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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Voidstar, what decides which side you start on?


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After what felt like 20 straight starts on defense I decided to start counting. It's currently:


9 starts on defense

1 start on offense


That's a statistically significant difference, regardless of the low (n).


It is a HUGE disadvantage to start on defense in normal warzones so how about we mix it up a little? And yes, it is a disadvantage because in the event that someone screws up early you'll get all the quitters and then you'll lose the bridge and probably also the second door on behalf of being 1-2 down. People are more likely to ride it out on offense.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Why start on defense is disadvantage?

You have more time to respec to heals/tanking (if you attack second, you can still easly do it with no pressure, while if you are defending as 2nd, you only got 25 seconds)

I find it more pressure to defend on second as 'oh dear, we needed 4 min to get past first door, and barely got the bridge, one mistake and it's over'.

as for statistic, dunno. maybe you just got unlucky/lucky 9depends on point of view), I found no significant pattern over last 15 months.

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You have more time to respec to heals/tanking (if you attack second, you can still easly do it with no pressure, while if you are defending as 2nd, you only got 25 seconds)


This point has occurred to me before and I think it's a good one. The break between rounds should be slightly longer.


Alternatively, if no one has begun a cap and there's 28 seconds left in round one, you can just /stuck out and start your respec. Once you get to 28 seconds, there isn't enough time to blow a door. (It's also a bad player litmus test to see who uses long CDs like your cc breaker once you get to 28 seconds).


The OPs point about leavers is a good one, also. Even if you subscribe to this notion that all leavers are bads, being short players during that first transition is a major setback.

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quiters are problem in voidstar (specially if they were defending), but we can asume (can we?) that most people won't quit unless doors went to fast (like first 30 sec), and even if they did quit, filler should be back before they reach 3rd door.

I guess that 28 seconds before end is good advice, I'm usualy to consumed on playing that I foget about timer...

need about 55 seconds to respec+rearange all keybinds and swap gear from dps to tank on my both assassin and jugg, will try to keep an eye on that.

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quiters are problem in voidstar (specially if they were defending), but we can asume (can we?) that most people won't quit unless doors went to fast (like first 30 sec), and even if they did quit, filler should be back before they reach 3rd door.

I guess that 28 seconds before end is good advice, I'm usualy to consumed on playing that I foget about timer...

need about 55 seconds to respec+rearange all keybinds and swap gear from dps to tank on my both assassin and jugg, will try to keep an eye on that.


55 seconds? You should look into improving that.


I can click through my skill tree in 14 seconds. I have 7 pieces of gear to switch (though gear should only take longer than 2 seconds if you have to switch two implants or relics) and have my keybinds set up so everything drops into a slot exactly how I have it set up and I don't have to move anything.


All in all it takes me less than 25 (I'd say closer to 18) seconds to respec, and I have it set up so I can continue to cast my basic heal (I'm a scoundrel) by clicking the raid frame and casting while I respec.


I'd say my setup is pretty optimal, little to no gear change and no worrying about moving abilities, but I think 55 seconds is far too long to be spending not contributing anything to your team.

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55 seconds? You should look into improving that.


I can click through my skill tree in 14 seconds. I have 7 pieces of gear to switch (though gear should only take longer than 2 seconds if you have to switch two implants or relics) and have my keybinds set up so everything drops into a slot exactly how I have it set up and I don't have to move anything.


All in all it takes me less than 25 (I'd say closer to 18) seconds to respec, and I have it set up so I can continue to cast my basic heal (I'm a scoundrel) by clicking the raid frame and casting while I respec.


I'd say my setup is pretty optimal, little to no gear change and no worrying about moving abilities, but I think 55 seconds is far too long to be spending not contributing anything to your team.


skill tree takes me about 20-25 sec, icons about 15, 7 gear piece is quick, but when you have to replace BOTH implants and BOTH relics, you need to take them off first (unless only change one relic and one implant), just changing 10 gear pieces takes 5-7 sec if won't get any lag or misclick.


But no argument there, I should work on it harder to get time down. I do L50 pvp on 4 chars and sometimes forget what is what :p

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If you are one of the lucky classes that gets to respec between defense/offense, then you're probably used to it. It takes me about 15 seconds to respec and my hotkeys are set up so that the "new" abilities go exactly where I want them. gear you can do in another few seconds.


Really you want to play defense last so you have an expectation of how it should be played. Did you get a door? Well then it is all about not letting them get a door. Did you not get a door? Then death/kills are important.


Strategy on offense is always the same. "Kill everything and get a door."

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And yes, it is a disadvantage because in the event that someone screws up early you'll get all the quitters and then you'll lose the bridge and probably also the second door on behalf of being 1-2 down. People are more likely to ride it out on offense.


Meh, if your team is bad enough to allow an early cap and weak minded enough to quit the second things start to look bad then you were probably going to lose anyways. Unless you get some never say die backfillers. I joined a grim looking Voidstar last week on the last door (defending, 2m30s left). We held the last door and won the match with a strong second half.


If you are pugging, weak minded quitters quitting early can be a blessing. If the other team is on defense and their worst players quit early that may be an advantage for them.


Depending on the time of day, one faction may be significantly stronger than the other. If you happen to be solo queuing with the weaker faction that could be a bigger factor is losing than attacking / defending first.


TANGENT: fun is increased and frustration is decreased in you

  1. queue in a 4-man premade
  2. get in voice chat with said premade
  3. queue regularly with the same group of guys (e.g. your guild mates) so you develop a rapport. This will make you stronger as a group than you would be solo.

Even if you and your guild mates are bads you will do have more fun in you share your experiences. You will also improve faster if you can discuss the WZ afterwards with someone who was in it.

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