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APAC REROLLERS - Take some blame


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To those players disappointed about the decision to merge APAC servers to US servers. I feel you, it may end our APAC community, the amount of people who unsub from this may in fact out way the small benefits we have being on a US server. In our peek time the majority of players online will simply be the people who were on our original APAC servers, they will just have a high ping.


But who else can I blame. I believe a portion of the blame can be aimed at APAC players who through their frustration with the population problem, contributed to it by rerolling on American servers. This just meant those of us who stayed on the servers built for APAC players, had less people to play with. It also sent a clear message to Bioware, Oceanic Players are willing to re roll to US servers.

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Why don't you take it up with BioWare for such a disappointing decision? If they didn't like playing on one server they have the choice to play on another, that's how it works. Instead of tossing the blame around the community try and offer solutions or plead your case, politely, to BioWare.
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To those players disappointed about the decision to merge APAC servers to US servers. I feel you, it may end our APAC community, the amount of people who unsub from this may in fact out way the small benefits we have being on a US server. In our peek time the majority of players online will simply be the people who were on our original APAC servers, they will just have a high ping.


But who else can I blame. I believe a portion of the blame can be aimed at APAC players who through their frustration with the population problem, contributed to it by rerolling on American servers. This just meant those of us who stayed on the servers built for APAC players, had less people to play with. It also sent a clear message to Bioware, Oceanic Players are willing to re roll to US servers.


Sorry, but you cannot fault them for seeking the game play experience they want.


I really feel for the APAC players. I realize the variance in pings you get as I've run into this in other games playing with people from outside the US and dealing with lag and so forth. We all know the game took a number of hits in the population, and it looks like the APAC region just took too many.


I hope you can find manageable times on the West coast US servers for you to be able to play.

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Sorry, but you cannot fault them for seeking the game play experience they want.


I really feel for the APAC players. I realize the variance in pings you get as I've run into this in other games playing with people from outside the US and dealing with lag and so forth. We all know the game took a number of hits in the population, and it looks like the APAC region just took too many.


I hope you can find manageable times on the West coast US servers for you to be able to play.


It took too many hits because EA/Bioware did absolutely nothing for 8 months.


Unlike the US/EU that got smashed and had to consolidate, the APAC servers had to take hit after hit after hit as EA/Bioware made every dopey decision under the sun and we still had players....


And while we waited for 8 months 100s of people stopped playing until today when EA/BIOWARE realised "DEEEERRPPP THERES NOT ENOUGH PEOPLEZ TO MERGE NOWS!"

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Dalborra server is FINE !!! we have good PVP good ping lots or players no ques! I don't want to GO!


Many people like myself are in the same boat. So now they have a solution that satisfies no one but ruins things for those who were content.

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The whole game is dying a slow death. This is just EA consolidating their losses even further.


It is purely a money based decision regardless of the PR spin that Bioware flunkies will put on it. This is not best for the players, it is best for the EA bottom line which is hurting at the moment.


At its simplest EA says, X% of the APAC players will leave which means $Y in lost revenue per months vs $Z to run the APAC servers per month.


If $Z is bigger than $Y they shut the servers down. $Z is evidently bigger than $Y


Obviously they will factor in the attrition rate as it currently stands and they may find that $Z is only bigger than $Y some months from now, but it is better to just cut and run now just before the expansion hits on the assumption that more players will stick around just to see that and so they can squeeze a few more dollars out of APAC players before cutting their losses.


At some point the whole game will be down to a couple of servers and a skeleton crew of PR flunkies telling you how it is what the players want!

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I think they should just let players transfer off if they want.....then merge the 3 servers into 1 for the players who want to remain....and once paid transfers are introduced, the players on the newly merged APAC/Oceanic server should not be permitted to utilize paid transfers. For anyone who wants to stay, they can all combine into one server and then they should be stuck with it and no complaints about transferring off it later.
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To those players disappointed about the decision to merge APAC servers to US servers. I feel you, it may end our APAC community, the amount of people who unsub from this may in fact out way the small benefits we have being on a US server. In our peek time the majority of players online will simply be the people who were on our original APAC servers, they will just have a high ping.


But who else can I blame. I believe a portion of the blame can be aimed at APAC players who through their frustration with the population problem, contributed to it by rerolling on American servers. This just meant those of us who stayed on the servers built for APAC players, had less people to play with. It also sent a clear message to Bioware, Oceanic Players are willing to re roll to US servers.


You can't really fault the players wo were fed up with Bioware sitting on their hands for a good part of a year, as the Oceanic servers bled subscribers.


The fault for low server populations on the Oceanic Servers is due to EA/Biowares management for the following reasons:



  1. Delayed release within the Oceanic region, creating poor marketing in the region;
  2. Lack of end game content in some peoples eyes, causing the loss of subscribers;
  3. Releasing the game to about 4 Oceanic regional countries, skipping most of Asia;
  4. Opening Oceanic servers, then minimal - if any - promotion of the game in the region;
  5. Setting up Oceanic servers on the Australian east coast, rather than Perth, isolating most of Asia due to poor pings (Singapore, etc received lower pings on US servers, due to Australian server location);
  6. Oceanic community calls for something to be done for a dying community;
  7. EA/Bioware do nothing other than the "we're looking into it" for at least 7 months;
  8. EA/Bioware could not even trial a server merge for the Oceanic community, to even see if it brought players back from US and Euro servers, or people resubscribing to the game;
  9. Have pretty much ignored the requests of the greater Oceanic community, forcing players to merge back to the US servers.


Personally, I'm just glad they have finally made a decision. I'm not exactly happy with it, but they can't make everyone happy, so just have to suck it up.


If this is the solution we are facing, I can't see how it took them several months to crunch the numbers since the "First State of Game", where we first learned they were actually discussing this, rather than Joveth giving his usual pandering, uniformative posts on the forums.

Edited by Mjollnir
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I don't think the APAC region ever had enough users to begin with to make it cost-effective to keep the servers open.


It'll be tough to find that data to verify though, since they'll keep that to themselves. Anyway, it's a sorry situation all around, and it sucks that it's happening.


I just don't think you can blame the re-rollers at all.

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I'm actually fine with the merge as long as:


1) I get 24 character slots (since I already have chars on the server I'm merging to)

2) My legacy level for both servers is combined and not reset, since I have legacy on both the NA server and the Oceanic one.

3) If the above is not possible, then free char transfer to ANY server of our choosing for an unlimited amount of chars and... lets say... 5000 cartel coins as a refund for my lost 28 levels of Legacy.

Edited by Avatarless
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To those players disappointed about the decision to merge APAC servers to US servers. I feel you, it may end our APAC community, the amount of people who unsub from this may in fact out way the small benefits we have being on a US server. In our peek time the majority of players online will simply be the people who were on our original APAC servers, they will just have a high ping.


But who else can I blame. I believe a portion of the blame can be aimed at APAC players who through their frustration with the population problem, contributed to it by rerolling on American servers. This just meant those of us who stayed on the servers built for APAC players, had less people to play with. It also sent a clear message to Bioware, Oceanic Players are willing to re roll to US servers.



and now ur turning onto ur selves, well keep this and i believe BW will change their minds :rolleyes:

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I don't think the APAC region ever had enough users to begin with to make it cost-effective to keep the servers open.

I couldn't get onto Dalborra when it launched. If a full server isn't enough to support it then there's something seriously wrong with your costings.


And we were heavily populating US server during their off peak times before they rolled out the APAC ones. So maybe APAC didn't have the population to fill out three servers, including PVP and RP ones that are smaller niches of players but there were plenty for the most popular server type, PVE.

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