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APAC players getting refunds on the Expansion


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I don't understand why they don't just merge the apac servers into one.. who cares if there isn't alot of people in the game right now, they are just killing an entire community of players. Obviously these people that stuck around like their low population servers, otherwise they would have just rolled a toon elsewhere. Not very hard to roll a toon on another server, especially with this double xp weekends now.
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Considering that Bioware and Electronic Arts are not denying APAC players the service they are paying for, under the caveat that there is no legal requirement to provide low-latency localized servers whatsoever, I highly doubt there is any legal ground upon which to formalize a demand for a refund.


Seriously, APAC players have access to the game, in its entirety.


If they choose not to access said content due to latency issues that is their choice.


There may be some grounds to work through Customer Support to refund the Digital Expansion; however that will likewise be up to the company.


I would just like to mention that this decision was likely made under the full expectation that a large number of APAC players will be leaving the game.


Can you not realize that this was already factored in to their designs, as the fundamental argument from the company was, basically, APAC lacked the population necessary to make localized servers profitable?


They likely already have APAC-attrition factored into this decision.


My point?


Work though Customer Service; raging on the forums about how you have been "abused" by a company whose product you have been actively using for roughly 7-months is not likely to produce the desired results.

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Considering that Bioware and Electronic Arts are not denying APAC players the service they are paying for, under the caveat that there is no legal requirement to provide low-latency localized servers whatsoever, I highly doubt there is any legal ground upon which to formalize a demand for a refund.


Seriously, APAC players have access to the game, in its entirety.


If they choose not to access said content due to latency issues that is their choice.


There may be some grounds to work through Customer Support to refund the Digital Expansion; however that will likewise be up to the company.


I would just like to mention that this decision was likely made under the full expectation that a large number of APAC players will be leaving the game.


Can you not realize that this was already factored in to their designs, as the fundamental argument from the company was, basically, APAC lacked the population necessary to make localized servers profitable?


They likely already have APAC-attrition factored into this decision.


My point?


Work though Customer Service; raging on the forums about how you have been "abused" by a company whose product you have been actively using for roughly 7-months is not likely to produce the desired results.


Assuming local servers aren't at the very least marginally profitable was your first mistake.


Second was assuming that cutting server costs WOULD be more profitable considering EA will lose the majority of its APAC revenue in the form of subscribers and Cartel Coins, while destroying the possibility of APAC growth in the new expansion.


Your third mistake was assuming we do not have a legitimate case for a refund, not because of playability, but because they withheld and mislead consumers with information that would affect choice of purchase., I don't know/care where you live but it's definitely enough ground to demand a refund in Australia.

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Assuming local servers aren't at the very least marginally profitable was your first mistake.

The issue is not about marginal profitability; the issue is about consistent ROI that meets or exceeds investor expectations. If APAC provided this at a greater return than the current plan I would guarantee you that APAC servers would be merging into one instead of being shut down.


Second was assuming that cutting server costs WOULD be more profitable considering EA will lose the majority of its APAC revenue in the form of subscribers and Cartel Coins, while destroying the possibility of APAC growth in the new expansion.

And your mistake is assuming that EA is not fully aware of this, factored it into their decision making process, and then closed the server down anyways.


What, pray-tell, does that tell you?


Your third mistake was assuming we do not have a legitimate case for a refund, not because of playability, but because they withheld and mislead consumers with information that would affect choice of purchase., I don't know/care where you live but it's definitely enough ground to demand a refund in Australia.

Legal foundation for a refund?

Based on what? Non-binding developer posts on a Forum?

Personal assumptions that are nonetheless nowhere to be found in the EULA?

Personal distaste for a decision?


Let me know how your legal recourse against Electronic Arts works...:rolleyes:

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One of the major roles that forums play is allowing players to rage!


People DO have a right to rage!


If you don't enjoy the rage threads then please stop trolling them!


That is all.

Your raging is emotionally based and is blinding many of you to the realities behind the decision.


Decision is made and now APAC has to make up its mind what to do.


EA already has, and that is all.

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I'm gonna speak out on this. I'm a west coast north american player whose been in this game since beta. I've long watched the fourms. I remember when the game first alunched. there where no APAC servers. australian players sucked it up and played on where they played. evrntuallyu they went on the fourms and urged BW to give them their localized stuff. claiming that there was a ton of people just waiting to leap into the game with these.


BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.



look here's the facts Australia has a population about about 23 million, that's less people then the population of CALIFORNIA. BW tried but ultimately there's not sufficant population in the APAC region to support servers by themselves. this isn't BW screwing the auzzies, this is BW trying to keep some of the australian population they have left. before everyone leaves

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At least now I know that you are just trolling!


I am pointing out that the decision here is founded in financial concerns that are abundantly obvious and easily inferred from Eric's announcement and subsequent comments on the subject.


I am also pointing out, quite realistically, that claims from people that they are going to motivate governmental organizations to "teach EA a lesson" are likewise untenable, and that the best solution to their refund concern is to work though the company itself.


