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Armor and the great mess


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Leaving aside the look of armour which, though personal, is mostly remarked on as somewhere on the scale between 'its ok' to 'f&^%*&g awful' isn't it coming time to rationalise the whole set up. There are four weights; light, medium, heavy and adaptive. Multiple types from grey (stat less) thru to artefact purple, there is a lot of gear that looks good but is level ranged, fixed and often the wrong weight, ie. you loot a awesome looking mask, its green and medium and you need heavy and even if you wear it you out level it in 25 minutes.


this is not just not using existing art assets effectively its a pain in the *** for everyone.


Why not update ALL items to full orange adaptives? dump the train wreck we have currently and provide the maximum degree of flexibility to everyone using current art assets. So that green level 12 mask would become an orange adaptive with mods for level 12.


Being a complete cynic I know this is never going to be done, but EA you can cash in on it too, you can sell a convertor item in the CM, a single use item that will convert an item to an adaptive orange. You make cash, everyone can get that mask they want and be happy (yes EA the last part of that sentence is important even though you stopped reading after 'cash')

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I agree with much of what you're saying.


But the thing that strikes me most about this is that we've all learned now, that if we REALLY want something and we want it FAST, we have to appeal to the notions of the cash grab and beg to be nickeled and dimed over it.


Sad isn't it? But it's probably true now. :(

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I totally agree that the shell/mod approach to be applied to all gear in the game. It'd be simpler, more flexible, and unique.


OK. There are many, many armors of the "wrong" type that I would love to have to "make" my characters what I envisioned. The idea seems promising on principal...




This idea would, in effect, totally gut armormech crafting. What would you suggest to prevent total devastation of that crafting profession? Or are you advocating eliminating that crafting skill, refunding/reimbursing those who took it (to the tune of hundreds of thousands of credits) or...?


It's just not that simple. So I ask those who would love to see most/all armors become adaptive in some way - how would you deal with armormech? Because that dilemma goes hand in hand with making most/all armors moddable and adaptive.

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They should do it at this stage. There are certain armor pieces available to Juggernaut which visually consist of light robes and would greatly fit inquisitors.


Concerns about Synthweaver and Armormech crafting? Why? They're gonna make gear available to everyone, but the styles will be different. Synth will still make things with Force-users in mind and Armormech will do the same about the soldiers.


I do not see how it would hurt crafting skills. It's the other way around - more people will have access to the armor sets they make. Consular wearing Aspiring Knight's set or Padawan Tunic (medium armor sets)? Hell yes, please.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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