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Cpu Advice


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Im running


intel ® Pentium ® CPU G620 @ 2.60GHz

4.00gb, 32-bit OS

Win7 and Nividia Geforce 8400gs


I've noticed how better graphices are in videos i keep seeing, i was just wondering do i just need a better graphics cards to even use the low shader setting and have 30fps, i tried it with the above equipment and it dropped to 5fps.:sul_confused: just looking for some professional advice

Edited by Euphrates_Dul
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Unfortunately it looks like you may need to upgrade both your graphics card and your cpu.


The card is nearly six years old (you may or may not have had it that long but that's when it started being made).

And your processor is being discontinued this year, though replacing that may also require a new motherboard, which may or may not work with your current memory.


Sorry about this but your card and processor aren't really made for intense gaming, so if you don't play many games upgrading may not be the best choice as it could get expensive.

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Yea.. it sounds like you need a new PC overall, the CPU is too old and the motherboards that support it no longer support the newer ones.

Graphics card needs an overhaul as well and you need more than 4gb of RAM to compete as a decent gaming rig.


If you live in the US I suggest going on newegg and browse for some good deal on an AMD X6, also try to get 8GB RAM as a minimum and a NVidia 6xx or AMD 6xxx card


And upgrade to 64bits since 32bits only supports 3GB and under

Edited by DarthZak
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