I am also restraining my comments to discussions of the financial reality underlying this decision and attempting to convince a number of players to accept it for what it is, stop demagoguing the company, and move on.


You are claiming that you want to see rage for the sake of rage.


I think I will let my comments stand for themselves in the judgment of who the troll is.

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I'm gonna speak out on this. I'm a west coast north american player whose been in this game since beta. I've long watched the fourms. I remember when the game first alunched. there where no APAC servers. australian players sucked it up and played on where they played. evrntuallyu they went on the fourms and urged BW to give them their localized stuff. claiming that there was a ton of people just waiting to leap into the game with these.


BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.



look here's the facts Australia has a population about about 23 million, that's less people then the population of CALIFORNIA. BW tried but ultimately there's not sufficant population in the APAC region to support servers by themselves. this isn't BW screwing the auzzies, this is BW trying to keep some of the australian population they have left. before everyone leaves


Definition of APAC


Asia-Pacific or Asia Pacific (abbreviated as Asia-Pac, Asia Pac, AsPac, Aspac, Apac, APAC, APNIC, APJ, JAPA or JAPAC) is the part of the world in or near the Western Pacific Ocean. The region varies in size depending on context, but it typically includes at least much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.


APAC IS NOT JUST AUSSIES!!!!! Yes America is large. But APAC is roughly 1/3 of the worlds population. We deserver our own localised infrastructure

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Drone drone drone drone Biodrone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone Biodrone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone Biodrone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone Biodrone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone drone
Apologist alert! Apologist alert!
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I'm gonna speak out on this. I'm a west coast north american player whose been in this game since beta. I've long watched the fourms. I remember when the game first alunched. there where no APAC servers. australian players sucked it up and played on where they played. evrntuallyu they went on the fourms and urged BW to give them their localized stuff. claiming that there was a ton of people just waiting to leap into the game with these.


BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.



look here's the facts Australia has a population about about 23 million, that's less people then the population of CALIFORNIA. BW tried but ultimately there's not sufficant population in the APAC region to support servers by themselves. this isn't BW screwing the auzzies, this is BW trying to keep some of the australian population they have left. before everyone leaves


You seem to be missing a few key points in your post. We only started complaining when Bioware took so long to bring up the servers(which they promised). This was an issue in itself. Then they did no advertising what so ever to actually encourage people from the APAC region to play, to me that is just genius right there. Then they wonder why the servers start dwindling as they bring out barely any content and the content they do bring out is consumed in days.

BW aren't going to keep much of the APAC population with this decision. It is them stringing us along for nearly half a year to tell us, **** you.

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I am pointing out that the decision here is founded in financial concerns that are abundantly obvious and easily inferred from Eric's announcement and subsequent comments on the subject.


Yet the literal wording of Eric's statements are not about the financial state of the APAC servers, they claim the choice was made for the best long term player experiance.


I too infer that this is a pure financial decision, but we are being told that it is for the best player enviroment, which it is not for the majority of those to be affected. That lie after being dragged out for so long, is a big part of the emotional rage we are feeling.


Now you Ice-Hawk, are coming off as a pure troll Bioware appologist, claiming from your inference, not from what Eric has factually stated, that we are wrong because we are over emotional. Our emotion is making many of our posts redundant, but your ego is doing so to yours.

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I'm gonna speak out on this. I'm a west coast north american player whose been in this game since beta. I've long watched the fourms. I remember when the game first alunched. there where no APAC servers. australian players sucked it up and played on where they played. evrntuallyu they went on the fourms and urged BW to give them their localized stuff. claiming that there was a ton of people just waiting to leap into the game with these.


BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.



look here's the facts Australia has a population about about 23 million, that's less people then the population of CALIFORNIA. BW tried but ultimately there's not sufficant population in the APAC region to support servers by themselves. this isn't BW screwing the auzzies, this is BW trying to keep some of the australian population they have left. before everyone leaves


It's posts like this that really help answer the question why so many people around the world look at americans as being a bit...slow.


When the APAC servers first launched our server populations were nothing short of fantastic, on each server. Then, over time, the population started to drop.


Know what most people cited as their reason for leaving during that time? Things like lack of content updates, poor decisions by Bioware concerning class abilities/skill tree changes etc. Things that were Bioware's responsibility.


Despite the significant drop in numbers, and the fact that lately it seems most of Bioware's efforts have been putting junk in the cartel market rather than improving the game, we keep our small community going in the hope that they would do the right thing by us.


Instead they decided to do the complete opposite. They pretended to be interested in what we wanted by asking us for our suggested solution, then they ignored the majority of requests for an APAC super server and decided to shut us down after months of keeping us in the dark.


So no, this isn't Bioware trying to keep what's left of the APAC community, if that's what they wanted then they'd have listened to us. This is Bioware screwing us. Plain and simple.

