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guild administration ingame


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Hi folks - here´s Davios from the german forum. Is anyone here able to translate this thread in english ?


i´m sure the issues would be very helpfull for all gildleaders. The thread is about future possibilitys in guild administraion. Posting this topic in the english forum surely would take more attention on GM´s.





01. ingame Gilden-Mail

# a. Mehr Möglichkeiten der Nachrichtenübermittlung an Member. Dabei sollte es eine Auswahl geben in der nur Offis und Leitung nach Gildenrang Sammelmails versenden können.

# b. Auch die Möglichkeit mehrere Spieler anzumailen, unabhängig ihres Ranges, sollte gegeben werden.


02. Zu und Abgänge

# a. Ein Protokoll, dass JEDES Gildenmitglied sehen kann, wann Jemand neu hinzu oder abgegangen ist. Im Protokoll sollte sichtbar sein wer den Spieler eingeladen bzw. entlassen hat und eine Begründung dazu. Ein Timestamp sollte intergriert sein. Das Protokoll sollte in den Spieleinstellungen so einstellbar sein, dass jeder Spieler entscheiden kann ob er es nach jedem einloggen automatisch angezeigt bekommt. Hier könnten die Spieler per Markierung ein "tag" setzten, dass sie die Nachricht gelesen haben und beim nächsten mal diese nicht mehr angezeigt wird - also nur neue Protokollinfos anzeigen lassen. Nur der Gildenmeister kann das Protokoll leeren.

# b. Spieler die neu hinzukommen oder die Gilde verlassen, sollten ein Kommentarfeld in diesem Protokoll haben in dem sie eine kurze Mitteilung hinterlassen können (warum sie zb. geleavt sind)


03. Verwarnungen

# a. Der Stab sollte eine Möglichkeit haben, an Mitglieder Verwarnungen zu schreiben welche in Form einer Nachricht oder igmail den Betroffenen erreichen. Diese Verwarnung sollte auch alle Stabsmitglieder in gleicher Form erreichen.

# b. Ein counter mit max. 3 Verwarnungen per Spieler sollte für den Stab sichtbar sein. Nur der Gildenmeister kann die Verwarnung löschen.


04. Gildenregister auf dem Server

# a. Es sollte für alle Spieler eines Servers eine Übersicht geben, welche Gilden es dort gibt. Dazu sollte der Gildenmeister die Möglichkeit haben, es zu entscheiden ob die Gilde dort gelistet wird. Dieses könnte beim GildenNPC auf der Flotte in Form einer Tabelle angezeigt werden.

# b. Eine Option ob Gilde rekrutiert JA/NEIN

# c. Einstellen des Gildenmeisters und der Offiziere mit Namen

# d. Schwerpunkt der Gilde: PVP, PVE, beides

# e. Ein link zur Gildenpage, Forum oä.


05. Memberverwaltung

Mein Tip: Um eine bessere Übersicht zu haben welche Twniks zu wem gehören, habe ich bei BeêeB folgendes System eingesetzt: (Vielleicht hilft euch das bissl)

In der Gildenverwaltung im Mitgliedernotizfeld führen wir ein Nummernsystem durch das so aussieht. Dabei ist das grüne Feld der Notizeintrag.

Jodel - BeêeB Nr. 01.1 (Alex)

Frum - BeêeB Nr. 01.2

Brom - BeêeB Nr. 01.3

Grom - BeêeB Nr. 02.1 (Felix)

Drom - BeêeB Nr. 02.2 usw.


# a. Es wäre hilfreich wenn jeder Spieler in der Gildenübersicht zu seinen Chars noch folgende Option setzten könnte per Häckchen: PVP und PVE

# b. Mehr Zeichen in den bereits vorhanden Notizfeldern nötig


06. Offiziersmarkierungen

# a. Ein für alle Spieler (nicht nur Gildies) sichtbares Icon beim betroffenem Char, dass er ein Offizier mit Inviterechten ist. Gildenmeister stellt zb. in der Rängeverwaltung 1, 2, oder 3 Sterne bei betroffenem Spieler ein.

