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Dear BioWare


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Thank you very much! I'm enjoying this game immensely so far!


I played WoW since the month after launch. I remember how quirky it was back then. I understand how release brings out the bugs that beta missed. I remember having to run through an entire dungeon just to get into the raid dungeon at launch.


Tweak your UIs, finish that final coat of shine, fix the stuff you already know needs fixing, basically just continue running SW:TOR like you already planned to and know how to do, and forget about the naysayers and the prats that expect perfection from day one.



Thank you thank you thank you for what we have so far. I cannot WAIT to see where this game can go. I'm only level 23 so far, but having a blast!

Edited by AntoniusDelitan
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Even the queue times don't bother me. Granted, i've not had to wait over 10 minutes, but I really, REALLY don't think Bioware is going to let people sit in the queue for hours at a time without doing something.


There's just too many people demanding the world stops for them RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!

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