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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP buggyness


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The bugness im talking about is the sudden glitching, lags that come out of nowhere, people suddenly falling trough floors and you cant hit them anyore but they can hit you and they suddenly reapear afther 10 sec or so, people suddenly turning invisible and again you cant hit them but they can hit you and reapear afther +/- 10 sec, lagness/glitching in abilitys where you have pressed the ability yet it doesnt activate even though you get the standart 0.5/1 sec cd on it as if you have used it, ability lag itself where you used certain abilitys yet the result arrives on your screen several sec afther you used it, and im sure there is more i forgot about atm.


What i wondered is any of this going to get fixed at some point in the nearby future or at the very least greatly reduced?


Cause much of this if not all of it has been going on for months now.

Edited by Plasamxd
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Welcome to the fail'd Hero engine.


If thats saying all of it cant be fixed im not sure, cause for example the falling trough floor stuff is somethin ive only seen in the past few months, and the overall magical lagging/glitching also has its moods apparantly cause it certainly isnt allways there.

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If thats saying all of it cant be fixed im not sure, cause for example the falling trough floor stuff is somethin ive only seen in the past few months, and the overall magical lagging/glitching also has its moods apparantly cause it certainly isnt allways there.


The Lag spikes first started getting reported on my server back during 1.3. After 1.4 it seemed to go away for most people in Pvp, however since this 2xp weekend it seems they returned (is that because everyone and thier jawa are on trying to level a alt). The Falling through the floor is not new, mught be new to some WZ's but has been happening in the game since beta (maybe even Alpha but I was not in it). The game engine has issues, suggets you not run over shiny spots on the ground or drak patches (it is more times than not a clipping issue). Think of it as a water hazard is golf, avoid it.

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They've take an approach of quantity over quality. RIght now all I see is just new stuff added to the game either via cartel market or new events. What they don't realize they quality of their game is so bad it can be difficult to play especially in warzones with the bugs you mentioned.
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They've take an approach of quantity over quality. RIght now all I see is just new stuff added to the game either via cartel market or new events. What they don't realize they quality of their game is so bad it can be difficult to play especially in warzones with the bugs you mentioned.


Well that is what the masses have said they want by buying tons of Cartel packs or with the huge slump off after 1.2. We had little to no contect updates during the first few mergers, and people kept posting they want more faster, and now. well they have it, but now the engine is buggier than ever. They need to find a balance, because I too want new things in the game, but I would be happy delaying those to get some fixes.

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I just came back recently and this week noticed it in Huttball were as before I left last summer this want present. The other WZs seem to be better for me at least might be not as noticeable without all the levels.
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I just came back recently and this week noticed it in Huttball were as before I left last summer this want present. The other WZs seem to be better for me at least might be not as noticeable without all the levels.


that's about right, forgot when 1.3 dropped, but it would of been after you left. Other things you will notice that are still around, is that there is still a door bug on void star (not to be confused with a group of 4 stealthers working well together). There are places in the new map Hyper Gate where you will fall through the planet. Also be aware that some people are making use of /stuck still.

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The bugness im talking about is the sudden glitching, lags that come out of nowhere, people suddenly falling trough floors and you cant hit them anyore but they can hit you and they suddenly reapear afther 10 sec or so, people suddenly turning invisible and again you cant hit them but they can hit you and reapear afther +/- 10 sec, lagness/glitching in abilitys where you have pressed the ability yet it doesnt activate even though you get the standart 0.5/1 sec cd on it as if you have used it, ability lag itself where you used certain abilitys yet the result arrives on your screen several sec afther you used it, and im sure there is more i forgot about atm.


What i wondered is any of this going to get fixed at some point in the nearby future or at the very least greatly reduced?


Cause much of this if not all of it has been going on for months now.


not to mention the rubber banding effects that is just so wonderfull when your trying to get out of trouble / trying to help a team mate.

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