Dieses Merkmal/Icon könnte im Gildennamen unterhalb des Spielernamens angezeigt werden. Gildensuchende Spieler hätten es einfacher die richtigen anzusprechen.



ok mates - thx for translation... :o




01. In-game Guild Mail

# A. Allow more opportunities for communication to members. It should be a choice in the line after only Officer and Guild Rank, marked as Collecting Mail and Sending.

# B. Also make it possible to email multiple players, regardless of their rank. (Tatile - presumably that of the sender and receiver)


02. Disposals

# A. A protocol ANY guild member can see, when someone new is added or disposed/kicked. The protocol should be visible to the player who invited or dismissed, and the reasons to do so. A timestamp should be integrated. The protocol should be in the game settings adjustable so that each player can decide whether he gets it automatically displayed after each login. This could mark the player as a "tag" added that they have read the message, and the next time they will disappear - so leave only new protocol information. Only the guild master can empty the log.

# B. Players which are added in or left the guild, should have a comment field in this protocol in which they leave a short note (eg why. leaved)


03. Warnings

# A. The rod should have a way to write to members warnings that reach as a message or in-game mail. This warning should reach all staff members in the same form.

# B. A counter with max. 3 warnings per player should be visible to the staff. Only the guild master can clear the warning/counter.


04. Guild tab on the server

# A. There should be an overview of the guilds there are. This should include that the guild masters have the ability to decide whether it will be listed there. This could be displayed at the Guild NPC on the fleet.

# B. option if guild is actually recruiting YES / NO

# C. Setting the guild master and the officers named

# D. focus of the guild: PVP, PVE, both

# E. link to the Guild Page, naming the forum.


05. Member administration

# A. It would be helpful if each player could, in the Guild notes, set following option by ticks, to their characters: PVP and PVE

# B. Needed more characters in the already existing note fields


06. Officer marks

# A. A for all players (not just guilmembers) icon at Char Concerned that he is an officer with invite privileges. Guild Master, for example, provides in the management ranks 1, 2, or 3 stars at concerned player. This feature / icon could be displayed in the guild's name below the player's name. Guild seeking players would find it easier to address the right people.

Edited by DaviosStellaris
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used Google translate and it came out as:




01. ingame Guild Mail

# A more opportunities for communication to members. It should be a choice in the line after only Offis and guild rank collecting mail sending.

# B. Also possible to email multiple players, regardless of their rank, should be given.


02. And Disposals

# A A protocol ANY guild member can see that when someone new is added or disposed. The protocol should be visible to the player who invited or dismissed and the reasons to do so. A timestamp should be Intergrated. The protocol should be in the game settings adjustable so that each player can decide whether he gets it automatically displayed after each login. This could mark the player as a "tag" added that they have read the message, and the next time they will disappear - so leave only new protocol information. Only the guild master can empty the log.

# B. Players which are added in or left the guild, should a comment field in this protocol have in which to leave a short note (eg why. Geleavt are)


03. Warnings

# A The rod should have a way to write to members of warnings that reach as a message or igmail stakeholders. This warning should reach all staff members in the same form.

# B. A counter with max. 3 warnings per player should be visible to the staff. Only the guild master can clear the warning.


04th Guild tab on the server

# There should be a one server for all players an overview of the guilds there are. This should include the guild masters have the ability to decide whether it will be listed there, the guild. This could be displayed when GildenNPC on the fleet in the form of a table.

# B. One option if guild recruited YES / NO

# C. Setting the guild master and the officers named

# D focus of the guild: PVP, PVE, both

E # A link to the Guild Page, naming the forum.


05th Member administration

My tip: In order to provide a clearer overview Twniks which belong to whom, I have used them in BeêeB following system: (Maybe this helps you bissl)

Guild members in the administration in the note field we introduce a number system by the looks. It is the green field of the note entry.

Yodel - BeêeB No. 01.1 (Alex)

Frum - BeêeB No. 01.2

Bromine - BeêeB No. 01.3

Grom - BeêeB No. 02.1 (Felix)

Drom - BeêeB No. 02.2, etc.


# A It would be helpful if each player could in the Guild to its Chars set following option by ticks: PVP and PVE

# B. Needed more characters in the already existing note fields


06th Officer marks

# A A for all players (not just Gildies) icon at Char Concerned that he is an officer with Inviterechten. Gildemeister example provides. in the management ranks 1, 2, or 3 stars at Concerned player a.

