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APAC Announcement


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:( I've got so many mixed feelings about this. I mean the ping, come on. What idiot doesn't care about ping? Unless you're going to go full PvE, right? Ugh.

Decisions to be determined -.-

You say that like PvE isn't affected by lag as well. Circles lagging at people's feet basically instant kill the entire ops group. Everyone should care about how stuffed this is going to make us.

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I am a Canadian that played for 6 months on a NA Eastern server. Moved to the Philippines and started toons on Dalborra to play with people near my timezone. I read the announcement and was mildly surprised that we were all getting punted to NA west coast. I am currently getting about 300 ms in Dalborra so I logged in to see how bad it would get on my NA toon. My latency was 220 ms, it is actually better on The Shadowlands than Dalborra.


You guys from Australia may be getting the shaft, but maybe the rest of Southeast Asia it might be an improvement. Now if the transfer was to The Shadowlands I would be praising Bioware for their foresight. I will have to settle for more people, better latency, sucks to be me :) .

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Dear Eric,


I would appreciate it if the system administrators would please apply a 300ms delay buffer to all American players connecting to the Harbinger, so the APACs natural ping delay will be inconsequential and put all players on a level field.


Your pal,


Edited by HolyFrogx
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I am a Canadian that played for 6 months on a NA Eastern server. Moved to the Philippines and started toons on Dalborra to play with people near my timezone. I read the announcement and was mildly surprised that we were all getting punted to NA west coast. I am currently getting about 300 ms in Dalborra so I logged in to see how bad it would get on my NA toon. My latency was 220 ms, it is actually better on The Shadowlands than Dalborra.


You guys from Australia may be getting the shaft, but maybe the rest of Southeast Asia it might be an improvement. Now if the transfer was to The Shadowlands I would be praising Bioware for their foresight. I will have to settle for more people, better latency, sucks to be me :) .


You are the minority that benefits from both sides from this, the majority loses their ping, their names, the community that has been built all for worse ping and couple hundred more players which honestly does not make a difference.

Edited by aVmuse
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You are the minority that benefits from both sides from this, the majority loses their ping, their names, the community that has been built all for worse ping and couple hundred more players which honestly does not make a difference.



Heck I was playing at 320 for months when I could've had 150, stayed for the community

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Its stupid that they want to merge the servers. I enjoy playing the game with the group I'm in, and the region because most of us are relaxed about gaming with the few "MLG", but from my experience playing other MMORPGS with members outside the region, everyone is a complete arse. I like my game experienced, relaxed and enjoyable, not having some idiot going around killing everyone because he has no life
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thanks for killing pvp for APAC players


can't wait for my ping to increase by 500%


and there goes playing infil



Try 2000% for me, i guess ill quit if the merger happens can't play with such heavy lagg thnx bioware *****s for making me waste 14months and 2000 bucks on subscription and Cartel Coins.

Stuff you Bioware................................

Edited by ArchangelKnight
correcting mistake
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Of course Eaware is thinking about doing the one thing that will make me unsub...


I can handle the content delays, the new bugs on working content every patch and lack of innovation (despite the community handing the devs good ideas on a silver platter) but forcing me back to a ping where I haven't got a chance of being competitive is one step too far.


If this goes through I'm done with SWTOR, which is a shame. I was looking forward to the possibility of the entire APAC community merging.


This is undeniable proof that Eaware is not listening to the community. It is clear on the plethora of topics raised about APAC population that the OVERWHELMING desire of the APAC player-base is to have the APAC servers merged.


What a massive disappointment this game turned out to be.

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Well gee willikers skippy I dont think we are in Australia anymore. tsch tsch tsch tsch..Yah skippy everything is really blurry and I dont seem to be able to run as fast. Tsch tsch tsch tsk.. I know skippy I dont know what we will do when the wicked witch of america comes. Tsck tsck tsk,,tsck tsk. You maybe right skippy you still have all them cold beers in the esky, so lets cut up that credit card get drunk and just raise some hell till we get sent back home.


Weird aussie humour only older aussies might get.


Now the serious bit hey If its a server numbers problem and a costing problem how about you merge Harbringer server with us on the apac server instead and see how you Dam self centered egotiscal hollier than thou Yanks like it.

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An example of what?


Sorry didn't think i need to spell it out but seeing that you asked.


Aion merged the APAC server to NA first they just moved the server didn't change the name or anything. just up and moved it to a new location in NA (my ping went from 20 to 320). Then due to latency issues the server lost population due to a high PvP game content made impossible to get any where and getting owned by NA people playing on the APAC server to be annoying and make them selfs feel good in owning people that one couldn't see them till it was to late and two where dead before the game caught up with what was going on was too much for most to handle. Then they closed the dedicated APAC server down due to low population and moved all toons to a NA setup server where they lost more due to open world event timmings being changed. They also failed and people lost a heap of money and gear let alone running around without your name that you where use to seeing. The game has failed for APAC people don't belive there are to many people that actually play it. Most of the people I played that game with now play this and are looking for a new game now.

