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Emperor Palpatine's Future In Star Wars


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Well he came back in the EU, so theres nothing stopping them from bringing him back in the sequels.


I think I would prefer it. Favorite character of the series, maybe even the entire franchise. His death in Ep6 does feel very anti-climatic nowadays with all the ridiculous stuff we now know he's capable of.

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I really don't see Disney going the EU route with Sith and Jedi playing ping pong with Super Star Destroyers. :p


If Palpatine actually appears at all I'd expect it to be as a Force Ghost, or a holocron or something.


Though, thank you for highlighting my big issue with the EU. "The actual character in the actual story in the actual movie is kind of a retroactive letdown because in this one novel he eats a star for breakfast and and uses Coruscant as a bowling ball. :rolleyes:

Edited by jovianus
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According to the StarWars plot Palpatine revived lately after Darth Vader killed him and even made Luke Skywalker his aprentice :-)

Using the force he put his spirit into one of the clonebodies and was finally annihilated only 10 years after his primary death...


use the wookieepedia!

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Well if there is someone whose "return from the dead" would be somewhat believable, it would be Palpatine.

- Did you see the body?

- Unlike certain other person who 'came back', Palpatine was completely whole when he went down the pit.

- Palpatine was a master of dark side. If there is some trick to cheat death, he is most likely to know it.

- Remember how Luke fell (yes, fully and completely) into cloud city's central core in episode 5, and survived? (and he was minus a hand) Assuming Palpatine did something similar, there would have been enough time for him to find a ship and leave the death star II before it exploded. Its not like Luke was in much rush either, dragging Vaders body with him. Movie time magic.

- Palpatine already came back in the 'extended universe'.


Let me put it this way, Its million times more believable for Palpatine to come back than Vader. (In corporeal form. Vader could appear as a force ghost)


ps. Falling down bottomless pits has not been a very efficient method of assassination in the movie/tv history. (edit note: if they were truly bottomless they would still be falling and therefore alive :D)

Edited by Karkais
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Its also far more believable then Maul coming back. And that already happened.


We all know body hopping not only exists but is actually somewhat prominent amongst the greatest sith wizards. It would be absurd to think Sidious, supposedly the greatest Sith to ever live, wouldn't be one of them.

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Its also far more believable then Maul coming back. And that already happened.

Anh it isnt. on the contrary to the above post says palpatine didnt had a body to speak off. He transfer his "spirit" to a younger clone body.... maul yeah just lost his legs, and he isnt human to begin with. Anyway death come backs are always far fetched no matter the way you look at it.

Edited by Spartanik
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Anh it isnt. on the contrary to the above post says palpatine didnt had a body to speak off. He transfer his "spirit" to a younger clone body.... maul yeah just lost his legs, and he isnt human to begin with. Anyway death come backs are always far fetched no matter the way you look at it.


He's dathomirian he is part zabrak and part human so........

He isn't full flesh human but still, he still has human in him.

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Ok you guys are somewhat exaggerating a little bit with the whole Dark Empire shtick...


"Oh throwing around Planets and Star Destroyers like play things." Seriously? No...ya Luke/Sidious became powerful, but they never did anything like that. The biggest thing Palpatine did Force wise, was his Force Storms....now why is that so ridiculous?


More to that, how is it anymore ridiculous compared to DC/Marvel comic characters doing ridiculous ****? Lighten up folks...at least they made sense of how Palpatine was able to return via Essence Transfer. It wasn't just some cliche comic character revival of..


"Oh.....so and so wasn't really dead, they were just in a coma." Which has happened on more then one occasion.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Fail. Lucas has never surprised EU. He's said it himself. He never sat behind his desk with a red marker approving or disproving novel ideas.


That's not entirely true. When Timothy Zahn wrote Heir to the Empire he had to practically beg Lucas for permission to publish it. Once HttE hit it big and other authors wanted in on the action they had to prove their knowledge of the SW universe before being able to write and publish. That being said, what they wrote was not necessarily approved or not. And I am sure that over time that practice faded :(.

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Ok you guys are somewhat exaggerating a little bit with the whole Dark Empire shtick...


"Oh throwing around Planets and Star Destroyers like play things." Seriously? No...ya Luke/Sidious became powerful, but they never did anything like that. The biggest thing Palpatine did Force wise, was his Force Storms....now why is that so ridiculous?


More to that, how is it anymore ridiculous compared to DC/Marvel comic characters doing ridiculous ****? Lighten up folks...at least they made sense of how Palpatine was able to return via Essence Transfer. It wasn't just some cliche comic character revival of..


"Oh.....so and so wasn't really dead, they were just in a coma." Which has happened on more then one occasion.


