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NERF Scoundrels!!


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dot's? how many dots are you talking? I don't use Corrosive dart, simply because at the moment it's too low of dmg for the amount of energy it cost. That's why I don't want them to change infiltration. Simply because if I am transitioning and I lose combat but don't have stealth cd up yet I just pop infiltration for a quick stealth.


how to you keep an op/sin from stealthing away from you? I only use vital/dart twhen i scare them with my opener, as i know they are going to panic and stealth, and usually if its enough panic, they forget to cleanse before popping stealth.. Or should i be doing something else when fighting those folks to keep on them?

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The funny thing is, everyone crying about Snipers being OP have completely missed the fact that Operatives are the hidden godclass of 2.0 for PvP.



~Parses only a little lower than Snipers Lethality, less range that is true.

~No cooldown on roll tied with huge energy regains makes it perfect for kiting ANY class 100% of the time.

~Kolto infusion tied to roll which has a 30% chance to proc a free 4k~ heal + amazing HoT

~Escape Plan; Reduces shield probe cooldown by 60 seconds > up from 15 seconds. -haven't checked this one on PTS but it's on calculator.-

~New talent increasing amount absorbed by probe by +30%

~+50% speed buff for 4 seconds every 6 seconds.


Happy days, see you soon "FoTM" Snipers! :cool:


Urgh, like operatives weren't bad enough already...

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how to you keep an op/sin from stealthing away from you? I only use vital/dart twhen i scare them with my opener, as i know they are going to panic and stealth, and usually if its enough panic, they forget to cleanse before popping stealth.. Or should i be doing something else when fighting those folks to keep on them?


don't as soon as they blow vanish just use stealth!!! the first one to blow vanish loses.

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dot's? how many dots are you talking? I don't use Corrosive dart, simply because at the moment it's too low of dmg for the amount of energy it cost. That's why I don't want them to change infiltration. Simply because if I am transitioning and I lose combat but don't have stealth cd up yet I just pop infiltration for a quick stealth.


Normally I DoT tanks after shoot first. FR>SF>VS>DK>BW>SP>FR>BB>SC or if there is a crowd of juggs and mara and I'm stuck out of stealth I'll drop in cover and DoT a few hoping that one will break off from the group to engage me. I use that tactic on the N coast WZ if everyone is bunched up dropping AoE. I'm more effective luring them out of the melee pile than jumping in the heart of it. Normally with our defensive cd I'll get focused by a sniper of sorc anyway and we have no gap closer besides sneak to target switch.

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1v1 isn't a problem in fact i often 2v1 people when i'm in control. This is a team game though. I guess it feels weird when on my sent, commando, guard, shadow or whatever i can feel productive.

i guess it feels weird when on my sent, commando, guard, shadow or whatever i can feel productive.

i guess it feels weird when on my commando i can feel productive.

on my commando i can feel productive.


Ok you're lying now.

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Normally I DoT tanks after shoot first. FR>SF>VS>DK>BW>SP>FR>BB>SC or if there is a crowd of juggs and mara and I'm stuck out of stealth I'll drop in cover and DoT a few hoping that one will break off from the group to engage me. I use that tactic on the N coast WZ if everyone is bunched up dropping AoE. I'm more effective luring them out of the melee pile than jumping in the heart of it. Normally with our defensive cd I'll get focused by a sniper of sorc anyway and we have no gap closer besides sneak to target switch.


meh acid blade is usually enough for me. if a tank runs away it's my win. it takes more than 8 secs to run to a health pac and back. so I cap I win.

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