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Server shutdown just before double XP


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They are trying to fix an exploit that was supposed to be fixed in last nights patch.


Yep yep. Do it now, not later......with a rollback included. But to be true... they are fixing a broken fix to an unintended playstyle... NOT an exploit. :)


QQing will do no good.


It does have the purpose of providing courtly amusements. :p

Edited by Andryah
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wouldnt an easy non-shutdown the game fix been preventing folks from 1-49 from going to illum? seems like it'd not require a No - ETA systemwide shutdown to level cap the transport to illum and the planet itself. if you're looking for folks who can think of great ideas i'll be happy to forward a resume.


Cool - this guy has the answer - can we spend Cartel Coins to get him to fix it? Please? :rolleyes:

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Its only a server reset lol but then with everyone freaking out shows how much EAWare have caused a break down in trust with the players of the game that we all expected it be for more fails they have done to the game... Atleast the server resets don't cost cartel coins :D
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Here's what I don't really understand...they want all these people to get to 50 before the expansion, right? So why would you patch something that was getting everyone to 50 nice and fast and wasn't hurting anyone?

They're only hurting themselves (BioWare) because not everyone wants to grind **** out all the time, yes it's part of the MMO lifestyle and whatever but it can be a bit tedious and annoying, also the more 50's people have the more time they'll spend playing the expansion to get them to 55, so would that be a contradiction on BioWare's behalf?

I personally did not see anything wrong with the leveling strategy that was discovered and don't think they should patch it because we're just doing what they wanted...getting our people to 50!

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Yep yep. Do it now, not later......with a rollback included.




It does have the purpose of providing courtly amusements. :p


Lol keep crying about this, bioware said they dont see this as an exploit ^^ If they didn't roll back at the illum fiasco they wont at this for sure =). Whats next you gonna try to ban ppl that got groups and farmed fps and got to 50 within1 day too ? Cause its much faster and efficient to do that than going to green event , is that also an exploit ? just lol

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Here's what I don't really understand...they want all these people to get to 50 before the expansion, right? So why would you patch something that was getting everyone to 50 nice and fast and wasn't hurting anyone?

They're only hurting themselves (BioWare) because not everyone wants to grind **** out all the time, yes it's part of the MMO lifestyle and whatever but it can be a bit tedious and annoying, also the more 50's people have the more time they'll spend playing the expansion to get them to 55, so would that be a contradiction on BioWare's behalf?

I personally did not see anything wrong with the leveling strategy that was discovered and don't think they should patch it because we're just doing what they wanted...getting our people to 50!


Cause ppl thought it was unfair since they didn't think of it first and cried that it was an exploit. lolwut

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Quote: Originally Posted by Feztonio View Post

wouldnt an easy non-shutdown the game fix been preventing folks from 1-49 from going to illum? seems like it'd not require a No - ETA systemwide shutdown to level cap the transport to illum and the planet itself. if you're looking for folks who can think of great ideas i'll be happy to forward a resume.



Cool - this guy has the answer - can we spend Cartel Coins to get him to fix it? Please? :rolleyes:



I nearly pissed myself laughing to hard!


You Sir are a Genius!

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Why do people still call it an exploit?

BW officially stated, that it wasn't an exploit.


No, bioware said they aren't considering it an exploit. They did not say that it wasn't.


From Wikipedia: "An exploit, in video games, is the use of a bug or glitches, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers."


It was never intended for low level players to be able to gain XP on ilum with the bolster mechanic. It is an exploit. What they should have said in that original post that you quoted is that they are not considering it an actionable exploit.

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No, bioware said they aren't considering it an exploit. They did not say that it wasn't.


From Wikipedia: "An exploit, in video games, is the use of a bug or glitches, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers."


It was never intended for low level players to be able to gain XP on ilum with the bolster mechanic. It is an exploit. What they should have said in that original post that you quoted is that they are not considering it an actionable exploit.


Hey folks,


I wanted to give you all an update on this now that I have all of the information in place.


First, we are not considering this an exploit so anyone who had fear of action being taken against their characters, etc, should not be afraid. We will not be doing anything to players who used the Ilum pylons to get to 50.


I will say that player ingenuity never ceases to amaze us all. This was not a part of the intended design of the Gree event running simultaneous to the Double XP Weekends. Due to this, we are going to be having a maintenance later this week to deploy a fix to this issue.


I wanted to talk a bit about the fix itself since it will mix up things on Ilum temporarily. Our immediate fix to this issue is that for the time being, we are going to disable bolster on Ilum. This will have a couple of different affects.


  • Low level characters will no longer be treated as level 50 in regards to experience. They will now have the normal experience penalties associated to grouping with a player of a higher level. Meaning those players will now gain little to no experience when grouped.
  • Players who are levels 45-49 will have a slightly harder time completing some Gree event quests as they are no longer bolstered to level 50.

I want to again reiterate that this is only a temporary solution. We are continuing to investigate the issue and intend to have a more permanent solution in place before the Gree event returns.



you were saying?

Edited by Tarn_Sirun
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Meh... taking away bolster won't change a thing.


If we're locked out, I'll simply organize an ops party of level 40-45 players, then obliterate all the mobs in section X instead.


Bolster was nice, but at level 41 it added only a few hundred HP and less than 50 primary damage. Grinding will still be doable.

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