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Preparing for 2.0/RotHC? What to do?


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Max out your Cybertech and Artifice crafters now. There will be rank 25 and rank 28 trainer schematics for all mods and enhancements. You can craft blue rank 25s to use right away, and they will be a good baseline for starting Makeb, because they require level 50 only. The rank 28s will come in as a mid-leveling upgrade around level 53, which will help you to keep up your stats on the way to 55. If you have alts that never did the full gear grind pre-2.0, prototype (blue) 25/28 mods will be the cheapest way to gear them up for Makeb. Edited by Heezdedjim
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Just wondering, how much does this Mainhand cost with classic coms? And is it possible to buy the offhand also when 2.0 comes so one get unbound armoring?


According to Dulfy's site, the mainhand is 150 Classic Comms, and the offhand is 120. I haven't been on PTS myself.


But otherwise, yeah...buy now because the price for all BH gear is going up when 2.0 drops.

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Of course Section X and black hole which are all level 50 quests should give better experience than Ilum and belsavis but I'll get as many as I can. I'll pick them up from Section X, black hole, Ilum then belsavis in that order till my log is full.


Interestingly, the Ilum dailies give 30k exp compared to the 14k or so from Belsavis dailies. So make sure you save up your Ilum dailies for sure!

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That's an AMAZING idea!!!! Pick up and complete all black hole, sec x, ilum dailys and not turn them in. Will this work tho cuz there is no exp reward labeled picking them up now. I'm wondering if the system will somehow "know" that you got them at level 50 and no exp was supposed to be rewarded. I'm going to try it anyhow and see I guess



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I thought I read on dulfy that you could buy dread guard gear with the classic comms also? Or that just the drops from hm ev/kp now?


Storymode Karagga’s Palace and Eternity Vault will now drop Black Hole gear

Hardmode/Nightmare Karagga’s Palace and Eternity Vault, and storymode Explosive Conflict will now drop Hazmat gear.

Hardmode/Nightmare Explosive conflict will now drop Hazmat pieces and unassembled Dread Guard items.

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1. Spending most comms, especially daily..Conversion rate going 2:1 and new weekly cap on their counterpart makes this best time to finally pick up those speeders from daily vendor.

2. Finishing up alts. I might be tempted to bring up one more char to 50 before expansion, but what I already did is enough.

3. Stuffing companions full of gifts where still hadn't done that. Not talking with them, as it's free exp(I won't die not knowing their stories for 2 more weeks).

4. Maxing out pvp comms

5. Maybe gear up a little those undergeared alts so they have easier time in expansion.

6. Do all the stuff I've been meaning to for long time but never found time.

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Getting credits, surely cartel stuff is bound to come around along with 2,0 /rothc ..


But surely once I get a milion creds I'll blow them on a white crystal :( , so yeah, I'm gathering creds for a white crystal.


And waiting for gree event to come around again for the last 2.5k point for champion status = white scalene and fancy saberstaff.


In a nutshell, my TOR schedule remains the same :)

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And how about Black Hole?


A few guildies had a discussion about this last night, because the Black Hole/Section X dailies are designed for current lvl 50's and you cant access them till 50 will they have XP attached to them? Same thing with the PVE daily's/weekly's and PVP daily's/weekly's.


From a design point of view when the missions were implemented it do sent make much sense to have XP on them.

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A few guildies had a discussion about this last night, because the Black Hole/Section X dailies are designed for current lvl 50's and you cant access them till 50 will they have XP attached to them? Same thing with the PVE daily's/weekly's and PVP daily's/weekly's.


From a design point of view when the missions were implemented it do sent make much sense to have XP on them.

Mob kills grant decent EXP in Black Hole and Section X, although I'm unsure about EXP granted for completing the daily quests. My best friend is leveling her 48 sniper, and accompanies me when I do my dailies on my sniper and mercenary. With no boosts and no quests, she picks up approx 1/4 level off of the mob kills per Black Hole/Section X run.

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A few guildies had a discussion about this last night, because the Black Hole/Section X dailies are designed for current lvl 50's and you cant access them till 50 will they have XP attached to them? Same thing with the PVE daily's/weekly's and PVP daily's/weekly's.


From a design point of view when the missions were implemented it do sent make much sense to have XP on them.


There is still legacy exp, so yes, it does make sense for lvl50 content to give exp. Anyone below legacy lvl 50 could even measure how much 'regular' exp those q give.

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