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Say NO to Oceanic server cancellation and YES to merging!


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Oh just merge the server like we wanted. It would be awesome. Otherwise probably have to leave the game for another because all my guildies dont want to pvp on low ping. Plenty of newer mmo's coming, swtor was the favorate beause of its ping. Lose that and...........
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US player here with an outside prospective. They said merging the servers to one would not help the population, but shouldn't it be the players choice if they want more people to play with or less ping?


Then he mentioned not wanting to upset the PVE vs PVP vs RP crowd by sticking them on the same server. But for a small community like Apac, I think they can live with the tiny inconvinance. If you want be a PVP player, flag up all the time. Solved. I heard RPers do do in their own private chat/guild channels, they wouldn't be bothered. And PVE players would go unchanged.


Give these players a choice. Merge them to one PVE server AND offer optional FREE transfers to those who would like a larger population to play with. It seems almost to simple to do both options. Give them at least one server.

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US player here with an outside prospective. They said merging the servers to one would not help the population, but shouldn't it be the players choice if they want more people to play with or less ping?


Then he mentioned not wanting to upset the PVE vs PVP vs RP crowd by sticking them on the same server. But for a small community like Apac, I think they can live with the tiny inconvinance. If you want be a PVP player, flag up all the time. Solved. I heard RPers do do in their own private chat/guild channels, they wouldn't be bothered. And PVE players would go unchanged.


Give these players a choice. Merge them to one PVE server AND offer optional FREE transfers to those who would like a larger population to play with. It seems almost to simple to do both options. Give them at least one server.




Why did we decide not to merge the three APAC servers into one large APAC server? We decided this for two main reasons. 1. The issue in doing this is that two play-styles (PvE, PvE-RP, or PvP) would need to sacrifice their desired play-style in order to have one server with a higher population. We feel that it is important that each player is allowed to continue to play SWTOR in their preferred play-style. Therefore, accommodating all the existing play-styles was a primary goal. By allowing you to move to a NA West server, you will be able to keep your play-style. 2. The move to North American servers better delivers on our ultimate goal of providing the best play experience, with the most possible players, long term.


1. Two play-styles what a joke. The game is overtly designed against open world PvP. Only Voss do you actually ever really cross paths. Even on Tatooine you can pretty much not see a opposing faction player, only if you do the bonus zone. If you are doing the bonus zone your already well past the level recommendation of the planet. So to use this as your number one reason is a load of garbage.


2. This point is only valid if you agree that population is of greater value than ping. However you've just made PvP even less viable than what it was. So therefore decreasing your first statements validity even further about play styles.


Companies generally don't close down profitable business ventures.

Guess all SWTOR will be shutting down than? But besides the trolling. You are most likely correct. This should have been his opening paragraph instead of leaving it as the white elephant. Instead we get these weak excuses.


Guess I can finally un-subscribe. I was always going to pay for subscription to help maintain Oceanic servers. Won't be doing that any more.

Edited by Tronc
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