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The 4 Arguments of HIghly Overpowered Snipers


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How many snipers do the best rated teams run?


I missed the part where someone answered this question. If snipers are OP, wouldn't the best rated teams bring 3-6 snipers to WZ?


When I did a survey of rated team compositions, sniper came in just above commando/mercenary (almost nobody brings a commando/mercenary -- one team did but only some times).


Kinda strange that the best players in the game don't bring the strongest class to rateds more often. In the discussion they clearly did not say sniper was an essential element.

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Just want to add one more thing: how you parse on a DUMMY is not indicative of how successful you'll be in an actual warzone, nor does it address the dynamics of inter-class combat.


Exactly, and no dummy DPS parse should be used to justify OPness in PvP.


I've been seeing some posts here and there about a Sniper going toe-to-toe against a merc dps or sorc dps and saying that those classes have no chance at winning a 1v1 fight against a sniper (of any spec). I think that is where some people are coming from when arguing about the OP status of the class (and it is quite easy quoting a high dummy parse as proof).



Snipers might seem overpowered when compared to the other ranged DPS classes, but that is because those classes are severely underpowered, especially mercenary.


I think this guy got it right. Uninterruptable Sniper vs a Merc DPS for example. The sniper simply has more CC or interrupts as well as HAVING CC immunity (and immunity to Warriors' force charge).

Edited by paowee
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Well I think the sniper buff with 2.0 is an attempt to make another anti-smasher class now that the bubble stunners are gone. But that is just my theory. I think snipers are fine on live and I play one. I just think sith warriors/jedi knights, especially the smasher versions are overpowered.
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^^This^^ HAHAHA! Good job digging that up!


Bads are so adorable, they can't for one second accept that they are just terrible @ PVP, same type of underachievers that blame everyone and everything else for their own mediocrity, lack of skill and inability to improve.


You can't fix something (aka yourself) if you won't even acknowledge it's broken! :D



I really have no dog in this race. However, I think he knew how to key-bind, his question had to do with the cntrl function of it. not key-binding itself.


I dont think this would make someone "Bad."


Perhaps not, although most bads do tend to post similar mundane questions on the forums, questions that could easily be answered with a bit of initiative and a search but instead they put out their limp little paws to have them filled by others.


These questions are usually innocuous and trivial so that the bad can build itself up to a big ol QQ about how this thing or the other thing makes it difficult for them to be the amazing little butterfly they imagine themselves to be, etc, etc...


If you are observant and have played a number of MMOs, you can easily notice the banal pattern of a bad by their posts, granted, I could be wrong about this one but I doubt it. ;)

Edited by Tetsuos-despair
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Snipers and Gunslingers will not be the FoTM. They are not easy mode classes like Pyrotech or Smashers who can do great damage with the press of a few keys while keep running around like monkeys. Snipers can’t chase people around corners because that will leave themselves vulnerable. Snipers can’t shoot smart players who know to how to move out of their LOS. Snipers definitely will not be killing any of the 3 healer classes because they all got mobility buff and can run out of LOS.


Snipers rely on cool down abilities for defense, which all have long cool downs (knockback being the shortest with a 30s cool down). Snipers break the easiest of all classes under focus fire. Any competent DPS spec Operatives and Assassins can mop the floor with Snipers.


Sniper is a class that requires a good understanding of combat mechanics and tactics to do well. They are support DPS designed to put pressure on the enemy team and kill the unwary. Anybody who just want to be a one-man army OP like Pyrotech was will quickly find themselves become the favorite victims of stealth DPS for enjoyment.


The true DPS monster of 2.0 will be Carnage Marauders who are masterfully played by skilled players. Any Carnage Marauder master knows what I am talking about. Fortunately, there are very few Carnage Marauder masters out there, so the spec’s power will be mostly hidden from the mass’s nerf shouts. The other monster will be Immortal Juggernaut for defensive play.

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The true DPS monster of 2.0 will be Carnage Marauders who are masterfully played by skilled players. Any Carnage Marauder master knows what I am talking about. Fortunately, there are very few Carnage Marauder masters out there, so the spec’s power will be mostly hidden from the mass’s nerf shouts. The other monster will be Immortal Juggernaut for defensive play.


Ding ding ding.


Properly played Immortal Juggs...oh man. I only saw a couple fo them on PTS during my normal queues, but I just stay away from them.


Also, do you know how fun it is to burn down a healer who's guarded by someone with 40k health?

Edited by islander
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This link has everything you need to know about how SMASH is still the biggest FOTM:




In case you'r lazy, here is the up shot... A HUGE DAMAGE BOOST FOR SMASH:

Damage on live: http://i.imgur.com/cxCCn7w.png

Damage on PTS/2.0: http://i.imgur.com/bW1mf7J.png


What did Snipers/Gunslingers get? A roll and stealth detection? So what?


First, the roll is there to account for the fact that roots and snares have been nerfed because so many classes can now ignore roots and snares, including the even more OP FOTM Mara/Sent class which can now leap out of a root.


And, second, stealth detection? This is a learn-to-play issue. Trust me, I have a stealther class too. If you're approaching within 30 meters in the enemy's frontal cone, you're doing it wrong. Stealthers need to simply approach from the rear and Force Speed forward (Assassins/Shadows) or ROLL FORWARD (Operative/Scoundrels) immediately on the Sniper/Gunslinger's backside and open with their alpha-strike. Yes, that's right, the Sniper/Gunslinger's counter-class -- the Operative/Scoundrel -- got a gap closer to match the gap closer of the Sin/Shadow. If you're doing it right, that completely negates stealth detection.


