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Marauder misconception?


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I see a lot of people complain about Marauders on the forums here. While there is no combat logs or parsing to back this up I have to disagree, that our damage has any sort of problems.


I think the concern is that we lack AoE for leveling purposes someone plays there BH runs up and drops a death from above on three regular quest mobs while we have to tab target burn them...making the class seem weaker and underpowered to some.


However I am a 27 Sith Marauder and have found that if ever I run into any class in a warzone 1v1 he should run or he is dead. No I don't mean kite I mean run away far far away to his teammates. I destroy people very quickly when they don't.


As for toughness I run with Vette and on Tatooine I was able to easily destroy the Sand Demon solo with Vette and I had no problems at all. A few minutes later someone is asking in general for help with the same mob, so I send him a tell saying it's very easy and he shouldn't worry about a group. He replies informing me he already tried blew all his cd's and a very expensive health potion, he was a Sith Assassin. So I helped him out.


Also onto damage dealing AoE, is rarely relevant when determining who's underpowered. In Flashpoints I have yet to meet a tank who can keep a single target or boss mob off of me. Why do you think this is? I don't have any taunts or increased threat, hmm must be damage output. Like I said early there is no parser, but if I'm constantly worrying about pulling threat from tanks I'd presume my damage is fine.


Stick with it and try to prioritize when and how your rage will be spent, planning is essential there is no rotation to speak of and that doesn't mean we are broken it's just different from other MMO's. I constantly see people say where's the differences from this and WoW well for one 8 year olds will most likely not be raiding in SWTOR.

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I see a lot of people complain about Marauders on the forums here. While there is no combat logs or parsing to back this up I have to disagree, that our damage has any sort of problems.


I think the concern is that we lack AoE for leveling purposes someone plays there BH runs up and drops a death from above on three regular quest mobs while we have to tab target burn them...making the class seem weaker and underpowered to some.


However I am a 27 Sith Marauder and have found that if ever I run into any class in a warzone 1v1 he should run or he is dead. No I don't mean kite I mean run away far far away to his teammates. I destroy people very quickly when they don't.


As for toughness I run with Vette and on Tatooine I was able to easily destroy the Sand Demon solo with Vette and I had no problems at all. A few minutes later someone is asking in general for help with the same mob, so I send him a tell saying it's very easy and he shouldn't worry about a group. He replies informing me he already tried blew all his cd's and a very expensive health potion, he was a Sith Assassin. So I helped him out.


Also onto damage dealing AoE, is rarely relevant when determining who's underpowered. In Flashpoints I have yet to meet a tank who can keep a single target or boss mob off of me. Why do you think this is? I don't have any taunts or increased threat, hmm must be damage output. Like I said early there is no parser, but if I'm constantly worrying about pulling threat from tanks I'd presume my damage is fine.


Stick with it and try to prioritize when and how your rage will be spent, planning is essential there is no rotation to speak of and that doesn't mean we are broken it's just different from other MMO's. I constantly see people say where's the differences from this and WoW well for one 8 year olds will most likely not be raiding in SWTOR.



I don't really think damage is a HUGE issue... I think it has problems and needs re-worked but the real issue is that we are a melee class in medium armor with a 4 second stealth. While other range damage dealers are running around in heavy and medium. In fact the only other class that uses light is the inquisitor.


Something about a sniper that crits for 3k+ very easily rubs me the wrong way. Also half of our ability's DON'T EVEN WORK IN PVP! I cannot wrap my head around that..... every other class has a AOE knock back... however our smash that has a 1.5 second stun doesn't work in pvp? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? lol


I think our ability's dont synergise well with each other and are a bit clunky and not very fluid. It feels like you have to pay to much attention to your rotation and burning cooldowns than on the actual fight at hand. This is why people claim to be being kited so much. They are paying so much attention using 8 different skills that they are being beat out by a guy spamming the same skill over and over while running.

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I don't really think damage is a HUGE issue... I think it has problems and needs re-worked but the real issue is that we are a melee class in medium armor with a 4 second stealth. While other range damage dealers are running around in heavy and medium. In fact the only other class that uses light is the inquisitor.


Something about a sniper that crits for 3k+ very easily rubs me the wrong way. Also half of our ability's DON'T EVEN WORK IN PVP! I cannot wrap my head around that..... every other class has a AOE knock back... however our smash that has a 1.5 second stun doesn't work in pvp? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? lol


I think our ability's dont synergise well with each other and are a bit clunky and not very fluid. It feels like you have to pay to much attention to your rotation and burning cooldowns than on the actual fight at hand. This is why people claim to be being kited so much. They are paying so much attention using 8 different skills that they are being beat out by a guy spamming the same skill over and over while running.


+1 :)

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Just keep telling yourself that...


well there must be a reason why there are quite a number of people in this forum saying this class is fine.. and then there are a number of people who say this class is broken


hmm seems to me like the class is fine if played right, but does not suit everyone's playstyle maybe?


But i agree with the OP mara's are fine

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I was one of the many struggling with my marauder off the start. I played a sniper and a bh in the beta so i was confident in the controls and knowhow of the game. Well marauder just seemed so hard to manage all of the cooldowns and rage while keeping on a target. I also used keybinds but i spent so much time watching my cooldowns rather than the action that it really didn't make a difference for my skill level to be binds over clicks.


I wasn't dieing really just felt gimped. Like something was off and i was trying way way way to hard to play for minimal results. I got up to level 23 and decided to shelve the warrior for a bit and try an assassin. I really enjoyed the assassin. great damage and great

utility. Keybinds seemed to flow nicely and the focus bar was... well awesome honestly. I just hated to see so many running around, and it really wasn't where I wanted to be. I got to level 27 and decided to play my marauder again for a bit just to see. I had ran into a couple good marauders in pvp and they were having good success so i got to thinking i can handle it.


So comes round 2 of marauder...


I dont know what happened in my time on a sin, but all of the sudden, my keybinds where much more fluid, my rage management was awesome, and my cooldown watching pretty much disappeared. I am now killing things in the blink of an eye, and i can start a 1v1 fight with half health and still have a chance of winning. The class just feels so much better now i cant even explain it. Im flipping around through the air and smashing things and loving it. pvp kills take the same time as my sin, but pve mobs just melt away in front of me


From my experience, i got much better when i played something else to get warmed up. I am loving my warrior and i cant see myself switching any time soon.

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Just out of curiosity what level are those people that are complaining about marauders?


I do think they are a bit harder to manage (CD's) but the moment macros are introduced to this game it will likely become a 2 to 3 button class. (I for one can;t wait to see macro's implemented.)


The damage is fine, anyone stacking power is doing it wrong. I stacked power at 50 and saw a sharp decline in damage compared to crit. Crit / surge > power...


I do think it could be a little more friendly to players but trust me if macro's are implemented you will see a sudden influx in marauders..

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