Edited by Paelo
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Definition of APAC


Asia-Pacific or Asia Pacific (abbreviated as Asia-Pac, Asia Pac, AsPac, Aspac, Apac, APAC, APNIC, APJ, JAPA or JAPAC) is the part of the world in or near the Western Pacific Ocean. The region varies in size depending on context, but it typically includes at least much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.


APAC IS NOT JUST AUSSIES!!!!! Yes America is large. But APAC is roughly 1/3 of the worlds population. We deserver our own localised infrastructure


all right let me speak from the "pacific" PoV of apac, the ping to australia suck donkey balls, getting 300ms from Singapore to over 500 from HK/India, this is not bioware's fault, the routing lines to aussie just suck balls from the developing countries, i my self play at an average of 400~600ms, and with this reason , most of the people playing from south east Asia have quit, i personally know about 7 people who left cause of the unstable lag and are now playing on EU servers with 240ms.

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I'm gonna speak out on this. I'm a west coast north american player whose been in this game since beta. I've long watched the fourms. I remember when the game first alunched. there where no APAC servers. australian players sucked it up and played on where they played. evrntuallyu they went on the fourms and urged BW to give them their localized stuff. claiming that there was a ton of people just waiting to leap into the game with these.


BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.



look here's the facts Australia has a population about about 23 million, that's less people then the population of CALIFORNIA. BW tried but ultimately there's not sufficant population in the APAC region to support servers by themselves. this isn't BW screwing the auzzies, this is BW trying to keep some of the australian population they have left. before everyone leaves


oh really? then how come it took them almost a year to fix it? forsaking the good latency over stupid playstyle? srsly?. No matter what playstyle you play, if the ping is bad, you can't play. This is what interest people in the first place, if all MMO's have the same ping, I would've player TERA or GW2 or anyother MMO's.


so yes, they are screwing the auzzies and other asian gamer out there since APAC does not mean Australia only.

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I'm gonna speak out on this. I'm a west coast north american player whose been in this game since beta. I've long watched the fourms. I remember when the game first alunched. there where no APAC servers. australian players sucked it up and played on where they played. evrntuallyu they went on the fourms and urged BW to give them their localized stuff. claiming that there was a ton of people just waiting to leap into the game with these.


BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.



look here's the facts Australia has a population about about 23 million, that's less people then the population of CALIFORNIA. BW tried but ultimately there's not sufficant population in the APAC region to support servers by themselves. this isn't BW screwing the auzzies, this is BW trying to keep some of the australian population they have left. before everyone leaves


Almost immediately our servers died? Your bloody US servers lost MILLIONS of subscribers! MILLIONS!


We asked for a merge.... Everybody wanted a merge. We got closed down.


Australians won't be playing... Have a fun year and a half US. I picked Biowares response on APAC and i'm confident on that time frame.

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Since the whole APAC/Oceanic server issue has been complained about daily for who knows how long and you all were awaiting some sort of response from BW as to how they were going to solve the problem and you knew some unknown change was coming, why on Earth would you pre-order the expansion? Assumption of the risk.
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BW brings out the APAC servers and almost immediatly there after the complaining about dead servers starts.

What are you talking about? When the Australian servers first launched you couldn't log onto Dalborra without waiting around in a queue.


And many APAC players may have stayed on their North American servers due to not wanting to give up on the progress they had already made. By the time Bioware did start to allow some transfers, population problems were already starting to show with the APAC servers. So people might not have wanted to return.


Merging to the US servers to get access to a larger population doesn't make any sense. Especially when they're still stupidly keeping the APAC players fragmented. Most of the people on these heavily populated servers will be asleep when we play the game.


MDN players get transferred to The Bastion... at peak play for those MDN players there are more people on Dalborra than Bastion. So they still end up with a sub-optimal play experience.

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why on Earth would you pre-order the expansion? Assumption of the risk.

To show EA that there is a market worth supporting? Not buying the expansion pack would guarantee a decision to shut down the servers.


EA has changed the conditions under which I paid for the expansion. I'm no longer interested in following through with this contract. I want my money back.

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Just to throw my two cents into this conversation. I started playing on the APAC PvP server when it came out, but I immediately felt the empty presence of the server. I tried the PvE one, and it wasn't all that much better.


I've been playing on the Prophecy of the Five now for the better part of six months, and it has been a great experience. In hindsight, I probably should have gone to a west coast server, for the time delay, but it is great being able to get regular queue pops, being in one of the many high population guilds, and regularly running all the content the game has to offer.


That said, my connection is pretty damn good. I have the top plan that Telstra are currently offering, which has been recently upgraded to more than double the speeds. I still get around 200-250 ping on the server I play on. I've never had a problem in PvE, in terms of ability delay, and in PvP it is extremely minimal. But I'm fortunate to have my connection, I know that many don't, and for those, I see the pain in having to move to a place where they will suffer.


For those that can experience the game the same way I do, I hope you stay. For those that are unable to, I hope there can be a better solution.

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