All this "Sniper is the new FOTM" class bullcrap is a distraction from the Smash Epidemic which is about to get even worst once people realize that a roll and stealth detection is not enough to stop derp-smash.

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This link has everything you need to know about how SMASH is still the biggest FOTM:




In case you'r lazy, here is the up shot... A HUGE DAMAGE BOOST FOR SMASH:

Damage on live: http://i.imgur.com/cxCCn7w.png

Damage on PTS/2.0: http://i.imgur.com/bW1mf7J.png


What did Snipers/Gunslingers get? A roll and stealth detection? So what?


First, the roll is there to account for the fact that roots and snares have been nerfed because so many classes can now ignore roots and snares, including the even more OP FOTM Mara/Sent class which can now leap out of a root.


And, second, stealth detection? This is a learn-to-play issue. Trust me, I have a stealther class too. If you're approaching within 30 meters in the enemy's frontal cone, you're doing it wrong. Stealthers need to simply approach from the rear and Force Speed forward (Assassins/Shadows) or ROLL FORWARD (Operative/Scoundrels) immediately on the Sniper/Gunslinger's backside and open with their alpha-strike. Yes, that's right, the Sniper/Gunslinger's counter-class -- the Operative/Scoundrel -- got a gap closer to match the gap closer of the Sin/Shadow. If you're doing it right, that completely negates stealth detection.


All this "Sniper is the new FOTM" class bullcrap is a distraction from the Smash Epidemic which is about to get even worst once people realize that a roll and stealth detection is not enough to stop derp-smash.


So true on that part. I can't tell you how often I have seen an enemy player come right at you to try a stealth mez or to open by coming from the front, and all I have to do is quickly hit the default attack and pop them out. Always makes me wonder how often I had been guilty of being just as stupid on my stealthers TBH.

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So true on that part. I can't tell you how often I have seen an enemy player come right at you to try a stealth mez or to open by coming from the front, and all I have to do is quickly hit the default attack and pop them out. Always makes me wonder how often I had been guilty of being just as stupid on my stealthers TBH.


My favorite is stealther using his mezz hoping I will hit CC break, then he MEZZ me AGAIN, makes my resolve full, and then opens with opener which is supposed to cc me ... and I wonder why I have so many solo kills...


Don't worry about snipers, most of them are snipe spammers (probably had trace missile spammers before), and good ones are being marked and hunted. Not o mention, you are not alone in WZ (and if you actually trying to 1vs1 a sniper from 35 meters straight on, it's your own fault)

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The true DPS monster of 2.0 will be Carnage Marauders who are masterfully played by skilled players. Any Carnage Marauder master knows what I am talking about. Fortunately, there are very few Carnage Marauder masters out there, so the spec’s power will be mostly hidden from the mass’s nerf shouts. The other monster will be Immortal Juggernaut for defensive play.


Ding ding, I was playing carnage on the PTS. It's absolutely disgusting, there was nothing even relatively close to the potential burst combinations, and I'm relatively sure that at most you're going to see 2-3 carnage mara's that are good in pvp per server during 2.0.

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Snipers and Gunslingers will not be the FoTM. They are not easy mode classes like Pyrotech or Smashers who can do great damage with the press of a few keys while keep running around like monkeys. Snipers can’t chase people around corners because that will leave themselves vulnerable. Snipers can’t shoot smart players who know to how to move out of their LOS. Snipers definitely will not be killing any of the 3 healer classes because they all got mobility buff and can run out of LOS.


Snipers rely on cool down abilities for defense, which all have long cool downs (knockback being the shortest with a 30s cool down). Snipers break the easiest of all classes under focus fire. Any competent DPS spec Operatives and Assassins can mop the floor with Snipers.


Sniper is a class that requires a good understanding of combat mechanics and tactics to do well. They are support DPS designed to put pressure on the enemy team and kill the unwary. Anybody who just want to be a one-man army OP like Pyrotech was will quickly find themselves become the favorite victims of stealth DPS for enjoyment.


The true DPS monster of 2.0 will be Carnage Marauders who are masterfully played by skilled players. Any Carnage Marauder master knows what I am talking about. Fortunately, there are very few Carnage Marauder masters out there, so the spec’s power will be mostly hidden from the mass’s nerf shouts. The other monster will be Immortal Juggernaut for defensive play.


Mhm, I've had my Marauder shelved for a while (only level 45) but I tried carnage on the PTS and I found it amazing, there's literally no downtime between abilities, constantly pummeling out damage and Berserk + Massacre is incredibly fast damage.

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I honestly don't think its going to be as bad as folks think. I have every advance class, there is a big difference tween a good sniper/GS and the average ones. It takes timing and understanding of your abilities and also those of the people you are killing to do the right things to burn someone fast. I am pretty much a healer/melee killer when I play my sniper/gs. On my commando (even as weak as they say we are) I can still burn a sniper down especially if he burned his cd's early which most do because they don't understand how to play em well. On my operative (as weak as we are) I can kill a gunslinger quick unless he has a dedicated healer.


I think yelling they are OP is a bit premature until we see how well the players use the new changes. I think the lolsmash is still going to be the big fotm op cause they take no skill to be halfway effective. I respecced my jug to it and after a few matches I switched back to vengeance cause it felt dirty being able to obilrate a whole group that quikckly plus I feel like I have more fun as veng.

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Here is an idea,

Use a DFCD for 100% Deflect against Ranged attacks if you are out of range and save your cc is entrench is active>>>>faceroll....



I have rarely seen Snipers able to stop me, when I want to go after them...


No stealth required.

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