The APAC servers where highly populated from the start and where greater then most NA servers as there was only 3 servers like there is now for TOR but i guess the DEV's know better then the gammers they make games for.


Now is that clear aVmuse

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Well gee willikers skippy I dont think we are in Australia anymore. tsch tsch tsch tsch..Yah skippy everything is really blurry and I dont seem to be able to run as fast. Tsch tsch tsch tsk.. I know skippy I dont know what we will do when the wicked witch of america comes. Tsck tsck tsk,,tsck tsk. You maybe right skippy you still have all them cold beers in the esky, so lets cut up that credit card get drunk and just raise some hell till we get sent back home.


Weird aussie humour only older aussies might get.


Now the serious bit hey If its a server numbers problem and a costing problem how about you merge Harbringer server with us on the apac server instead and see how you Dam self centered egotiscal hollier than thou Yanks like it.


Got it, love it, support it. sure as **** they would be pissed if they had to come to us.

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Its a shame that as it stands we have some game companies here in Aus that create games but mostly for foriegn backed and owned companies.. As far as I am aware we dont have anyone/company creating Aussie based and hosted MMO's. Depending on the genre/type of game I would be all over it. And be damned with America and its lagfest. And before anyone says ohh get a better computer or internet connection, I have the best connection possible to the place I live in; and as for better computer well myn is pretty dam flash and it wont matter whether i have a $4k computer or $10K computer it all comes down to the ping time to the game. Bit like lotro loved playing that and the friends I made but stopped playing because ping was so bad I could not partisipate in end game content which left me with nothing else to do...Slap me over to an american server and same thing will happen and I will just walk away and go play texas holdem poker on FB.
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They're banking on the fact that ppl are so addicted to this game, they won't unsub and will continue to put up with the bs like we have for so long.


Many people have left before us because they felt they were having to pay for an inferior product, but this latest event again proves that they care nothing about the APAC community or development of this game in regard to lower populated servers.



They are trying to milk us for as much money while they can and the only reason they are able to make new content is because of the cartel market, as subs who have supported this game from the start have spent the $$$ that were lost when ppl started to unsubscribe. Eventually, every person has their limit and will draw the line somewhere. For me it is now....

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I am really really *********** pissed off right now... Almost all of my *********** toons names are taken. The last thing I want is to lose my identity and I know some of you would say that that **** doesn't matter but for me it does so you can **** off for all I care.


Right now on the Harbringer I'm aimlessly running around Ord Mantel at 180 ping on a trooper that has my sentinels name at a complete loss as to what I'm going to do. Guess I will wait and see what the rest of my guild decides to do but at the moment I am starting to lose enthusiasm to keep playing. And that's saying something for someone who has loved playing this game and has stuck by it for so long.


So **** YOU BIOWARE!!! Thanks for taking 7 months to decide what the **** to do with our servers and then proceed to *********** decide to do the opposite of what the majority want. :mad:


Yeah I am in the same book mate, "all " my character names are taken and therefore there goes my identity. I am a founder of the game and started on this Harbringer server and I also remember the up to 1 hour que times and the lat issues we had.

As for the response from Bioware, we doing this aswell to increase game play experience for the gf is an utter load of crap.

Read whats happening Bioware and listen to the community about not merging! I dont want to lose my toon names and im sure no one else wants to either.

From reading these responses on the forums i can see its clear in my book, no one wants the merge. Maybe listen for a change and not dictate to us what we want.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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I really don't want to be forced back onto US servers. The ping time issue is more important to me than server pop. Besides, I like the fact that if I wake up early in the morning I have the server to myself to do dailies. A high pop US server will be swarming with people at that time of day. No thanks BW!
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Well all my character names and my legacy name is taken on the Harbinger. I was 90% sure, but this is the last 10% I needed. I shall stick around to check out 2.0 considering I paid for it. But after my sub runs out I'm gone. Fair well all! Has been a great year playing with you all and I have made lots of friends. Good friends, hopefully I shall see you in future games too come!
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Well that's me done. Loved the game, but I'm not playing with that lag. I don't understand, they say it was for population, but what time will it be in America when it's prime-time for Australians? Is it really going to change that much unless you are gaming in the morning / afternoon.


If we were all put on a PvE server, the PvPers can still flag themselves, the RPers can still RP. Massive cop out by EA / Bioware.

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eric you lying scumbag ,

when did you ask me what i wanted ?

thats right you and the rest of the pig *********** at bioware and your pimps at ea just made your decision .

thats ok eric i will play other games , games not produced by your company .

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