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The ranked scene here on Harbinger is getting really annoying


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Ok guys, this is getting annoying. We play one game, against 7/10 of the guilds on the server and thats it. Sometimes, we join into a game and half the enemy team isn't there because they heard the names and just dodged the queue. Its ridiculous, if you want to learn to be a better ranked team you need to play against the better teams on the server. If Forsaken, Apex and some of the other guilds are willing to play a few, and ask questions I dont understand why other teams dont. (And thats not to say those teams dont have potential, they do and they are willing to learn more. Apex in particular seems to be improving a lot)


Seems like the only teams that stick around for more than a match are Cov, Adroit, and Lukewarm.

Edited by IAmViiOLENT
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Ok guys, this is getting annoying. We play one game, against 7/10 of the guilds on the server and thats it. Sometimes, we join into a game and half the enemy team isn't there because they heard the names and just dodged the queue. Its ridiculous, if you want to learn to be a better ranked team you need to play against the better teams on the server. If Forsaken, Apex and some of the other guilds are willing to play a few, and ask questions I dont understand why other teams dont. (And thats not to say those teams dont have potential, they do and they are willing to learn more. Apex in particular seems to be improving a lot)


Seems like the only teams that stick around for more than a match are Cov, Adroit, and Lukewarm.


I think someone posted this exact thing like 10 months ago. Welcome to rateds op.

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I'm gonna see if we can't get a team of Forsaken up sometime this week or next. Schedules have been hectic lately, but the interest is definitely there to do more ranked. I'll keep y'all updated as to when a good time for us will be.
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There is too many people pvp'ing that don't do it for the competition they do it for the gear and the achievements. Regulars are the same way when people quit it drives me crazy. If you start a match finish the damn thing... there needs to be a penalty. Quit more than x matches in x time frame then you are locked out for some x amount of time. Or you loose wz commendations.... I don't know what the Xs should be but people need to stay out of queues if you're going to run away the moment you face any adversity. Let me give you a hint... when you are killed in game, YOU DON'T DIE IRL. suck it up!


I used to have a 'never" quit policy for myself but I had to alter it to keep my sanity. I quit immediately if I start 1/2 through a warzone and pop on a loosing team. I refuse to waist my time anymore in a warzone that was full of a bunch of carebears.

Edited by Choffware
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Ok guys, this is getting annoying. We play one game, against 7/10 of the guilds on the server and thats it. Sometimes, we join into a game and half the enemy team isn't there because they heard the names and just dodged the queue. Its ridiculous, if you want to learn to be a better ranked team you need to play against the better teams on the server. If Forsaken, Apex and some of the other guilds are willing to play a few, and ask questions I dont understand why other teams dont. (And thats not to say those teams dont have potential, they do and they are willing to learn more. Apex in particular seems to be improving a lot)


Seems like the only teams that stick around for more than a match are Cov, Adroit, and Lukewarm.


We used to stay queued for several matches. You and some of the other people you play with are fun to get steam rolled by. However, its when people start to taunt you that we lose interest. This is a game for most people. Some people take it to far. Its not that we don't want to get better its that some of the guilds don't want to get beat AND talked down to by a premade of the 8 best people in the game. Other guilds are doing rated they are just doing it against other teams who are trying to have fun as well.

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Ok guys, this is getting annoying. We play one game, against 7/10 of the guilds on the server and thats it. Sometimes, we join into a game and half the enemy team isn't there because they heard the names and just dodged the queue. Its ridiculous, if you want to learn to be a better ranked team you need to play against the better teams on the server. If Forsaken, Apex and some of the other guilds are willing to play a few, and ask questions I dont understand why other teams dont. (And thats not to say those teams dont have potential, they do and they are willing to learn more. Apex in particular seems to be improving a lot)


Seems like the only teams that stick around for more than a match are Cov, Adroit, and Lukewarm.


