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First Person POV


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I was curious what people's thoughts about a 1st person POV server for SWTOR? For people who like more realism in games, would anyone give it a shot playing the game in a server where everyone could only view the screen from first person POV?
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A whole server? No. The option is currently there...those who want to use, presumably already do.




I would only say that First Person be updated if free time (lol) ever occurs so that we can see our weapons instead of magic slashes and bolts from nowhere. :p

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it's not a terrible idea, i know other games have done this (mostly shooters that offer either third or first person) to prevent the advantage one may have from increased vision in 3rd person view. However, I think before this can be implementated the first person perspective needs to be updated, as the above poster said, so that you can see your weapon. What;s more, melee users may have a much harder time with first person than someone equipped with a blaster.
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A whole server? No. The option is currently there...those who want to use, presumably already do.


You obviously have to make it server wide given the advantage 3rd person has in a game like this. Obviously all of us play zoomed out as much as possible in a fight to get the advantage.


Back to my question, would any of you give it a shot?

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You obviously have to make it server wide given the advantage 3rd person has in a game like this. Obviously all of us play zoomed out as much as possible in a fight to get the advantage.


Back to my question, would any of you give it a shot?

Not even if I were paid for it.

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Not even if I were paid for it.




First person has one use in this game to me... to actually look at the details of myself or my companions.


Oh.. wait.. it also comes in handy when riding a skiff out in the wilderness of a planet and I want to see everything that is in front of me. They really need to put a /sunshade_down button on the Hutt Skiffs..... but not before we get a hood toggle on robes (I don't want Alec to blow a gasket if my skiff get's hood down before jedi/sith robes do. :p )

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You obviously have to make it server wide given the advantage 3rd person has in a game like this. Obviously all of us play zoomed out as much as possible in a fight to get the advantage.


Back to my question, would any of you give it a shot?


I think you just answered your own question.

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I was curious what people's thoughts about a 1st person POV server for SWTOR? For people who like more realism in games, would anyone give it a shot playing the game in a server where everyone could only view the screen from first person POV?


We already have a first person POV, it just doesn't have arms sticking out from the side of it. Just zoom all the way in and there you go. If you think first person makes it more realistic you must have your arms attached to your head.


And no, I hate first person usually because no one does it right. Closest so far was Mirror's Edge and even that was kind of wonky. Really, first person won't ever work properly until they can do fully 3D holographic projected interactive games, and that's a long way off.



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Not even for a minute.


The game isn't set up for first-person view. While it is supposed to be more "realistic" the end result is that its often less realistic. We get loads of information from peripheral vision and hearing. That information is lost in first-person view. Yes, its more challenging, but not in a closer-to-reality way, more like a horse-with-blinders way.


Because of this behavior, first-person games almost always have simpler maps than third-person games. The terrain must be easily navigable based on what the game can show you in that 10m or so distance, because if details show up any closer, you might miss them before they pass out of your field of view. Sightlines to your immediate objective/destination/path must be open or simply moving about becomes a maze-challenge. The mapping style is just different. Feel free to take a good look at a map in a first-person game and compare. They are far simpler than what is used in SWTOR.


Next, think of how much ground clutter exists in this game. It's not a ton, but its there. Now, realize that in first-person view, you can't see your feet, and therefore, if you want to avoid/escape small ground obstacles, you need to keep looking down. Since there's no leaning and there are walls and boxes and trees everywhere, simply scanning the area becomes an exercise in strafing, jumping and looking about.


Imagine navigating Taris. Imagine trying to jump for Datacrons. Imagine having to spin about just to loot.


I guess if that sounds fun to you... okay. Could I imagine playing on a server populated with people doing that? Nope. Because I could never imagine enough people enjoying it to consider the server "populated".

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We already have a first person POV, it just doesn't have arms sticking out from the side of it. Just zoom all the way in and there you go. If you think first person makes it more realistic you must have your arms attached to your head.


And no, I hate first person usually because no one does it right. Closest so far was Mirror's Edge and even that was kind of wonky. Really, first person won't ever work properly until they can do fully 3D holographic projected interactive games, and that's a long way off.




When I saw the title, first thought popped in my head was (that failed IMO) shooter mode from that other MMO I know you from. But first person PoV has been in games forever. Just zoom in as far as you can go as said here.

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Not even for a minute.


The game isn't set up for first-person view. While it is supposed to be more "realistic" the end result is that its often less realistic. We get loads of information from peripheral vision and hearing. That information is lost in first-person view. Yes, its more challenging, but not in a closer-to-reality way, more like a horse-with-blinders way.


Because of this behavior, first-person games almost always have simpler maps than third-person games. The terrain must be easily navigable based on what the game can show you in that 10m or so distance, because if details show up any closer, you might miss them before they pass out of your field of view. Sightlines to your immediate objective/destination/path must be open or simply moving about becomes a maze-challenge. The mapping style is just different. Feel free to take a good look at a map in a first-person game and compare. They are far simpler than what is used in SWTOR.


Next, think of how much ground clutter exists in this game. It's not a ton, but its there. Now, realize that in first-person view, you can't see your feet, and therefore, if you want to avoid/escape small ground obstacles, you need to keep looking down. Since there's no leaning and there are walls and boxes and trees everywhere, simply scanning the area becomes an exercise in strafing, jumping and looking about.


Imagine navigating Taris. Imagine trying to jump for Datacrons. Imagine having to spin about just to loot.


I guess if that sounds fun to you... okay. Could I imagine playing on a server populated with people doing that? Nope. Because I could never imagine enough people enjoying it to consider the server "populated".


In a way I think that's what the purpose of the OP was, to point out that it would be more challenging for most aspects of the game and see how many people would be willing to give it a shot. Kinda like Perma-death players, they add a self imposed challenge to their game style specifically to see if they can meet the challenge. I'd probably never give permadeath a go, but 1st person view challenge I might be willing to try.

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I know that obviously the hardcore, have no life in the real world players would be vehemently against this, I was just wondering what the opinion was of the crowd who isn't focused on 'maxing gear' and BS like that
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I know that obviously the hardcore, have no life in the real world players would be vehemently against this, I was just wondering what the opinion was of the crowd who isn't focused on 'maxing gear' and BS like that


They are shutting down some servers and the idea of opening a new one just for First Person PoV is not a good idea. PR nightmare for one.


And going FP PoV is already available in the game is number 2 reason for no.


It has NOTHING to do with being a HC player.

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I know that obviously the hardcore, have no life in the real world players would be vehemently against this, I was just wondering what the opinion was of the crowd who isn't focused on 'maxing gear' and BS like that


Well, there you go.


I'm a casual, non-min/maxer whose favorite parts of MMOs are customization and exploration.



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