a little long......my bad.

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You nailed it, especially with the "you're not my daddy"-part. This is my first MMO but I've never encountered that type in other genres. You can't say crap in this game, and I'm guessing other MMO'es too, without being greeted by a "shut the ....up" or "*********** try-hard". I think it's an age thing, it seems like the average age here is 20 years higher than in the average FPS. I base that on all the times people have to feed their cats, put stuff in the dryer or make coffee during an operation. It's like people become softer with age.....or what kind of sheltered lives are they living if they can't deal with someone telling them to stay on the objective.


So with that said I can't but confirm all the stuff people in other games say about MMO'ers, them being basement dwelling losers, 45 year old housewives and outkast. Actually, it's even worse than I imagined and if it hadnt for the fact that I can pug or solo most, if not everything I would have stopped playing the game a long time ago.


Edited by MidichIorian
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You nailed it, especially with the "you're not my daddy"-part. This is my first MMO but I've never encountered that type in other genres. You can't say crap in this game, and I'm guessing other MMO'es too, without being greeted by a "shut the ....up" or "*********** try-hard". I think it's an age thing, it seems like the average age here is 20 years higher than in the average FPS. I base that on all the times people have to feed their cats, put stuff in the dryer or make coffee during an operation. It's like people become softer with age.....or what kind of sheltered lives are they living if they can't deal with someone telling them to stay on the objective.


So with that said I can't but confirm all the stuff people in other games say about MMO'ers, them being basement dwelling losers, 45 year old housewives and outkast. Actually, it's even worse than I imagined and if it hadnt for the fact that I can pug or solo most, if not everything I would have stopped playing the game a long time ago.



I hear ya. In my opinion, the player-base is often the worst enemy of a games longevity. Unfortunately it is also an MMO's lifeline... Funny how that works. That which brings life, is also that which leads to the ultimate demise. I've noticed the age difference as well, although many times I hope that the stuff I see people saying is coming from a child, and not an adult that should know better. I like MMORPGs because of PvP primarily, and secondly the massive areas that can be explored with minimal loading screens, compared to that of a console game.. I've only been playing SWTOR for a little less than a month, and I have skipped through all of the storyline, because I don't care about it. I just like going through the motions of completing missions, leveling, and stomping/being stomped by enemy players. There's really nothing like an MMORPG.


One of my favorites is when my team is getting straight roflstomped, and I have been the only one typing ANYTHING, trying to politely coordinate the team (although everyone ignores it); then at the end, someone finally decides to break their cone of silence to say "Who put you in charge of anything?" Really? So you're telling me the only time you deemed it necessary to communicate, is when your in-game independence is threathened one, and only one person stepping up to provide direction to the team?


I have found that many matches can be turned positively if just one person is persistent with providing direction to the team. Doesn't work all the time, with regard for any plan going out the door as soon as the match starts. I would love this

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i tend to quietly vent in my head when me (healer, always announce it in chat beforehand) is left to guard the door/node. as my heals is still mainly in recruit, i get 3 shotted, as i call for more, after x inc. dont like being forced to solo guard and not heal
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i tend to quietly vent in my head when me (healer, always announce it in chat beforehand) is left to guard the door/node. as my heals is still mainly in recruit, i get 3 shotted, as i call for more, after x inc. dont like being forced to solo guard and not heal


I cast an AOE heal on my Sorc and Sage while waiting in spawn points so people will know I'm a healer. I also put bubbles on people while we are waiting to final few seconds to run out. It amazes me that people will still leave me to solo guard knowing I'm the person who just cast the AOE heal on them lol. I even had someone ask who the healer was as I was casting an AOE Heal. My name and the name of whoever is healing you shows up. How can people miss that :mad:

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DITTO! Seen a guy at the end of Civil War do the same thing and he wasn't guarding a point either with the 2nd lowest scores in everything. Telling us "Worst Team Ever" and we had been going against an over geared and coordinated premade team. (Well geez, I wonder why we lost?) DOH


Didn't rage, but did post "Says the guy with the 2nd lowest scores in the match" and leave.


If you were playing Imperial on Shadowlands , I think I was in that match lol.


If not, kinda sad we had the same experience. =\

Edited by Leiluxe
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