Having been in RWZ on the pub side I can say this.. It doesn't make you a better player when you stand there and get focus fired to oblivion constantly. Granted at the time I can tell you that the team I was on wasn't totally geared. We stayed got our 30 coms if we got that many and we kept coming.. I took something away from it sure.. But It's not fun when you know your team has like a 5% chance of winning.. Call me a whiner if you want.. but who really wants to pad your team rating ?... This is a PVE server... and the way the PVP scene is right now only about 25% and thats a generous number are competent enough to call themselves PVP'ers.


I get where your coming from about the rated situation but what they need to Implement is cross server queue's so the best of the best of the best can get their rated time in.. I would love to see who the best team in the game is.. that would be fun..

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I've been queing with drunken space pirates lately. They are short heals and I'm a healer. But we Haven't been able to sync our schedules. They've aged me to que with them a number if times this past week and I haven't been able to. Once we get synced up I think we'll be queuing often. At least I hope so.
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We used to stay queued for several matches. You and some of the other people you play with are fun to get steam rolled by. However, its when people start to taunt you that we lose interest. This is a game for most people. Some people take it to far. Its not that we don't want to get better its that some of the guilds don't want to get beat AND talked down to by a premade of the 8 best people in the game. Other guilds are doing rated they are just doing it against other teams who are trying to have fun as well.


I agree about the smack talk... I guess I'm just old. Growing up when I played sports smack talkers were few and far between. They were eventually shunned and "taken care of" at some point. Now smack talk is what all the "kwel kids" do... I try to ignore it but it's like verbal diarrhea... it's hard to ignore and it stinks.

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I think that the server has got to the point where you cant run your A-team because quite frankly who wants to get steam-rolled by some of the best pvpers on a pve server. The intention of RWZ was to have your best team go head to head against other good team but frankly there are not many teams that can compete against Ascendancy, Lukewarm Taunatuans, The Squirtle Squad and Goof Troop. Also I believe that the individuals in these guilds also get tired of facing the same guys all the time. So what do I purpose to help promote RWZ on our server, in short think outside the box...


(For Top PvP Guilds) Kickball Style - I know some of you guys do this already but switch up the team comp, don't only aim to fill that slot with a smasher, hell grab a geared dps merc (LOL) or a Vengeance Jugg ... you know think outside the box, grab those classes that you think aren't viable in RWZ, hell they might surprise you. Lets face it, now its not about wins atm its about getting more of the community involved in RWZ's.


Example ... Its Rated night and you have your 8 man pre-made rdy to face roll whoever ques up, instead of queing your 8 man split off in grps of 2's and each grp finds 6 random geared players inv them to mumble / vent, grab a beer and have fun with some weird ranked games. At the end of the day its all about getting the community involved and having fun and plus what do you guys got to lose, you have nothing else to prove to the server.


- The Emperor Shao'Kahn

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I agree about the smack talk... I guess I'm just old. Growing up when I played sports smack talkers were few and far between. They were eventually shunned and "taken care of" at some point. Now smack talk is what all the "kwel kids" do... I try to ignore it but it's like verbal diarrhea... it's hard to ignore and it stinks.


Back in the day = Consequences for being a d-bag. (Even if you were good at what you were doing)


Today on the interwebs = No consequences.


But to the OP...


Welcome to the consequences of being awesome. (our theme today is consequences)


Seriously, I get that it is frustrating to have built the "perfect" rated team, and to be left without anyone against whom to play, but that is the inherent flaw in rated. As long as the major distinction between rated and normal is actually maintaining a "rating", there exists a serious impediment to people who consider a loss a foregone conclusion.


It's easy to point out that rated provides a higher level of competition, and a greater learning experience. That's true. But I have also seen like 5-6 really solid PvP guilds ripped apart, in an effort to create an elite rated team.


You can't bust your *** to create an "unbeatable" rated team (presumably because you hate losing) and then at the same time complain that not enough people are willing to lose against you.


SWTOR rated has two possible endings:


Either the best 16 players end up in 2 guilds who play each other (and only each other) over and over to a .500 record.... Or, the best 8 players end up in 1 guild, and no one plays them at all.


Not sayin that's how it should be, but that's how it is.

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