Can't comment on Palpatine since I haven't read the novels for the movies, but one of Luke's apprentices does throw a fleet of Star Destroyers out of the system they where in. Ok, he had a network of old temples boosting his power, and the strain did kill him, but he did it with very little training, so I can't say it's impossible for Luke/Palpatine to have done this.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Can't comment on Palpatine since I haven't read the novels for the movies, but one of Luke's apprentices does throw a fleet of Star Destroyers out of the system they where in. Ok, he had a network of old temples boosting his power, and the strain did kill him, but he did it with very little training, so I can't say it's impossible for Luke/Palpatine to have done this.


Yes Dorsk 81 did, however it wasn't under his own power and he was rather good in using The Force(IE: hurling rocks, knocking over AT-STs). He gathered up several jedi, and they all focused their power to Dorsk and he unleashed himself completely using everything he had to push away the 17 SDs. It was just further proving of what Yoda said


"Size matters not."


I never said that Luke/Sidious wouldn't be able to do so...but to saying they were playing with planets and ships like toys is just stupid.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I never said that Luke/Sidious wouldn't be able to do so...but to saying they were playing with planets and ships like toys is just stupid.


I dunno if it was in Dark Empire, but I'm pretty sure in one of the novels Sidious drags a Super Star Destroyer out of orbit, buries it in the surface of Coruscant, and mind wipes the entire population so nobody notices/remembers .


So I can understand why people were let down by his performance in RotJ, clearly he should have been using Admiral Ackbars ship as a baseball bat and clobbering the rest of the Rebel fleet with it. :p

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I dunno if it was in Dark Empire, but I'm pretty sure in one of the novels Sidious drags a Super Star Destroyer out of orbit, buries it in the surface of Coruscant, and mind wipes the entire population so nobody notices/remembers .


So I can understand why people were let down by his performance in RotJ, clearly he should have been using Admiral Ackbars ship as a baseball bat and clobbering the rest of the Rebel fleet with it. :p


I don't recall him dropping a Super Star Destroyer....I know he had one underneath his palace(was it?) and then when bringing it out, he mindwiped everyone so they forgot that it was there.


Even if he did...that was what? 1 time? Plus it was in a younger body, so he was far more powerful then what he was in his older one thus he would be able to do that.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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"Oh throwing around Planets and Star Destroyers like play things." Seriously? No...ya Luke/Sidious became powerful, but they never did anything like that. The biggest thing Palpatine did Force wise, was his Force Storms....now why is that so ridiculous?



Well, there was that time him and Plagueis meditated on the force for a month straight and produced the miracle seedless birth of Anakin. I'd consider that more amazing then a silly storm.

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Ok you guys are somewhat exaggerating a little bit with the whole Dark Empire shtick...


"Oh throwing around Planets and Star Destroyers like play things." Seriously? No...ya Luke/Sidious became powerful, but they never did anything like that. The biggest thing Palpatine did Force wise, was his Force Storms....now why is that so ridiculous?


More to that, how is it anymore ridiculous compared to DC/Marvel comic characters doing ridiculous ****? Lighten up folks...at least they made sense of how Palpatine was able to return via Essence Transfer. It wasn't just some cliche comic character revival of..


"Oh.....so and so wasn't really dead, they were just in a coma." Which has happened on more then one occasion.

What I have gripe with is the very notion of Sidious returning. Not because its illogical or anything like that, as I have said before in those instances I'm only interested in the quality of the outcome. And that's just it, the outcome flies in the face of the purpose of the entire Original Trilogy. It was about Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi Knight, fighting and banishing the dark side with help from his father, the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force which he did my destroying his master - an act that cost him his life. This act brought celebration across the Empire, who had long hated the oppresive dictator, and the Rebellion celebrated also, looking to a future when the Republic could be restored.


But no, this ain't I'm afraid what happens. The Emperor returns, he was never actually dead, Vader never fufilled the prophecy and Luke's actions had been all for nothing. The Emperor simply gets back up and wreaks havoc all over again, completely destroying the purpose of the Original Trilogy and the Prophecy of the Chosen One, W-T-F.

Edited by Beniboybling
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What I have gripe with is the very notion of Sidious returning. Not because its illogical or anything like that, as I have said before in those instances I'm only interested in the quality of the outcome. And that's just it, the outcome flies in the face of the purpose of the entire Original Trilogy. It was about Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi Knight, fighting and banishing the dark side with help from his father, the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force which he did my destroying his master - an act that cost him his life. This act brought celebration across the Empire, who had long hated the oppresive dictator, and the Rebellion celebrated also, looking to a future when the Republic could be restored.


But no, this ain't I'm afraid what happens. The Emperor returns, he was never actually dead, Vader never fufilled the prophecy and Luke's actions had been all for nothing. The Emperor simply gets back up and wreaks havoc all over again, completely destroying the purpose of the Original Trilogy and the Prophecy of the Chosen One, W-T-F.


If you take into account the EU that is, if you go by just what the movies show...then yes Anakin did complete the Prophecy. However...who says that Anakin didn't complete the Prophecy anyway? Just because Palpatine came back, doesn't mean that balance wasn't brought to The Force if only for a time before darkness comes again. Besides there also was another Prophecy foretold by Bodo-Baas.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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