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Skill Rotation


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So my Scoundrel is level 37 now and just trying to figure out a good rotation for my skills. Any suggestions or websites I could check out would be appreciated. I am not in front of my home computer but I know Shoot First, blaster whip, sucker punch, back blast, dirty kick, then head shot rinse and repeat with pugnancy thrown in.
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Since you are able to max the scrapper tree out yet, then I recommend using your shoot first with backblast following in your rotation. Moving backblast further down the rotation is only needed once you have flechette round which does not stack.


Do not ignore your sabotage charge, it can produce much higher dps.


Once you hit 50 I recommend looking into Sawbones, it will benefit you a lot more in endgame and moving into the expansion. That rotation is super simple: time released med pac, uw healing, emergency medpac.... Change out the hot for a diagnostic scan when your energy is dropping, and keep kolto cloud on cool.

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So shoot first then I assume go behind target then back blast? Sabotage charge seems a little slow since i have to go into cover then throw charge! I was thinking about moving into Sawbones once I get to 50 just trying to figure out a good dps rotation and maintaining energy.
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So my Scoundrel is level 37 now and just trying to figure out a good rotation for my skills. Any suggestions or websites I could check out would be appreciated. I am not in front of my home computer but I know Shoot First, blaster whip, sucker punch, back blast, dirty kick, then head shot rinse and repeat with pugnancy thrown in.

Check out the guide in my signature for a more in-depth explanation of the possible rotations, but here are some quick tips. This rotation changes a lot when you hit level 40, but for now, here's your rotation of choice. This set of abilities is picked to maximize CDs (like the UH proc from BW)


Shoot First --> Blaster Whip --> Dirty Kick --> Backblast --> Vital Shot --> Sucker Punch --> Blaster Whip --> Sucker Punch --> Sabotage Charge --> Sucker Punch --> Blaster Whip --> Backblast


That VS can get omitted against squishier targets, or if you are worried about Cloak of Pain. You can also drop the SC earlier/later, depending on when you want to stack your burst.


Again, when you hit 40, this is going to change because of the Flechette Round addition. Once you hit 40, your rotation will look more like this:


SF+FR --> BW --> DK --> SC --> BB+FR --> SP --> BW --> SP --> SP --> Flurry/QS --> BW


If facing tankier targets that need more internal damage, add in the VS:


SF+FR --> BW --> DK --> VS --> BB+FR --> SP --> BW --> SC --> SP --> SP --> BW


The key (and I wasn't doing this right for a while) is to maximize your BW so it is always used immediately while off CD, and always when you only have 0 or 1 stacks of UH. If you use VS immediately after the SF+FR, you effectively "Waste" a potential UH, which means one less SP then you would otherwise have. Use the VS a little later, even if it doesn't mean a maximized duration.

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Sorry, I recently came back to the game. I have a question regarding the OP's inquiry.


Those are all Abilities he listed. Skills are located in the Skill Tree. So, to the best of my knowledge, it would be impossible to have "Skill Rotation", wouldn't it? Or did something change while I was away. Thanks!

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Sorry, I recently came back to the game. I have a question regarding the OP's inquiry.


Those are all Abilities he listed. Skills are located in the Skill Tree. So, to the best of my knowledge, it would be impossible to have "Skill Rotation", wouldn't it? Or did something change while I was away. Thanks!


He pretty much means the same thing. All but suckerpunch are standard abilities, so with that I think he meant a scrapper rotation.


What do you guys mean change cover to crouch? I'm one of those bads that doesn't use sab charge because I removed cover from a keybind altogether. I just find the whole cover mechanic too clunky for me and doesn't seem to fit with the play style of a scoundrel, at all.


In a similar related question, if I am in cover and use healing abilities, am I still considered in cover and can't be leaped too? It always looked like I was standing up firing off heals and I never see that cover shield either (I figured that was a gunslinger perk, never rolled one of those so I'm not familiar with the differences).

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Leap immunity in cover is just for snipers/gunslingers.


If you are rolling dps scrapper you still need to have cover bound. You can go into cover and then throw sab charge without losing anytime on your ability cooldown. This is very important to figure out how to do efficiently in a wz.

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Okay, I thought that was the case as far as the leap goes.


I'll go mess around in pve to practice that cover/sab charge/leave cover. I did remember trying it when I first rolled but gave up because it didn't seem smooth to me.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Leap immunity in cover is just for snipers/gunslingers.

Incorrect, scoundrels get it too.


Scoundrels don't get all the other benefits of gunslinger cover, but we do get that. It's great. Use it when capping.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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What do you guys mean change cover to crouch?.


By default, "F" is the cover keybind and Alt+F is crouch. Take cover can be a little tricky since it might simply fail to work, or it moves you to some crazy spot and you don't have LOS on your target. Best to switch them so that F simply makes you crouch in place, throw your sab charge and get moving again.

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Okay, I thought that was the case as far as the leap goes.


I'll go mess around in pve to practice that cover/sab charge/leave cover. I did remember trying it when I first rolled but gave up because it didn't seem smooth to me.


Apparently people are saying scroundrels get leap immunity in cover, sorry for the misinfo. However, this may be glitchy because I know I have been leaped to while in cover. At least it appeared that way.


I did the same thing with sab charge when I started playing. You will be able to learn how to make the transition smooth though. You can practice in both pve and pvp which will help a lot.


I strongly recommend moving to sawbones at level 50.

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Apparently people are saying scroundrels get leap immunity in cover, sorry for the misinfo. However, this may be glitchy because I know I have been leaped to while in cover. At least it appeared that way..


You could well have seen that - the short leap (Obliterate/Zealous Leap, 10-yard range) that Focus/Rage spec into ignores cover (slingers or scoundrels), it's only the normal 30-yard leap that's kiboshed.


I try not to mention the fact too often though, the fewer Warriors/Knights that actually know how their abilites work the better. Let them think there's no point trying to jump us when we're crouching ;)

Edited by Wainamoinen
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