This feature / icon could be displayed in the guild's name below the player's name. Guild seekers players would make it easier to address the right.

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used Google translate and it came out as:




01. In-game Guild Mail

# Allow more opportunities for communication to members. It should be a choice in the line after only Officer and Guild Rank, marked as Collecting Mail and Sending.

# B. Also make it possible to email multiple players, regardless of their rank. (Tatile - presumably that of the sender and receiver)


02. And Disposals

# A A protocol ANY guild member can see, when someone new is added or disposed (T = assume this means kicked). The protocol should be visible to the player who invited or dismissed, and the reasons to do so. A timestamp should be integrated. The protocol should be in the game settings adjustable so that each player can decide whether he gets it automatically displayed after each login. This could mark the player as a "tag" added that they have read the message, and the next time they will disappear - so leave only new protocol information. Only the guild master can empty the log.

# B. Players which are added in or left the guild, should have a comment field in this protocol in which to leave a short note (eg why. Geleavt are)


03. Warnings

# A The rod should have a way to write to members of warnings that reach as a message or in-game mail stakeholders. This warning should reach all staff members in the same form. (T= the GM or other Officers have a system separate of the in-game mail system which they can use to issue warnings to a member and alert other staff to the existence of that warning. I think.)

# B. A counter with max. 3 warnings per player should be visible to the staff. Only the guild master can clear the warning.


04th Guild tab on the server

# There should be a one server for all players an overview of the guilds there are. This should include the guild masters have the ability to decide whether it will be listed there, the guild. This could be displayed when Guild NPC on the fleet in the form of a table.

# B. One option if guild recruited YES / NO

# C. Setting the guild master and the officers named

# D focus of the guild: PVP, PVE, both

E # A link to the Guild Page, naming the forum.


05th Member administration

My tip: In order to provide a clearer overview Twniks which belong to whom, I have used them in BeêeB following system: (Maybe this helps you bissl)

Guild members in the administration in the note field we introduce a number system by the looks. It is the green field of the note entry.

Yodel - BeêeB No. 01.1 (Alex)

Frum - BeêeB No. 01.2

Bromine - BeêeB No. 01.3

Grom - BeêeB No. 02.1 (Felix)

Drom - BeêeB No. 02.2, etc.


(T=I am not entirely sure what the above refers to... perhaps numbering Officers outside of the Officer notes? A couple of the key words didn't translate well.)


# A It would be helpful if each player could, in the Guild notes, set following option by ticks, to their characters: PVP and PVE (T= also a separate function to the standard note system.)

# B. Needed more characters in the already existing note fields


06th Officer marks

# A A for all players (not just Guildies) icon at Char Concerned that he is an officer with Inviterechten (T= I assume that means invite privileges). Guild Master, for example, provides in the management ranks 1, 2, or 3 stars at Concerned player.

This feature / icon could be displayed in the guild's name below the player's name. Guild seeking players would find it easier to address the right people.


I tried to tidy the language up a bit so that English-only speakers could understand it a bit better, and put my own notes in purple. I hope that's ok - it seems a very well thought out proposal and I wouldn't want people to dismiss it out of hand because the translation wasn't super-duper fantastic. I did try to leave as much of the original sentence structure as I could, where it made sense in the fantastically flexible English grammar.

Edited by Tatile
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Lots of good ideas here, I hope BW looks at this thread and realizes that. I really like the datestamp on bringing in new members, because we mark the date they joined in officer notes and use it to rank people but a lot of people (myself included :rolleyes:) forget sometimes....all the time. Also a guild wide method of sending out information in game would be cool, like the MOTD but one they wouldn't miss if they didn't log in for a few days - or didn't feel like checking the website which in itself a pain to keep updated.


I don't think they would do the warning system, but I don't know how often that would be needed anyway.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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# B. option if guild is actually recruiting YES / NO



This is a good idea but there should be something in that line that will tell someone if there are requirements for that guild . Some guilds have rules or requirements for new members and that should be included so anyone looking to join a specific guild would know.

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